Is it normal that my ex-husands new girl blocked our child out of a picture?

Please tell me I’m not over reacting. so my ex husband took our daughter out to winter festival she’s two his new girlfriend post pictures and purposely blocked my daughter’s face… am I overreacting or is this just normal? My first divorce his 2nd. And he doesn’t have custody to his other 2 nor mine he said “I can’t handle her no more switch me to every other weekend” But apparently he is an awesome stepdad to hers.


She probably did it out of respect for you. A lot of parents don’t like when other people post their child. I wouldn’t be mad over it at all.


I don’t know the back story but I know I wouldn’t want others posting my kids without my permission. It could very well be a respect thing.


She has children and probably giving you the respect and privacy you and your daughter deserve and what she would expect back from her exs gfs.


I would be more concerned about her dad saying he can’t handle her anymore.


I personally know people who block out or blur their child’s photo especially little ones because people can take photos off anyone’s Facebook account and use them for whatever reason. I would try to talk to them, communicate with them and find out why or her reason. Co parenting works when there is communication among everyone.


I would honestly ask because it sounds like a respect thing.

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Actually I would respect another woman for not putting my child’s face on social media without my permission :woman_shrugging:t4:


My only thinking is to protect your daughter’s privacy.
I will not post other people’s kids. Unless I ask.

Here’s a thought. Ask why? If people were capable of communicating my goodness how well everything would operate :rofl:


I think you should ask yourself if it’s better that she did…or if you would have been more upset that she didn’t…

Most parents do not like their child picture be out there for all to see.

It’s probably out of respect. But how come no one ever asks the other person why?? Maybe you can ask her…

Why do you want your child’s image shared with strangers? She did the right thing. She acknowledges that she’s not the child’s parent & it’s not her place to share pictures of her. She’s respecting you & your daughter.

She was probably being nice, some parents don’t want their children all over social media


Your bigger worry should be your ex not wanting his own child…

Maybe she didn’t want to post your child online??? I would be thankful and tell her I appreciate her discretion :woman_shrugging:t2:

You can’t make him do anything he doesn’t want to do. So if he wants that go to court and get it changed. It’s sad and weird. Men will change for w they want whether right or wrong. Don’t cause drama over someone who may not even be there in the future. It’s his job to be her advocate because you aren’t there. It’s probably better she’s there less. Love her more and ignore them less.

Ask before you try reacting to something. And ask nicely.

She most likely did it out of respect for you. If she had taken pics without your child in them, it might have made them feel left out.
Have you reached out to his girlfriend? It wouldn’t be a bad idea to formally introduce yourself. Maybe find out a little more about her. Especially since she is around your child.

She probably did it so you wouldn’t get made that she put your child on social media. If you don’t have a problem with it just let her know and she will probably stop blocking her out

I would block her photo too unless I had YOUR permission to post her image. There’s a lot of Moms out there don’t like images of their children online for safety reasons,


She probably did it out of respect for you not knowing if you would want her posted or not. You could always ask. If you’re ok with it just be like “Just so you know I don’t mind you doing X…Y…Z” if you don’t “I noticed you blurred her face out. Thank you I appreciate that I don’t want her on social media”

I would ask before assuming. Relax. She probably did it out of respect.

Communicate with her before assuming she’s out to get you and your daughter.

I’d give her the benefit of the doubt that she didn’t want to post pictures of your daughter without permission. If you feel okay with her doing that, id just talk to her and say “hey, next time you guys want to post pictures I’m totally comfortable with DD face being shown! :)” She might answer and say she doesn’t feel comfortable posting kids, which is her choice and not about you at all, or she might say okay awesome!

It sounds like she’s being respectful of your child’s privacy.

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Most block children’s faces for privacy reasons. They’re a minor, and they aren’t their legal parent, so they don’t want to overstep boundaries. Take it as a sign of respect


Open communication with her would be beneficial to you and your child. Talk to her! Maybe she’s doing it out of respect.


I’ll never understand how a man treats their step children better than their own BLOOD child. That boils my blood.


Depends if she did it to be petty, who else was in the pic? Could she have been cropped? Or it could have been out of respect. How would you feel if she posted her? If you guys don’t have a good relationship then I’d be okay with her not be posted by either of them to pretend to be something they’re not.

Is she blocking her out to be mean or is she trying to be respectful to you and the child’s privacy?!? I would inquire about it to the Dad and maybe a conversation with new GirlFriend


Sadly, it doesn’t really matter how you feel.

The child is half the dads. Although this is petty on the girlfriends account, it has nothing to do with the dads coparenting.

All that will happen is you get mad. That’s it.

Maybe she didn’t want to post your daughters face on the internet? Maybe she thought you wouldn’t be okay with it? Only way to know is to ask her.


Very possible she did it out of respect to you and the dad. Not her kid, so she didn’t want to post pictures in case you didn’t want the pictures out there.

Did she block the face? Or block your daughter entirely.

Big difference

I personally think that her doing that is a respectable thing to do. I definitely wouldn’t like my ex’s new women posting our daughters. Blocking out her face accomplishes two thing. 1st people can’t share photos of your daughter off of her account and 2nd it shows you respect until you give her permission to post YOUR daughter.

Maybe for Privacy purposes bc she isnt her child . Id appreciate it if she did that if she were to post any photos of them on her social media.

I think she’s trying to show her and you respect. Coz some people don’t want others to show their kids pics on social media.

Has she asked to post photos of your child? Maybe shes respecting that. If you’re curious, just ask.

Me personally I don’t like when other people take pictures of my children and I wouldn’t like it if they were posted on any social media without being asked

Maybe she did it because she didn’t think you’d be OK with her posting pics with your daughter in them? Or maybe it was a nice pic and she jst want her and bf in there or maybe there’s something else to it and it’s like she’s trying to push your daughter out.

I mean, how do you know she did not do it out of respect for you and dad??? Women jump off the edge way to fast anymore.


Maybe she’s trying to be careful of putting pictures of some else’s child up on her social media without permission?


She might be blocking your kids face bc she’s not her parent and feels like she needs your permission to show your kid.
Also, it’s typical for men to half ass their own kids but be super dad to step kids after a split.

Personally I feel like it’s out of respect for you most mothers don’t like pictures of their kids posted online by someone else if your okay with her posting pics maybe let her know give her a chance


I would assume she is trying to be respectful by not posting someone else’s child’s face online. If you are fine with her posting pictures of your daughter, you could let her know that you don’t mind that. If you are fine with some pictures but not others (photos of them at the fair but not photos of her in a bathing suit) you could let her know that as well.

I’d personally take it as she blocked out your child’s face for her privacy and safety and she was considering if you wanted your child to be posted online I would have no issue with this whatsoever and be grateful that she even considered it


Maybe she thought you would be upset if she posted your daughter and she blocked her out of picture so you and your ex didn’t argue over it.

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Maybe it was out of respect for you because it isn’t her child? Your ex doesn’t exactly sound like father of the year though. Maybe he’s better with hers because they’re older or maybe he’s just putting on a front to impress her because it’s a new relationship

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It sounds like she is doing it out of respect. She is the girlfriend not the stepmom and wanted to post a cute photo that had your daughter in it, so she blocked out the face of your child to respect you.

Wow. Not cool. He is a jerk

You’d be kicking up a fuss if she dint include her

Maybe it’s because it’s not her child and she wants to give her privacy. A lot of people would be pissed if someone posted pics of their kids without asking permission.

I know people that block out kids faces to protect them. She’s not doing it to be mean.