Is it normal that my breastfed baby doesn't eat a lot?

Anyone elses 17 month old breastfed baby not eat a lot ? I keep stressing about my son not eating much ! And he nurses for nap time , bedtime, and morning but doesnt nurse too much throughout the day ! Im stressin


Totally normal in my 3 year experience nursing. My guy didn’t really start eating a lot more until we cut out day nursing completely, when he was close to 2. He’s always stayed on his growth curve and is a big boy anyways, but has always been healthy and if he’s hungry, he lets me know. Kiddo will let you know if/when he wants to eat. :slightly_smiling_face:

Totally normal. If he’s nursing and gaining weight then he is healthy. Just keep offering foods.

Is he gaining or losing weight? Take him in to be weighed and again a few days later.

17 month? They should be getting most of their nutrients from solid foods…


You could try offering food before nursing if you’re not already.

Hey mama! Perfectly normal! My breastfed son (almost 3 now) still has days when he doesn’t eat as much. My mom always told me they will eat when they are hungry! As long as you aren’t seeing any signs of malnutrition I wouldn’t worry at all! 🩵

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It’s been a long time since I breast fed, but my granddaughter believes in skipping the processed baby food, and introducing a variety of cut up very small food, before they are one. I wonder if this results in more variety in foods they like and less allergies.

That was my daughter. She didn’t eat any solids until 7.5 months. She wouldn’t let me feed her baby food. She would only eat things she could feed herself by 9 months. And she ate more breastmilk than food until 18+ months. She would always choose bm over table foods.
My son on the other hand was stealing food at 6 months and by 7 or 8 months he insisted on eating before he nursed. In pretty she he eats more than she does. He’s almost a year and she’s 11.

My boy is one and only gets milk morning mid afternoon and bedtime he eats enough solids breakfast lunch and dinner so I’d say pretty normal x

If he’s 17mo then he’s presumably eating three meals a day with food in? My nursing dropped to twice a day when we hit one year and then only the bedtime feed at about 15mo. That went by 19mo. It’s just natural weaning. They need a variety of foods at that age to prevent a limited diet.


Kids will eat when they are hungry :yum:. Don’t stress about it. As long as he’s growing and hitting all the milestones nothing to worry about. Keep try to introduce new foods to him. Fruits veggies etc…

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He should be getting most of his nutrition from food by now

Ummm he is a year and half old… And eats regular food. Breast milk is just to have a drink.

If he’s growing and developing as he should, don’t worry- that’s bad for both of you.

Just to clarify, he’s not eating much solid food or not breastfeeding long enough?


Jade Draper did I hurt your feelings?

What else does he eat besides breasrmilk?

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He is 17 month. Why is he still breastfeeding?


I am assuming he eats actual food throughout the day too? Which means he natural won’t nurse as much. Babies once they start eating solids are not going to need/want to nurse as much. It’s not that big of a deal. He won’t starve himself.

Breast milk is thinner than formula so the stomach doesn’t stretch as much so it’s normal that not as much solid food is needed.


Give him plenty of food he doesn’t need to breastfeed.