Is it normal later in pregnancy for baby not to be so active?

Hello, all mummas. Currently 32 weeks pregnant with #2. I went into hospital yesterday for decreased movements after not feeling much over a few days. All was good baby was very active once in. They did monitoring and a scan. But even today, I’m noticing I’m still not feeling baby like I should? I never really went through this with my first that I can remember (was almost four years ago!) Is it normal for a baby to just not be active some days? TIA.


Baby gets bigger so movement becomes a little more difficult inside . Therefore not as detectable. Activity is less but is still felt daily so just be aware.

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Ya it’s normal… but he has to be moving some. Drink or eat some sugary stuff… ya know they sleep just as much if not more in ya belly just like they do when they are new borns! I had the same issues!

I was allways up for extra scans as she was active every 4 days even had to stay a week in hospital because when they came to do checks on her she was sleeping and did not want to move xx

It’s a total myth when people say he is getting bigger so less room… You should feel baby just as much but it will feel differne tlike lea kicks more pushes and rolls… If you qew worried go back xx

It is a concern they should’ve told u to count the movements every 2 hrs…it happened to me and it became a great concern bc his level of oxygen was decreasing and his weight wasn’t what it should’ve been in that gestation…i would request an ultrasound just to be on the safe side…oh and mind you this was my 4th child so I knew something just wasn’t right.

Did they give you a chart to fill
In it an app

Sometimes babies become less active I’m 34 weeks somedays he definitely moves way more then others the days I dont feel him as often I will drink cold water that usually helps him get to moving!!! But if it dont feel normal to you definitely go back and get checked again :blue_heart:


DONT LISTEN to anyone who says it is normal. IT IS NOT normal. Your womb is made to hold babies there for a child cannot run out of room. Decreased movement is an issue and needs to be addressed. Make sure your doctor is taking every precaution there is. Both my babies did that. Ended up having them early because of risk of dying. Not saying this is what’s going on with you. I had to fight for my first baby because my doctor didn’t want to listen and almost killed him. So the best thing you can do is listen to your instincts. If something is off you make sure to be seen!

no this is not normal babies do not run out of room please look up kicks count page for more onfo x ring your maternity unit to be assessed again trust your gut you won’t be wasting anyone’s time

Omg!! All these people being so misinformed. Baby does not run out of room. Baby movements should remain the same, if you notice any difference at all, go get checked by a midwife. Follow @kickscount to get all the correct information. X

When my baby did that I just ended up having him early cause my dr told me that’s a sign he or she is getting ready to enter the world soon. And all 3 of my babies were really really active threw out my pregnancies till I was 32-34 weeks and they were all born 1-2 and a half weeks early. But everyone is different, no pregnancies are the same! But if u feel like something’s wrong it’s okay to go get checked :grin:

Movement does reduce as baby begins to go head down but not extremely by any means. Eat something sugary, drink ice water, etc. And if you have the slightest mama intuition something isn’t right GO BACK IN.

Please please please do kick counts!! And if you feel like something us wrong go back do not let them brush you and your concerns off!!! Please know I say this from experience and I dont wish what happened to me and my angel baby!

All pregnancies are different, even with the same Momma so go with your instincts if you feel that your baby should be moving more than make an appointment with your doctor and explain all of your concerns about the difference in pregnancies. I had a normal position baby and a breach baby and there was very noticeable difference in how I interpreted the movements but everything was fine, I suggest going back into your doctor for answers this is your baby never feel like a bother :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My daughter, now 45 years old, hardly ever moved, except when “nature” made her move!!! She was a healthy 8 pounds 21 inches at birth. At two weeks after birth, she began sleeping all night!!! Guess what? That’s still her favorite thing to do…sleep!!! And she is not lazy either!!! She is a very well adjusted woman with two boys of her own, a husband & very successful. I say not to worry, enjoy the pregnancy!! My 1st one was a living hell!! He wanted out of there and let me know it every minute of every day!!! And he is the same way at age 48!! He is also very successful with 2 daughters & a wife!! As they have said, all pregnancies are different! Enjoy them!! And no ADHD or any of that stuff. He was a very well behaved child. And he can sit for 3 hours to watch our beloved Cowboys play or The Spurs… moves only to get a beer!!! Lesson here: watch your children grow and compare their behavior to the pregnancy!! Have fun!!:two_hearts:

With my 3rd she wasnt very active the last month ish but she was also my largest and im a very short woman so she probably didnt have room :joy:

Drink water or eat something pic a time a day when ur baby is usually active lay on ur left side and count the number of kicks u should be feeling 10 kicks within the hr if not call ur doctor

Tommy’s kicks count baby should be in a pattered by 28 week and should stay the same till labour any reduced movement at all meds’ to be checked even if ur in there every darn day

When baby turns so head is down movement will feel different, not what you’re used to. I’d still continue to get it checked out if you’re worried tho

My daughter wasn’t moving much. I’m so glad I went to the hospital. The cord was around her neck. They induced me. She was a month early but she was health. Very scary.

When I carried both my sons they were constantly moving. When I carried my daughter she barely moved. I carried the boys up and down while my daughter lay cross ways. My doctor said if she’s comfortable she’ll move less.

Both of mine were different but don’t hesitate if you feel something is not right better be safe call your doctor

I just had my first baby and here towards the end of my pregnancy she would be real quiet for a couple days only a couple movements here or there and then for like 2/3 days she would be throwing a party. As long as your feeling baby a few times through out the day I wouldnt worry too much unless the doctor has told you otherwise :slight_smile:

35 weeks here. Each pregnancy is different. This one is no where near like my other 3. Some days he’s an earthquake, other days I don’t feel it but my husband or kids do. Some people can’t feel it at all. Doesn’t mean something is wrong but always good to check with your doctor

This happened to me with my second born.I went to the hospital and they said his active only to find out my son was running out of oxygen but only because I have Asthma…Like one said pregnancies aren’t the same. Ended up doing a C-section

If you feel something not right with you or the baby still…Insist until you or the baby are okay please dear!!

Baby is running out of room perfectly normal

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If your worried drink orange juice, mt dew and lay on ur left side and do kick counts. Movement slows a little bcuz they are getting bigger but should still have some movement.

Go back to the hospital!!!


Drink some cold water, have something sugary go lay on your side for a bit see if it moves around with that. Sometimes they just run out of room and that’s why they have us do the kick counts.

I would imagine… but there should be tricks like eating or drinking sugar that should make baby move. Also depends on position and where the placenta is. But while being monitored for this why didnt you ask?

I would say follow your gut feeling, you can never be too sure or too safe. Even if they tell you baby is okay at the hospital. Sometimes babies decrease in movements when they have the cord wrapped around their necks.

Yes, it’s totally normal! Your little one is starting to quickly run out of room to really wiggle and kick around. I did the same as you when I was pregnant and hadn’t been feeling baby. Very valid concern, but it’s all good, momma!


If your worried go straight to the hospital… better safe than sorry. Good luck.

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’ BABY IS RUNNING OUT OF ROOM ’ is a complete myth. Despite running out of room, baby should move normally! If activity decreased, go get a stress test at the hospital.


My first wasn’t that active. I think I had an anterior placenta so I couldn’t feel that much.

Normal. She or he is busy growing, I think. Stay away from caffeine.

Check your comment next time Kay Kay Lol :joy:

Mine didn’t move as much

With my first my stomach was contacting so I couldn’t feel her move as much toward the end. The doc hooked me up to monitor and tho I couldn’t feel her she was moving and active. It was a huge peace of mind and let me know everything was ok.

It’s normal to a degree. They don’t have enough room to move around “like they used to”. But if you do some of the “tricks” to make them move or don’t feel movement around the time they usually do (they do develop a sleeping pattern), I would definitely go get it checked out.

this is actually a myth, baby’s don’t run out of room. If something doesn’t seem right, go back to the hospital, they would prefer to see you 100 times, than wait then they tell you your baby has died !! Please if it doesn’t feel normal GO TO THE HOSPITAL

My 2.5 year old hardly moved my whole pregnancy, everything was perfect with him, now my 6 year old moved enough for 2 or 3 babies

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They are supposed to move every 2 hrs

My baby wasnt very active at the end of my pregnancy - especially compared to my second trimester. I read somewhere its because of their size and the limited space they have. Try eating a couple oranges and lying down/sitting still- the sugar and folic acid is supposed to make them more active for a little while. It’s so scary when you go from feeling them all the time to feeling nothing :grimacing:

Follow your intuition momma

When ever I didn’t feel movement for a while, I’d jostle my belly. Generally that was enough to stir him.
If you’re concerned, call your OB.

When I was pregnant with son I didn’t feel his movements the last 6 weeks without my hands being on my belly I could see him move but I couldn’t feel it at all and I got monitor two times a week.

My son was HUGE and didnt have a lot of room to move. and it worried me to no end until he was born. Turns out he was just positioned oddly and he was a big boy.

It’s normal at this stage :slightly_smiling_face: as the size of the child increases, the range of movement is limited. The Baby responds to this narrowness/tightness with less expansive gymnastics or twists (movements)… in other words the space is getting smaller for the baby as the baby is growing e.g. now it weights approx. 1600 Gramms and with progressing weeks the baby will put more weight on and will slowly move with its head down to put itself in the final birth position…

I was like this with all 3 babies. All 3 were early. The doctor told me less movement means they are getting prepared for labour. It’s hard on them just like it is us.

No it isn’t normal movements that your used to shouldn’t change. Get checked out

Try a popsicle, or a freezie? Those things always got my baby squirming lol


With my first, I maybe felt him move once every 2-3 days and with my current (I’m 33 weeks) if I don’t feel her at least once every couple hours I’m wondering what the heck is going on. All babies are different, but if you feel like something is up it’s good that you went in. If they told you everything is okay, just keep in mind it could just be the way baby is positioned. :woman_shrugging:t2:

With my 3rd he didn’t move as much the further I got. I would drink something cold. Or play music and put it up to my belly to try to get him to move so I could have a peace of mind. It worried me a lot but I would just try different things to get him to move when I didn’t notice any movement for awhile. He turned out to be healthy happy boy.

I noticed movements occurred more during the middle or the night with my fourth and less movement during the day. If you went to the dr and everything was okay, then don’t stress yourself!

Ok with my daughter I honestly never ever felt her move and it worried the hell put of me because I had never been pregnant but always heard all pregnant women I was around talk about how much they move…now she was also breech so I always wonder of her positioning had anything to do with it…now my 2nd pregnancy omg I duno what he was doin in there but seemed like he never stopped…but please go get checked again just to be safe I would hate for you to have something tragic happen so please go!!!

It’s been along time since I had a baby, but have always heard the baby is less active towards the end. I am sure you are fine and will have a healthy baby soon

It is true that they are less active towards the end. But trust your gut!!! The Dr’s wouldn’t listen to me and my daughters heart stopped beating at 38 weeks 3 days! I had told them over and over for 2 weeks that I was getting my kick counts twice a day but her movement in between had seriously gone down…ALWAYS trust your gut!!!


Yes. Drink OJ they will move.

My daughter didn’t move much either. I brought this up with my doctor and they did an amniocentesis on her, and they told me that she tested positive for Down syndrome. She was 10 days past due and they had to do a C-section because she wasn’t willing to come out. My daughter does NOT have Down syndrome but has high functioning autism. Even though the doctors were wrong, they were able to see that something wasn’t right. I wouldn’t ignore the lack of movement and talk to your doctor.

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Doctor’s told my daughter in law when u don’t feel the baby move like He/She should lay on your left side drink something cold and eat something sweet and do the kick count if that didn’t get the baby moving more call your doctor or go to the hospital…Praying for you and the baby always always follow your gut feeling you know your body better than anyone else

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I bought a Doppler and would listen to his heart beat every day. My guy was super active at night.

Baby hasn’t got much room left to move, it is completely normal

I went to the hospital for the same thing, found out I had an anterior placenta so I wasn’t able to feel her that much.

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It was the same with my 2nd and 3rd. I still got it checked out each time to be safe tho.

With my 5th he was actually facing backwards so I hardly ever felt him. I was always so worried because it was word not feeling him moving so I bought a fetal Doppler and it eased my mind when I was concerned

As baby gets into position and continues to grow, they run out of all that room for spazzy movements. If you don’t feel 10 movements in a random 2 hour period, lay on your left side and drink ice water. If still no movement, call your OB to find out how to proceed. If they don’t respond soon, go to the hospital, better safe than sorry

The swaying of your movements during the day will likely be making baby sleep … all 3 of mine where crazy at night once I settled but where mostly calm thru the day

Get a no stress test. My doc told me that if baby isn’t moving as much, I needa go in. Trust your gut.

When you worry eat or drink some oj and lay down and see if the baby moves.

My kids (i have 4) would move more at night

Yes. They slow down because it gets tight in there. There is a number of movements you should feel every hour or day, but I can’t remember what it was because mine NEVER stopped moving. Talk to the dr if you’re worried. Lay on your back and feel. Girls move less than boys too.

I can feel my baby move but some days she likes to just sleep. Yes unborn babies sleep in the womb lol

There isn’t as much room for them to move around in as it gets closer to time. As long as you are feeling some movement through out the day/night then all should be fine, it’s when you don’t feel any movement that you go get checked

My son didnt move a whole lot in the womb, but every time i went in because i didnt feel him, he would be active and kicking on the fetal monitor lol Now he is a happy 6 month old

It’s completely normal for them to not move around much once you get further along because they don’t have much room, but of you don’t feel the baby move at all all day then that’s something you need to get checked out.

All 3 of my daughter’s weren’t very active in the last few weeks of being pregnant with them. It’s because they run out of room and they don’t have as much room to move around so even when they are in fact moving around you can’t feel it as strongly because it is not as strong of movements as before