Is it normal for your partner to stay friends with his ex's and/or sex buddies

No it isn’t normal x


He talks to them because he knows he won’t get anything off u when ur fighting sorry but true

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No . Keeping them for back up

No. Not at all ok. He’s not your partner. You are his temporary.

Ex’s? Sex buddies? There’s more than one?
Only ex he should be communicating with is a child’s mother (if he has kids). They sound like back-up plans since he hits them up when he is arguing with you.
You get what you tolerate, hun.
Always keep your boundaries, they are valid. :blue_heart:

Only reason I talk to my ex is bc we have kids. If we didn’t have kids, I’d have nothing to do with him.

Nope. If he is only talking when yall are fighting thats a huge red flag.


Nope, they’re the back up plan. Staying cordial because they’re the mother is the only acceptable scenerio but talking to them only when you guys fight still isn’t okay.

You could make a scarf out of how big of a red flag that is.


Nah hes just making sure he’s got his back up bitch ready

The biggest red flag is it’s when y’all are fighting. Noooo mammmm


I have no contact with my exes

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I’m sure they are just friends… Only talking.:roll_eyes:

Not unless they have kids together other than that negative

I still talk to a few old buddies, purely friendship :woman_shrugging:t3:

Absolutely not. Especially when you’re fighting!

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Absolutely not. No. Nuh uh. Negative.

I don’t talk to any exes except my oldest sons dad.

Come on girl, you know the answer to this :joy::skull::woman_facepalming:t3:

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He’s keeping them around so that when you have a massive fight he has someone to go back too. My ex did the same.

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Hell no! Drop his ass!

Grown adults can be friends after a break up, especially with children involved. Im friends with my childrens dad, but thats absolutely as far as it goes. He and my bf also get along pretty good and like each other as aquaintances. If ur man is only socializing when u have arguments, then send him packing, cause hes playing cat and mouse with u and ur feelings, even if nothing is happening. Its called mental abuse, hes doing it to mentally abuse u and ur emotions, or hes still messing with them, either way, he’d be gone, if it were me. Noone deserves to wonder what their man is up to, and sweetheart it’s nobodys fault but ur own, if u put up with it.

I’m friends w all my exs and sex buddies still. These guys are all really close friends 20 yrs of knowing them and no man will ever get me to stop being friends w them

I’m pretty sure you can answer this question yourself.

Hel no what kid of question is this? You know the answer to that it is never ok specially when your fighting he has a backup plan an that’s not ok

Sounds like he likes to change oil a little to much!