Is it normal for a toddler to cry all day?

Is it normal for a 3.5 year old to cry literally all day like he doesn’t talk without crying. I’m literally losing it idk how to even handle it if I’m nice he screams at me, if I try to let me cry it out in his room he screams like I’m murdering him literally nothing works


I mean crying? Like crying crying no. Not normal. Whining though yes. I would definitely take him to the doctor to make sure he’s feeling okay :heart: if all is well then ask to be evaluated by babies can’t wait (that’s the program we have here) and they should be able to get you any help you may need. Hang in there!

Use the screen! Schools are doing it!? We can too.

Sounds like he’s looking for a connection


That’s sad :pensive: definitely something wrong


Get an IEP done and have him evaluated you can ask your PCP about it.


Maybe take him to the doctor to rule out any medical issues.


Time for a doctor appointment!

My son was like that and is autistic. He gets so much more mature every year, hang in there!

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What does the pediatrician say?


So 1st you need to control
Your emotions as well. It works best if you are able to keep your emotions and voice as level
As possible. Behavior is communication he is trying to tell you something. I would definitely reach out to your pediatrician and if you have Infants & Toddlers in your area to see about getting an evaluation done. My son was 4.5 when he was finally diagnosed with Autism and then 5.5 with ADHD as well. It definitely sounds to me like something may be going on and getting help can help you so that your not losing
It on him either.


Take him to the doctor , maybe he has an ear infection. Or something hurts him and he can’t explain


How is his language development? Ours was really delayed verbally so he would scream instead. Once we got him into speech therapy he was able to form words and could communicate. The screaming stopped.


He may have an ear infection


Discipline the kid you are the adult not him

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If he has been checked out by his doctor and is physically ok, try ignoring him when he does this. Don’t ask him anything don’t even look at him go about your business and let him be for a few days.


Why would it be normal? He clearly ain’t happy


I wish my daughter wld do some bs like that. You better tell him to shut it up and I dare my kid to even think they’re going to yell at me BULLSH!T. Be the parent and stop being a wimp with him


Sounds like you need to have your child evaluated. Emotions are big even for a person with no issue

How long has this been going on? Definitely start with a Dr appointment. How is his language? In a non judgemental mean way but do u give some one on one attention? Ik I have 8 kids and they all have different ways of asking for attention. The younger they are more crying/whining it is. Sometimes they get whiny and a simple hug helps. Our 5yo when he whiny tired we simply tell him sorry we can’t understand you can u tell us without whiny? Good luck mama!

First…evaluate the situation. Are you causing the crying? Are you mean to him? Are you upsetting him? Second…what do you do with him in a day? Do you ignore him all day? Take him out to play? Play with him? Third…is he not talking because you don’t talk to him? Because you didn’t teach him how to communicate? Or is there some other reason? Have you had his hearing checked? Taken him to a speech therapist? Spoken to his doctor about his lack of speech?

If your child spends all day crying there is a reason. And no, it isn’t normal. Take him to the doctor about his speech and crying and revaluate his life and how you’re raising him. Both of my children were delayed in speech and from 18 months I kept contacting the doctor. I had both of their hearing tested and had the first in speech therapy (I was told it will take years to get the second in) and both exploded in talking before 2.5 years old.