Is it normal that my 6-year-old still wets the bed?

Anyone have a bed wetter? My kiddo is 6 and still pees every other day. I also have a 3 y/o and never pees so I’m just wondering if this is normal


My son is 8 and he still does.

My youngest did this till she was 6
I’d say it’s normal
My other five didn’t. But every kid is wildly different

My daughter stopped a little after she turned 8. Her brain wasn’t telling her to wake up to go before then, but she also had adhd so idk. They’ll stop when their bodies are ready. :heart::heart: if it soaks to the mattress use baking soda and some scented carpet deodorizer, sprinkle it over the mattress, let it soak for a bit then vacuum it up. It dries it up and takes the smell away.

I have an almost 7 yr old that still does nightly. He’s a heavy sleeper and will sleep right thru his urges. My brother did too when he was younger. Happens with kids who are extremely active or ADHD.

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Yes it’s normal. Some kids will wet the bed until they’re in their teens. But I do suggest ruling out any type of medical issues first then try other tips given to you. Always important to rule out Medical issues first

Normal. Get mattress protectors. I have one on every bed. My daughter threw up on my mattress once and the smell never came out. I had to toss out the mattress and get a new one. I will never not have a mattress again after that.
Limit liquids after dinner and make sure they go pee right before bed.

For some kids yes sometimes they really cannot help it. Sometimes the smallest infection can do that. I know when I have a cold or sinus infection just a cough I can pee myself.

My daughter did and still wore pull ups at night due to that reason . She outgrew it eventually

My daughter is 8 & does,my son 11 doesn’t. I wet the bed until I was 11. It happens.

Not unusual, particularly for boys, and there is often a genetic component that could result in these accidents up to around 12 years of age. In many such cases, no efforts will work to stop the accidents and a lot of undue mental strain on the child can unnecessarily be accumulated until they simply age out of it so parental support/understanding (with adult pull-ups and mattress protector use) rather than frustration is so important for parents to afford their children who struggle with this issue.

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My son is 6 and still does it’s a hereditary thing in my family my dad did until he was 10 and I did until I was 12. It has to do with your bladder not caught up to the rest of your body so you can’t tell when you’re sleeping that you have to pee it just happens but it can just be laziness too and not wanting to get up.

Every child is different! My 7 year old still has accidents sometimes if I don’t make him go before bed and limit his liquid intake an hour before bed. He’s a very deep sleeper, my daughter in the other hand has slept dry since she was 3. All children are different my 4 year old is half and half. Most days she’s dry. Some she’s not… so I just have her in a pull up at night.

Yes. I was told up until about 9-10 it’s normal

It is normal my son stopped at about 12. I had taken him to a urogist. Complety normal. Easiest thing to do is buy a mattress protector. In amazon they have really good ones for about 20.00 they are nit the plastic ones anymore. I actually have them on every bed in our house now just to keep the mattress protector from spills and allergies. Also a night time pull uo of some kind.

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Absolutely normal. Drs say normal until about age 12. Sometimes that brain bladder connection takes longer to “click” when asleep.


Have a sleep study done,one of the signs of osa is bed wetting, osa is missdignosed often due to symptoms being associated with other medical issues, being hes 6 his adenoids are at peak, rule it out

My granddaughter did a bed alarm helped.

Potty schedule and cut off liquids a few hours before bed.
They’ll outgrow it.

Could be uti, or something else, should seek care from pediatrician

My son is 9 years old and still wets the bed occasionally. I do find that it helps to not let him have a drink 1.5-2 hours before bed and I’ll remind him to use bathroom before bedtime.

I have a 10yr old who wets the bed. They’ll eventually grow out of it

My 4 year old does if he has anything to drink before bed every time

My son used to do the same. Is he a heavy sleeper?


My daughter is 9now and she is a heavy sleeper and she wears pullups every night.

It Can be hereditary! My daughter wer the bed until she was a teenager. They didn’t drink soda and wasn’t allowed anything to drink after 7. She went to the bathroom before bed and with in 2 hrs she would have done peed the bed. I always went in before i laid down to get her up to go again . The Dr said she’s a hard sleeper and they do have medication that can help with it. My nephew had the same problem .

Yes my son is 10 and still wets the bed. Pediatrician says he will grow out of it. He is heavy sleeper and woke wake up to go use the restroom. We just limit drinks after 7pm and teach him how to put sheets and clothes in the washer. Also double layering waterproof mattress covers.

My son is almost 7 and still has to wear pullups. He also has hypotonia so he has a hard time registering hid bladder is full and hard time holding it and he has ADHD. His doc said it’s not a big deal, waking in the middle of the night will only disturb their sleep not train them to listen to their body. A lot of the time it is just a time thing, hell get it soon don’t worry!


People will tell you it is: it’s not.

My brother went through this - it went on until he was eight. After getting him examined he had a legitimate medical issue going on, and had for years.
They gave him a medical prescription for 10 days and it completely stopped.

YEARS. Cleared up in TEN DAYS.

Might need to wake your child up to pee in the middle of the night.

My son’s pediatrician said when he’s ready he’s ready. He is 7 still wears a pull up for night time. They can’t force themselves to wake up. Be patient

Yes it is normal for many children, it’s not until a certain hormone is fully developed in the kidney that sends a signal to the brain to wake up and go toilet (that is my understanding) increase water during the day time. I have a lot of kids, some of them were not bedwetters and some were. Just don’t make a big deal out of it, you don’t want your child to feel bad.x

My 8 yr old still wets the bed at night. She can’t wake herself up to go to the toilet

I have 1 kid who wet the bed pretty inconsistently until damn near 8. He’s the heaviest sleeper still. He will sleep thru the next world War :sweat_smile:

Yes totally normal. More prominent in boys but happens with girls as well. Be gentle, do not make them feel bad about it.

For kids to be dry at night - a hormone must be produced. It takes some kids longer than other to produce it.

Then there are things like really heavy sleepers - that just don’t wake to signals that they need to go.

In the U.K. - doctors usually look into it once the child is 7/8

What does the pediatrician say?

Normal,a child don’t need medication, a child grows out it

Has she seen a doctor for it my daughter had to see the doctor her bladder was it as big to hold throughout the night so she would wet the bed and then my son who’s not nine does it what the bed anymore he was a heavy sleeper except do it even though he pee both of them now have fun with that good luck

It might help a bit to wake up him or her late , just when you go to bed yourself, and have him/her void once more .

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A hormone called vasopressin is responsible for telling the kidneys to slow urine production at night. Sometimes the body takes longer to start making this hormone. It’s totally normal.