Is it normal not to see a heartbeat at 13 weeksn?

Is it normal for your doctor not to be able to find a heartbeat at 13 weeks on the Doppler , she scheduled me for an ultrasound tomorrow but just seeing if i should be preparing my self

U can see a heartbeat at 5 weeks most definitely at 13 weeks

the doppler can be hard to find a heartbeat at 12 or 13 weeks because the baby is so small. the ultrasound is easier to find

I’m surprised they didn’t bring in the emergency ultrasound machine. My daughter used to hide every time they tried to do the fetal heartbeat and they would have to wheel in the machine. But this was over 13 years ago. Idk how much it’s changed since then

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If baby is on the backside of your uterus near your spine it can be hard…

So my family Dr refused to use a dopler to check the heart beat as it wasn’t always reliable. It was always an ultrasound appointment. My first was around 8 weeks for a dating scan, then again around 20 weeks which is where they let me listen to the heartbeat

If your placenta is in the front it will also make is hard to find the baby. We didn’t hear our son’s heart beat our first cpl appointments then at our anatomy scan we found out the reason why was because of the placenta.

I’m 13 weeks, just had an appointment today and it took my dr a little bit to find the heartbeat with the doppler. He said the baby was just still pretty low by my pubic bone so maybe yours is just too low still. Wishing you the best :white_heart:

It’s not uncommon at that gestational age… typically they aren’t used until 20 weeks because it’s VERY hard to get the baby’s heartbeat that little! No reason to panic!!

At 13 weeks, baby is still pretty low in your pelvis. Sometimes they can find a heartbeat with the Doppler, sometimes not. I can’t remember hearing either one of my kiddos that early. Here they don’t see pregnant patients until 12 weeks and that is when they did the scan to date the pregnancy. By the time I went back for the 4th month checkup is when I heard the heartbeat for the first time.

I had this years ago and thought the worst after a miscarriage previously. I was told to go straight to the hospital for a scan and everything was fine fortunately and had a smooth pregnancy. Its hard not to worry but think positively as they aren’t reliable early on xx

Yes. When I had my 4 they wouldn’t even try the Doppler until 16 weeks+