Is it normal for kids to drool so much?

Does anyones 2 year old drool EXCESSIVELY? Like when I say excessively, literally pouring and dripping down his chest, soaking tee shirts…it’s bad.


Yes. All 3 of my kids went through this. It was the only time I found bibs useful. They’re not great at protecting clothing from food but they’re perfect for catching draw or at least the majority of it. Plus it’s easier to change a bib every hour or so than a whole outfit. Sounds like you’re a little one might be teething. Try give a cold damp cloth for chew on- the cloth will also absorb some of the drool while also soothing the pain.

Definitely not normal at that age, I would try to get into an ENT as stated above. Good luck!

At two years old
 it can be considered normal depending on if they have their teeth
 Also, can become worse with colds and allergies.
 it would be something I will talk to the doctor about because excessive drooling can also lead to inhaling saliva into the lungs, which can cause pneumonia.

Id try to get into an ENT. Could be an underlying issue like adenoids