Is it normal for your partner to stay friends with his ex's and/or sex buddies

Especially when he only talks to them when we are fighting.

I know some people do, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. Don’t be friends with someone you’ve had feelings for, and vice versa. Especially when you fight?? No, my first thought is those are his backups in case something happens.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal for your partner to stay friends with his ex's and/or sex buddies

First part, yes.

Second part, no.


Even if it were normal doesn’t mean you should put up with it. You accept the behavior you think you deserve.


Not at all. It’s disrespectful to your relationship and seems like he’s trying to keep his options open incase you guys don’t work out.

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Nope none of that is normal and shouldn’t be tolerated!


definitely not , my man would be out the door if he even tried🥴

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Are these questions for Real?:smiley::rofl:


The second part… Not if he wants to keep his :chestnut::chestnut:

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Hell no!! Once an ex those need to stay in the past! Their an ex for a reason

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Ummm no. Make an appointment with your OBGYN, and leave.

No sweetie that is triangulation used to manipulate you.


You know the answer to that.

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Nope it means that he is trying to keep his options open

I talk to my ex all the time. We ring and ask for help. We have both moved on and we don’t have issues… We also have 2 boys together.
Like today, I will use his car to go and do my shopping, click and collects because my car isn’t going… We talk even when my recent ex and I were fighting


Hell to the naw naw naw …red flag its only when yall fighting hes keeping his options open maybe you should too

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Been there done that, it’s not ok. You deserve better.

No he’s using them against you … not right at all. That’s very immature of him and not respectful to you at all :disappointed:

That would be a fuck no for me

You already know the answer to that

Pffft children these days.

Those are the back ups. Lol

With it being only when you fight, no.

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Ew no. :nauseated_face:
For ex it depends on the situation though. I’m still good friends with one of mine, because we were good friends beforehand & ended on good/mutual terms.

My fiance does this he talks to his exes and looks up his exes on Facebook

So whos gonna tell her lol


You’re wasting your time.

I am friends with my ex husband and a few ex boyfriends and it’s nothing going on but it strictly depends on the people , I probably have more male friends than I female.

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I would say depends on the situation… but since you clearly state only when you guys are fighting then I would say absolutely not. Friendship isn’t a only when my significant other and I are struggling. That’s a back-up.


It’s not normal for him to only talk to them when y’all are fighting. It is normal and healthy for him to have platonic friendships.

Those are the ones they say " not to worry about" when you should indeed worry about

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Respectfully: you’re an idiot.


Hell no! My ex was doing this turns out he was cheating on me the whole time we where together while i was at work

I’m friends with my ex. But if it makes yoy feel uncomfortable, and you ask him to end it/limit it. And he says no, I’d hesitate being with him…

Nope, totally inappropriate in my opinion.

My ex fiance, and ex friends with benefits are two of my best friends. I talk to them regularly and often have them come over (for the one that lives in town) and come stay with us and visit (my ex fiance who lives out of state). These people are extremely important to me. They’ve been friends of mine for substantially longer than I’ve been in my relationship. I love my partner, but if he were to ever ask me to give up these deep and long-lasting friendships I would have to question being with him. I do however respect his boundaries. My partners that is. And my friends are my friends regardless of whether or not I’m fighting with my boyfriend or just having a good day. And message them when I get into a fight with my parents, when I see a funny meme, or when I’m just bored at work. I talk to them both all the time. If I only talked to them when I was upset with my boyfriend I think he would be a lot more upset with my friendships. If my friendships with my exes were private and he was excluded from them, I think he would be much more upset with that as well. Everything is so individual. For me, my ex’s are extremely important. They are my best friends. I have known them for years, and for one a decade longer than I have known my boyfriend. To be asked to give up that relationship would be like a slap in the face.

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??? You think that’s normal ? Girl don’t ever settle for that

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Absolutely not ok he needs to let go

No not if its only when ur having issues. I’m nae a fan of exes in general. Always make me somewhat suspicious but defo a wee red flag if it’s only under that circumstances x


It means he’s emotionally unstable

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I’m friends with mine

They’re his supplies

I think you know the answer to this already

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Sounds like she’s there for him to run to when you are fighting and she welcomes him with open arms. If my fiance did this he would be told to stay there


Sweetie your partner is either cheating or trying to cheat. I would not be okay with that

The being friends isn’t an issue as long as it stays innocent. The only talking when you two are fighting could be a problem.


I mean im sorta friends with my ex husband. I have his first two children… i was with him for almost 12 yrs and married for 10. Its chilled down alot we dont hang out anymore. But we did. I can see the fighting part that would be bad. Even tho my ex and I ended badly (he cheated got my best friend pregnant during our marriage) but its done and over. He helped me alot when I was single and my current was in jail. (Like with my light bill, food, rides ect) I have another ex that I’m friends with (we were not right for each other we ended it mutual) we still chat and such we don’t hang out anymore we have busy lives (he was there during and after my divorce) but I dont run to them when my current and I fight. Or I dont tell them what’s going on in my two person relationship.

Sounds like he’s hooking up
With them


Nah, thats exactly what it looks like.

Yes. Why can you not be friends anymore? Makes no sense. Know plenty of folks who broke up because they just didn’t work together. Still friends.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal for your partner to stay friends with his ex's and/or sex buddies

This page sucks. Unfollowing. All I read is stupid questions from people obviously with no common sense that have nothing to do with being a mother lmfao. Rename your page.


Yes it’s normal and okay. But No if he’s only talking to them when your fighting. That’s a sign of cheating or thinking about cheating. Keeping options open. I’m still really good friends with my ex fuck buddy but we’re both now in relationships and are happy just being friends. I don’t hide talking to him and him and my fiancé have talked on the phone a few times even. It’s different with everyone.


definitely not. no need. emotional cheating not cool


Ex’s maybe. I mean, I’m friends with my ex from sophmore year, 17 years later. If it’s a fuck buddy, then I’d say no. That’s no good.


It’s normal to stay friends if that’s known and understood from the beginning, and nothing is hidden from you. But are they really ‘just friends’ if the only time he wants to be in contact with them is when he’s mad at you?

And if another woman let’s that go on…they are afraid of them leaving…he obviously don’t care how u feel if they do that…not to mention it’s disrespectful af

Well…now you know what he does when he is mad at you. He tuns and gets comfort from other women. I wonder if you told him that you do the same he would be ok with it and put up with it as well.

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Only insecure people would be bothered by this.I never was

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it’s normal and okay if y’all both agreed it’s normal and okay in the relationship.

big no and red flag if it’s when y’all are fighting. what. no.


Nope, there is no reason.


You already know the answer. You don’t need our validation.


You’re getting cheated on

That’s no ex, that’s his/ her planB… You know, a backup plan​:joy::joy::joy::joy:

Just gonna leave this here

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Hell no that’s not ok

Say that again. Slowly this time


Ummm…no…its disrespectful

Ummmm eww no unless they share a kid!

Only if he’s f****** her🤷‍♀️

Absolutley not! That’s a huge red flag​:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Yes it’s normal to stay friends with prior partners and sex partners.

It may be time to talk about boundaries tho when they seem to only talk during periods of strife in your relationship.


Are u really asking that, u know the answer, NO. He doesn’t have respect for you or the relationship and doesn’t value u, it’s clear

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It’s normal for a cheater to do this.


to me, it’s not normal and i wouldn’t be ok with it. but every relationship is different so if you’re ok with it, great, if you’re not, also great. each is valid.

what’s super wrong and red flaggy here is the fact he runs to them when you fight, that’s not ok. you don’t run to a member of the opposite sex when you’re fighting with your partner, emotional cheating is a thing- i’d be running and never looking back. goodbye :triangular_flag_on_post:


Ok you already know the answer if he only speaks to them during the bad times with you otherwise it’s ok to remain friends with an ex IMO

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Not if he only talks to them when you’re fighting. That’s weird

Nope hoes gonna be hoes tho

Gonna let you know, as a man, that shit ain’t normal. My opinion, he cheating… or, he keeping some side pieces on the hook just in case. That shits trashy as fuck. My wife, is my wife, and aint nobody else exist. Period. If it aint that way, it aint real.

Come on. NO…this is not normal or acceptable. Seems he’s using it as a form of controlling you. Know your worth!!

Normally being friends with exes shows maturity, but in this case he is trying to get under your skin if he only talks to them when y’all aren’t on good terms. That’s a big red flag. :triangular_flag_on_post:


I think you answered your own question!

:running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman:

My ex is my best friend. You can be friends with an ex. It’s not that hard if you’re not immature, petty or hold grudges because a relationship didn’t work out. I can speak to mine and we’re cool, one I’m closer to but I’m good with any of them.

If they were “friends” it would be talk everyday or so and not just when your fighting. He’s mad and trying to hurt you and have her comfort him. Fuck that. Time to pack it up and go

Ehhhhh. I mean if I was included in the conversations then fine but if not… nope.

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It’s Only acceptable if they have kids together, they should be able to coo parent. If there’s no mutual kid there should not be no friendship whatsoever.


Not normal or respectful to your relationship at all.

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Unless she was a longterm girlfriend n hes asking her to talk him true n fix his mistakes asking what he done wrong :joy::joy::joy: no its not normal exps since its only when ye argue dispose of him


No. Hes keeping a lifeboat afloat.


No he should not be friends with them. It’s disrespectful

Your going to get all different kind of answers because everyone hold different boundaries. I would not allow any female to be in the friend zone with my husband. Sometimes you allow things and it leads further then you anticipated. I find it disrespectful.

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There’s exceptions to everything
My best friend is my old college “buddy :wink:
We just had dinner last night with his new girlfriend and my family… why bc my man understands ppl change and ppl grow. I have a heart full of love for my best friend but it’s not the same love I have for my future husband.
Only talking during fights is sketchy regardless of their past.

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Common sense here tells me absolutely not

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Oh darling just hand him back . Also remember a rampant rabbit no man can beat . Don’t be having them games .

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Normal/Typical? Yeah… gotta keep that door open for other physical options when times get hard.

Should they? No. Definitely not…

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Do you really have to ask those questions.


The only ex I talk to is the one I had a child with same with my fiance. Otherwise I don’t see any reason to keep an ex in my life they are an ex for a reason.


First part, sure. Second part, nope.
I’m friends with most of my exes. My boyfriend knows and is okay with it. Most of my exes were friends before we dated and it just didn’t work out. But it sounds like he’s trying to make you jealous or leave a door open with them if he only talks to them when you’re fighting.