Is it normal that my daughter is terrified of men?

has she been hurt by an older man? maybe that grandfather? you need to think of those things and try to find out from the little girl.


My mom said I used to literally fall on my face and just lay there whenever I’d be brought around men I wasn’t comfortable with (ones I didn’t see daily/regularly) :sweat_smile: my oldest daughter is also really shy (especially around men), just not that dramatically

Maybe she’s afraid of her Father For Some Reason???

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My daughter doesn’t like females much but likes males…I’m the only female around her but she’s used to all her brothers and daddy and they play baseball so their teammates…she’ll be 2 soon

Do you like everyone you meet? Have you never seen someone that makes you feel a little scared?

My daughter was terrified of her dads uncle when she was a baby. Screaming, crying, wanted to be nowhere near him at all. This was for absolutely no reason, we saw them only a couple times a year, she just went through a period of time where some people she was totally cool with and some she would completely lose it around. She eventually grew out of it.
If you completely trust that there is no other reason this could be happening, it’s very likely just a phase

I would ask a doctor

My daughter was terrified of anyone who had facial hair (except her dad) for a looooonggg time. She eventually got over it, but even men she saw every weekend she was scared of until she got older. She’s 4 now and hardly knows a stranger :woozy_face:
I’d give her time & don’t let anyone push her into interaction she doesn’t want. Let her do it herself :woman_shrugging:t2:

Not unusual. Give her time.

Don’t push her, let her have her space and grow comfortable on her own… The pushing is prob part of the problem, some kids are just very shy… Your mum prob reminds her of you so it’s different.

Has she went through any traumatic experiences with a man such as abuse or assault? Maybe something happened you’re not aware of? No one comes out being naturally scared of men or women.


My son was like this with guys for awhile. He was use to mainly girls and women being around. He got over it pretty quickly though. It lasted maybe a few months.

No , it is not normal. It is possible that an adult male has scared her in some way.


Children have phases.

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Something has happened that made her react that way. Try and get her to talk to you.

My daughter was also terrified of men as a littlin it’s Quite normal my son screamed at anyone but me but occasionally let his daddy have a cuddle now they like most people by that i mean won’t just cry at peoples faces haha they are 6 and 2 now

uncomfortable , are you kidding ?

It can happen without there actually something wrong

I didn’t like them growing up specailly if thwy had a beard and a deep voice.

My daughter was terrified of my step brother and just about any man with a beard, but she def grew out of it. She’s still a little shy with people at first but she warms up quickly. I wouldn’t worry too much.

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I don’t know if it’s normal but it’s a good thing


Sounds to me that a man along the way has done something that scared her. Intentionally or unintentionally. My niece was afraid of my husband but not all men. And my daughter was afraid of men with facial hair but not all men. Is her father in her life? Is she afraid of him? Don’t force it with her and don’t allow men to force her. She might have been molested somewhere along the way. She may not have a real memory of it. Or it could be nothing but a fear because she’s not close to her own Father.

My son absolutely loves his great grandfather(not biological). He plays with him everyday and gives him hugs, but he doesn’t play with his great grandmother(biological) nor does he hug her or let her touch him. His great grandfather spoils him to bits. Maybe your mother spoils her more than him? It could also be a phase she is going through. Talk to her and find out why she doesn’t like men and if she doesn’t want to tell you, maybe get a professional to talk to her🤷

When my grandson was a baby, he was terrified of his grandpa. His mom said he had to get over it. He would try to climb inside me, when Papa’s walked in the room. One morning he was fussing in his crib, and I was zonked out. Pap went went over picked him up. When, I woke up, he was feeding him and they were laughing. 17 years later, he still says my bff is My Papas

I remember my younger sister crying whenever one of my dads brothers was visiting. This began shortly after her birth. My mom believed it was their deep and sometimes loud voices that frightened her. It lasted until she was old enough to learn who they were.

I didn’t like friends dads or males as much. Just wasn’t comfortable with them. I grew up with an all women household. Not so bad now but I understand where she is coming from.

My youngest was the same. I always thought it was because of the deeper voice.

Talk to her pediatrician

Why does so many people jump to the conclusion that this little lady has been a victim of the hands of a man??
Shes with just mum 24/7 and connects with females more, its quite normal

It’s normal for kids that age to be clingy to mom

My daughter went through that. She out grew it