Is it normal for toddler boys to wear girls clothes?

Clothes are clothes. Your husband sounds like he has issues if he has problems with a two year old wearing his sisters clothes. :triangular_flag_on_post:


My son did he loved it. He is now 32 with a beautiful wife and 2 yr d baby girl

Chances are he’s dressing like his sister because he looks up to her. Or the dresses could be to play with her. My girl likes dressing up in boy stuff at times. Personally, as long as she’s happy I don’t care.

My 3 year old son likes to pretend to crochet “make yarn” and asks to get his nails painted when I do mine so he can be like mommy. I think it’s pretty normal.

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My question is why the F does is bother your husband so much?..That would my concern…not a two an half year old wearing his older sibling clothes…


My 3 year old son does it. He also likes to pretend cook and play with his sister’s dolls.

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Yes it’s normal, but your attitude isn’t.

Your husband needs to figure his own shit out why clothing would bother him so much.

Your little one is fine no need to worry

This sounds like a problem with your husband not your child


Kids wear clothes. They don’t see gender in an item of clothing. Your son sees his big sisters who he adores and emulates.

I think your husband needs to address his gender bias attitudes before it affects your children


It’s totally normal my daughter wears her brothers and my clothes too lol :joy:

Completely normal… Both my boys played dress up in princess dresses with their girl cousin when they were little…

Clothes doesn’t have a gender. Let the kids play lol


Normal. My 3 year old has an older sister. When she plays makeup he does too. When me and sissy paint our nails, if he asks me I’ll do his too. He sometimes wants to wear her stuff like frozen pajamas and stuff bc he also likes frozen but they don’t sell any frozen boy stuff in stores.
A little boy who loves his sister and his mommy and wants to be like them is not a bad thing. He doesn’t even know that those are “girl” things, bc I don’t sit here and tell him no you can’t have fun with your sister bc you’re a boy. It wouldn’t make any sense.


He’s fine. It’s normal. Ask him if he’d be okay with your daughter playing with trucks and army dudes. And like most dad’s, I’m sure he’ll say yes.

Tell your husband to stop being a bigot.


My brother loved playing dress up with us. Hes 4 years younger. Its just for fun.

Very normal. Especially when there two older sister he’s watching do it.

At that age my son LOVED dressing up as Snow White with his sister. He is now almost 7 and he laughs at himself for it. Even now I would allow him to if he wanted. Let the kid play.

It’s normal. He’s modeling what he sees you and his sisters wearing. Also night gowns are really comfortable. Even if it isn’t a phase, who cares. If it’s not hurting him or someone else, let it be.

My son doesn’t even have older siblings and he likes wearing “girl clothes”, as a matter of fact he INSISTED on an Elsa gown for Halloween. Clothes don’t have a gender. But even so, I’d imagine it’s more so just about seeing what his siblings are wearing, my little brother used to want to do everything I did- even paint his toes! Deff normal, your husbands reaction is not tho :woman_shrugging:t2:

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My mans grandson wore his sisters princess gown and some other stuff. Now he’s older and wears just boy clothing. They will grow out of that phase

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Especially is sisters are all he has. Personally my 4yr old son plays with my daughters stuff cloths and toy’s but also his older brothers. Example; saw my daughter play with a tutu and he just wanted in on the fun! So I cut him up a tutu so he could fit in it ! Lol and they had a blast together ! But on the other hand my daughter see’s her brother with play guns/cars and wear superhero/fireman costumes, and again she sees the fun and she wants it! And so she can, what’s the problem?
And guess what those things doesn’t mean he’s gay if that’s what ur husband stressing about, when I was a child I dressed and acted like my brother lol I hated dolls and wanted to do boy things and I’m definitely straight lol

My nephew is 7 and he still likes doing makeup with his sister who is little over a year older than him. My sister doesn’t see nothing wrong with it but her boyfriend/fiance does. I say let the kid be a kid. In my opinion boys who plays dress up, cooking, and plays with dolls with their older sisters grow up being better boys/men because they know what different kinds of makeup are used for so when his girlfriend/wife ask him to go buy her certain kinds of makeup or ask his opinion on what makeup that looks good on her, he can be like I think so and so looks on you or we should try so and so on you. Boys who play cook become good cooks because they done it when they was younger and boys who play with dolls become good doctors/nurses and good fathers. But again that’s just me

He’s fine… my son went through it…

Normal. My son is two years younger than his sister and when ever we painted her nails, he wanted his nails painted. And to wear the play shoes and outfits.

Both my kids are 9 and 6 and still play dress up, we keep our costumes out all year long so that can, but my youngest has seen the raya outfit at target and wants it badly. There is nothing wrong with self expression no matter the age. Let kids do those things now so they grow up being more open minded about that type of thing as they get older. If we all stay closed minded nothing in this world will ever change.

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irs normal. my 4 year old will play dress up with his big sister. make up and fingernail polish and all. Hes willing to do whatever if his sister will play with him, so often times that includes playing “girls”.

Why wouldn’t he have fun wanting to be like his older sisters? He sounds like a very normal little boy.

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I have a 12 yo girl & a 2 yo boy. They wear their own clothes :woman_shrugging:t5:

My son is 3, and anytime his big sissys get their nails painted so does he. Kids don’t see it as a gender specific thing they just wanted to be included. If your son wants to play dress up then let him it’s not going to hurt him.

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All 3 of my sons have worn girl clothes at some point. They have 4 aunt’s that are only a few years older plus they have a bunch of girl cousins.

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One of my son’s loved to wear his sister’s dress up princess heels when he was 2 and we let him he loved it he’s 6 now and free out of it but we wouldn’t of cared if he didn’t lol

Yep. Normal so far. My boy does it too. When he was an infant he would only tolerate nightgowns/sleep-sack jammies to sleep; he hated his legs being restricted and now he lives in jeans if you’ll let him. They sometimes wear each other’s clothes just because they can (they’re a year apart so damn near same size). Not worried about it. My son can be in a tutu at a tea party with sis and the stuffed animals one minute and the next they’re playing cops and robbers and my daughters the one wearing a fake mustache :joy: your husband needs to take a chill pill and stop worrying about things that don’t even matter yet.

Normal my son used to wear his sisters Wonder Woman dress usually over top of his hulk costume lol

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It is very ok to say certain things are for girl(dresses,
makeup) certain this are for boys (running around with your shirt off, peeing standing up, ect… “You can be the prince, she can be the princess” they are learning and you are teaching them.
it probably doesn’t mean anything, he’s just doing what he sees but it’s ok to set standards and teach him that there are differences, whether the world today wants there to be or not.


Remember men wore dresses first.
They’ve got stuff down there that doesn’t like being confined.

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It’s totally normal. When my daughter was 3yrs old, allshe wanted for Christmas was trucks, cars and dinosaurs. That’s what she got and she loved it.
She’s outgrew it though. Just a stage. Let him play.

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Who cares. It’s the coloration. Stupid stigma
…my boys are 3 and 5…we buy them flower pj’s and pink clothes

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Clothing has no gender and dresses used to be for men so :woman_shrugging:t2:

My kids all loved wearing each other’s stuff just because it was new, and wasn’t theirs. My son played all the girly stuff because he has 3 sisters. He’s 13 now and he’s an awesome young man. He’ll make an amazing dad and partner one day. :heart:

Clothes don’t mean anything to little children like they do with us. It’s all about the colour for them. It’s only a big deal if you make it a big deal and it really really isn’t

I have twin boys and one use to do that even wrap a blanket around his head acting like it was long hair.He is now almost 13 and he is all boy .His dad use to get so mad about it went as far as burning a pink shirt I bought him that said real men wear pink.He has anger issues towards his dad and I swear that is one of the reason why.Kids will be kids and it’s normal .

My daughter was born when my son was a few months away from turning 4 so he never had any older sisters and he was always very boyish. He didn’t like girl things at all. My daughter liked playing with my son’s trains and stuff when she was a year old but then once she got a little older, she liked playing with girl stuff and he just like playing with boy stuff. But everyone’s different. I don’t think it’s weird if a two-year-old wants to wear girl stuff cuz they’re really young they don’t know too much about what supposed to be for a girl and was supposed to be for a boy. But for example, if I saw my son wanting to wear dresses in girl things at like Age 5, I would probably be a little weirded out about it. But that never did happen so I don’t know.

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I think toddler s will try all kinds of things. Age of discovery and exploration. Can’t fight nature. When the little boy sees daddy doesn’t like it, that will have an impact.

Tell your husband that your sons happiness is more important than his comfort level. Your son isnt hurting anyone, hes exploring and having fun. Let him be a kid!


They are playing… They don’t know the difference. He will grow out of it when he gets a bit older. He will realize the gender difference later on life

I don’t stereotype my kids. My son has always been allowed to wear what he wants. He has night gowns that are his. They have a dress up box. My daughter will wear superhero costumes. My son will wear the princess dresses. It’s not a big deal. It’s clothes. The only reason there’s gender specific clothes is because clothes manufactors learned they could make more money that way. Before that all babies wore dresses. It has nothing to do with sexuality. Its about his comfort, colors, the character etc. Your husband is sexualizing your 2 yo. That’s disgusting! Let him be a kid. Let him explore & learn what’s comfortable for him.

Picked my kids up after work from my mom’s one hot summer day… Walked in my then 3 year old son was sleeping on the couch with his sister’s sun dress on lol. My mom said he threw a fit until he got to wear it :smile: no big deal to me. Let kids be kids. Both my boys played with baby dolls. Love your kids unconditional who ever they grow up to be.

Yes, it is normal for children to wear clothing. It’s so silly people gender clothing. Kids that age love to dress up and emulate those around them. Clothing is fabric, regardless of age, let them wear what makes them happy and comfortable.

It’s what he knows. His sister is a big influence in his life so he wants to be like her. Kids don’t see something as girly or boyish, just something they like.

My 14 yo son,has 2 older sisters.My girls dressed him up in their clothes,did his makeup,and,I taught him how to wear high heals.My 20yo,he’s a Marine and let his 15yo sister paint his toe nails pink.Its very okay for him to play dress up with his siblings.

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I have a boy who has two older sisters. My husband would just ask that the girls did not let him dress up in their clothes. When they played dress up the girls would get his batman, or Spiderman costume. But he still played dolls with them and other games that would be considered girly. He would just bring his monster truck or his toys to the party.

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Sounds like your husband has some issues he should seek help for


I wear boxer briefs most days and I’m happily married to a man, with children. As a young child, they’re not assigning gender to clothing, and it’s different than what he’s used to so it piques his curiosity.

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My son’s do it my oldest wears my t shirts he don’t care what they look like to sleep in my youngest same age as yours plays dress up all the time my boys also play with barbies and baby dolls my nephew loves butterflies so he wanted a jacket with butterflies on it

Hubby needs to chill, it’s just fabric.


It’s normal. Sounds like hubby is a little insecure with his manhood though.


Yea I wouldn’t encourage it🤷🏽‍♀️ and let me say now I don’t care about the backlash from any of you other moms. I’m entitled to my opinion same way yall are. My comment isn’t disrespectful or anything so if you don’t agree it’s 100% ok to scroll by my comment.


My son did this until he was about 6 years old nothing wrong with it

My son has 3 older sisters and a little sister, so he is surrounded by a lot of girls. Just because he likes to do something hunts or wear clothes that are stereotypically feminine doesn’t mean it’s wrong he is 3. It’s not wrong at any age. My son loves his nails painted and has long hair. He also loves cars and working on engines.

Would your husband have the same issue if your daughters dressed in “boy” clothing? Or played with “boy” toys?


I have 4 brothers 1 sister. My younger brothers have all worn ‘girl’ clothes, just as I have, and still do, wear ‘boy’ clothes. It’s just fabric that covers you private areas, we as a society are the ones who make it an issue. If he had daughters wearing boy clothes, would it be an issue? No, because he’s projecting his insecurities on you child.


Yep it’s means he just wants to be like his sisters and he doesn’t understand the “gender” norms yet. Let him have fun! Society is going to do a number on him growing up including dad if he’s freaking out over a baby wearing clothes.


Do you think a 2 yr old really cares?

He’s got a big SISTER it’s not unusual

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Completely normal. My sons are older than my daughter but they still play princess and baby and stuff with her and dress up as such. My daughter wears their hand me downs as well as ‘girl’ clothing. Its really not a big deal i think your husband needs to rethink why it bothers him sounds like fragile masculinity to me.


My son is 3 years younger than my daughter and he does this. Completely normal.

Your husband is toxic. The kid isn’t the problem the hubby is…


My little brother loved dressing up in my little sisters princess costumes. From like 2-4.

Your husband needs to grow up. He sees the girls playing and wants to play too.


Your husband cares what your 2 year old wears? Sounds like he’s the problem, not the boy wearing dresses :woman_shrugging:t3:


I have 12, 10 and 7 year old girls and a 3.5 yr old boy - he loves having his hair brushed, nails painted, playing dress up and everything else that is “girly”. He also loves Dinosaurs, cars, trucks and being destructive.
My thinking is - how are boys supposed to be dads if they don’t ever play with babies/dolls? Playing isn’t based on sex/gender it’s learning to be a person who grows up.


My 8 yr old son does this with his 6 yr old sister. I bought her an Elsa dress once and he was quite upset he didn’t get an Anna dress. :confused:

I have 3 boys, even having a mom this is not unusual. Tell him to calm down, his son is fine. My middle child at three put a dress on of his cousins. Who Dey :orange_heart::black_heart::orange_heart::black_heart:

I don’t understand why people have kids if they’re going to force their likes and dislikes on them like they aren’t their own little person. People saying they wouldn’t encourage it, etc. I grew up in a home where I wasn’t allowed/I would have to fight to wear what I wanted to wear and it sucks. Your kids aren’t you. If your son wants to wear something, let him wear it. Who cares?? It’s just clothes and he’s a toddler. Everyone just wants to find themselves and figure out who they are throughout their lives… why stifle that?? Let your kids find out who they are. Even if it’s not what you envisioned your child to be. The people in this group irritate me.


Yes. Clothing doesn’t determine sexuality or mean there’s a problem.


If it’s that big of a deal buy him some costumes so he can play dress up too

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They like to do what their siblings do. Whether it’s playing with barbies or painting nails. They don’t know the difference, the world teaches that as he grows.


My 5 year old always plays with her stuff

Mine use to let his sister put his hair up on a small pony tail and and do his make up… he also would wear her princess dresses and tutus from dance class between the ages of 2 and 4ish and he’s 16 and there is nothing wrong he’s your typical teenage boy. And to this day my daughter (almost 20) and him are the best if friends he’s just playing with his sissy that is all!!


I’m sad for your child having a parent that isn’t open and accepting obviously (aka your husband). Anyways my oldest is girl and I have two boys also, they all wore pink and purple clothes dresses, skirts, play high heels and even nail polish and make up. It’s all fun and a form of self expression and individuality. And at that age it’s just play anyways.
My youngest is 6 and thinks he’s a cat and now wears his favorite cat onesie all day every day when he can and has about 50 stuffed cats plus a cat blanket, face masks, gloves with fake nails and its literally obsessed with kitties. Plus a few weeks back my daughter painted all our toe nails including my husband who is still rocking pink toes lol.

Honestly your husband needs to chill and embrace your child with love no matter he’s into this week, this month or year. :heart:

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I have two boys (no girls) and my oldest who is now seven and a half still wears nightgowns sometimes. He knows he’s a boy and does not say otherwise. He wanted play dresses such as Anna and Elsa when he was heavily into Frozen. It’s perfectly normal! Dress up isn’t just a girl thing to play. Kids like to pretend to be their favorite characters. And as strong female leads become more normal to see, parents should expect to see their sons wanting to dress as those girls while playing. It doesn’t mean anything. He’s simply being a kid wanting to play dress up and pretend he’s someone else. It’s been ok for girls to dress as boys for so long. It was not viewed as girls being lesbian or trans. Boys need the same. Just because he wants to put on a dress and play does not mean he’s gay or trans.
My son doesn’t ask for these play dresses anymore. He has no interest in most girl stuff (some more girly shows and toys he likes.) But his dad and I talked and agreed that if he chooses to dress in girl clothes then that is HIS decision as his own person. But we would not allow it UNTIL he is old enough to understand that kids can be horrible. That he would be likely to become a target of bullying. (He’s already having a hard time with school due to bullies.)

Nothing to worry about it’s normal

My son started doing this very early…maybe 2? With him though, it was more than just wearing mine and his sister’s clothes. He was very much a boy who loved super heroes and trucks but I noticed something else. It would be so very hard to describe it but it would be an expression on his face maybe or some thing I saw in his eyes. Fast forward, he came out when he was 15. Maybe this isn’t what you want to hear but I think it is very important to be realistic. It is so good when they are very young to realize the possibility and accept it and do NOTHING to make them feel like anything is wrong with them. Even if you feel like it is not what you want for them, if they are, they are, you can’t change it but what you can do is destroy their psyche and put damage where there does not have to be any. I have always belonged to a Pentecostal church and it was just instilled in me that being gay is not good. Thankfully, my love for my kids and my mama bear instinct was stronger than anything else. This journey with my son has made me a better person. I hope you and your husband are both OK with the possibility and just embrace and love him and let him be who he is, gay or not :heart:.

I also feel like it is important to add that no one from our church has ever done anything to judge or make us feel bad. How wonderful is that? Everyone has loved and embraced him! :heart::heart::heart:

I’m sorry but your husband needs to grow up.
Kids are kids and should be able themselves how they wish.
Plus he’s 2.5. He’s still a baby really and just wants to be like his sister

Oh my goodness
He’s being raised around females & he’s trying to fit in. That’s all :speak_no_evil:
My 3 year old grandson is so many characters in one day it’s hard to keep track :rofl: One minute he’s a dinosaur, then he’s Skye from Paw Patrol :joy:
He loves his mom’s perfume & makeup, & he loves his boots & hat & tractor :grin:

It’s how your child learns & grows. & There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a toddler exploring their imagination :blue_heart:


It’s normal. My two boys (6 and 8 ) used to take my bras and high heels and strut around (even snagged pictures of it for later blackmail), and they from time to time still have me paint their nails. They even both used to play dolls, but it almost slowed down to a stop on its own until my boyfriend came into my life a couple of years ago with his two girls (4 and 12) :tipping_hand_woman:t2: now every time they visit, they play house.

My son is 3 and he says girl clothes are for girls. He wouldn’t dare put girl clothes on. My other son who is now almost 14 has never dressed in his sisters clothes either.

At that age all kids dress and play with everything…no worries. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Its all natural…and all kids will walk around in high heal shoes as well as boots etc.


My son is 2 and he’s love to play dress up, wether it’s clothes, makeup, nail polish, etc. Drives daddy insane but hes just a baby and copies what he sees. He copies daddy too and tries to “fix” my car lol. Completely normal there minds are just venturing


I don’t have a girl, just my boy. But I am the oldest of 5! I was 12-13 when my youngest brothers were 1-2. Every time I did my nails, they wanted theirs done too! They just wanted to be like big sis!

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I use to make my little brother wear our grandma’s high heels with me and put make up on him. He’s 100% straight, so i say its normal. You need to have a talk with your husband though incase he actually is gay and will eventually come out. His dad needs to be supportive.

Your husband needs to grow up.


Your husband sounds super insecure and ignorant.


My son asks me to wrap his silky blue blanket around him, like a dress, I do this and then he tells me he’s a beautiful princess and I tell him he is the most beautiful princess there ever was. He is 4, play with them, their imagination will dull if we don’t❤️

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Definitely a phase. He’s just playing like a normal little kid. It doesn’t mean he has problems or needs to be put on HRT

It doesn’t matter at all lol. Little kids are drawn to bright colors and patterns and stuff.

And honestly, even if it DID mean your son would be gay or something (which it doesn’t), who cares lol. You aren’t “making your son gay” if that’s what your husband is worried about.

All little kids love playing dress ESPECIALLY if they’re copying their older siblings. :heart:


Absolutely normal. I used to wear my brothers “dress up” things all the time - his TMNT gear and Marvel costumes :joy: kids don’t typically have the mindset of “this is only for boys/girls”


Yep. It’s perfectly normal for kids to play act as different characters without regard to gender. Let them be kids and choose what they want to play.

As for your husband, he sounds like he is insecure in his masculinity and worried his son may not identify with him. He needs to get over that before he hurts his kid and their relationship. He may need therapy to learn how to accept that masculinity is not that rigid and that being able to associate with women and girls doesn’t make a man less manly. It also doesn’t have any bearing on sexuality. But if the kid is transgender nothing positive could come from trying to deny them the ability to be their authentic selves without judgment.

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