Is it normal for an ubillical cord to smell?

Does anyone have experience with their baby’s umbilical cord smelling? She’s a week old, it hasn’t fallen off yet but it smells terrible and I’m worried it’s becoming infected


cord stump to smell a little as it dries and falls off. However, a strong odor or other signs of infection may indicate a problem.
What’s normal
The stump may smell or have a clear, sticky, or brownish ooze
The belly button may look a bit mucky or have a red spot where the cord was
What may indicate an infection
A very strong smell
Redness or swelling
Oozing from the umbilicus
A foul-smelling, yellow drainage from the stump

You can wipe round it but try keep it dry so it falls off. My girls fell off day 10 was slight odour but no red or anything else

Put a little baking soda in bath water it’ll kill the smell

My second born had a really smelly cord, it bled a little too! I thought it was infection because the smell was so bad but the midwife said that’s completely normal, it’s rotting skin so it will smell x

Alcohol drys them out put a little q tip or cotton ball and go around it.


You’re supposed to clean it every time you change their diaper…

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Call your pediatrician if you are concerned about medical issues with your infant.

Alcohol around the cord helps it to dry out