Is it normal that my toddler doesn't sleep much?

So, I am a stay at home mother of 4. My oldest is 7, then we have a 3 year old, an 18 month old and then a 7 month old. My oldest is a great sleeper, my 3 year old sleeps good, my 6 month old has slept all night from the first night she was born. Now my 18 month old hardly EVER sleeps. He’s never been much of a sleeper, he won’t take naps. I can lay him in his bed in the dark and he just stays awake, I’ve tried co sleeping…still doesn’t work. The doctors have told me to do a bedtime schedule by getting his belly full, giving him baths, reading to him…still nothing works. I have even given him half of a 5mg melatonin and he still at his very best sleeps 4 hours a night. I’m just exhausted and I don’t know what else to do. We have tried the sleepy time lotions, music machines, rocking him (which doesnt work because he isnt much on being held) And this child does not even act tired, he is full force constantly. Am I overreacting or is this normal? None of my other kids do/have done this and I just don’t know what else to try. His doctors say he’s perfectly healthy, which is a blessing but something has got to give about the sleeping…any body have any more suggestions? I’m worried there is something more serious going on with him and the doctors are over looking it.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal that my toddler doesn't sleep much?

My son was this way got diagnosed with adhd


He might just be going through a growth spurt or sleep regression. It’s completely normal at this age. When ours did that, we child proofed the room, and put a gate up. She just woke up, played with her toys, climbed back in bed and fell asleep. And somehow still woke up at 7:30 full of energy. :rofl::rofl:

My son who is now grown, didn’t like to sleep and needed vary little sleep . I was lucky he was a great kid and didn’t get into stuff ect , so I let him read or do puzzles or watch a quite movie after his sister went down . He had ADHD , he was vary smart and as he went to school he still didn’t learn to love sleep till teenaged .

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I’m not saying this to say you did anything wrong cause you didn’t, but just keep in mind that taking too much melatonin for your body can cause you to have problems falling asleep. I’d suggest trying a 1mg melatonin instead. I know you say you break them in half and such but in all honestly that’s a lot for a lil tiny body and may be causing him to have trouble falling asleep.

I’d also suggest checking out his sleep space, could you rearrange things or add a super slow moving star light or something that could lull him to sleep visually?

Have you tried a sound machine?

Cut out all sugars and carbs including juices and fruit, have him checked for diabetes and food allergies.


One of my son’s went through a phase like that :grimacing::grimacing: I spoke to the pediatrician and all too because I was worried and they told me to do melatonin the whole thing and noting worked for us :tired_face: it went away on it’s own lasted like 2 months to get him to completely sleep through the night good luck mom

Don’t give melatonin to a child that age - it will mess up it’s system that makes it on it’s own … Adults are a while different story …


I love the kids melatonin line they have bath bombs and salts and I think bubble bath to help kids get sleepy that being said my daughter is the same way she is 7 now but she had adhd

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My son has ADHD and he would go and go and go until he just passed out at that age. A friend of mines daughter has insomnia. She requires very little sleep and nothing my friend did helped her sleep at that age. I would start documenting the sleep pattern for a period of time (week maybe two just to show consistency) and then approach the pediatrician.


My son’s like that he has ADHD it helps if you watch what you feed him especially a few hours before bed

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You could take him to a sleep specialist. Or do what my sons doctor said, he said melatonin, Zquil all of those has Benadryl in it, so you can give him a quarter of an actual Benadryl and crush it up and put it in his bedtime cup.

This was my son, they diagnosed ADHD but I refused meds and didn’t believe the diagnosis. Went to Neurologist, diagnosed with aspergers then. They had him take gaba and B6, said no melatonin, anyway it helped and explained a lot of things.


I don’t recommend feeding him or giving bath right before bed time. He is a toddler and if he belches or vomits it could go down into his lungs Which would most likely be fatal. Maybe feed him half an hour before bedtime. That was my instructions from a doctor.

My son has never been a good sleeper. He is 10 now and sometimes still will not go to sleep at night. Luckily we homeschool and I have to do it after work so it doesn’t matter if he has to sleep during the day sometimes.

My son who has adhd (7 now) has been like that since he was about 2 even to this day he doesn’t require much sleep or will go through phases where he will sleep for 2-4 hours and be just fine not tired, he is medicated as well but that just helps him in school and his behaviors

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Some kids just don’t need a lot of sleep… trust me, it will get better… as he grows and uses more energy the naps and longer sleep cycles will come back

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May just be the way they are. I hardly slept when I was little and I am now 39 and the longest I sleep in a 24 hour period is 4 to 5 hours and absolutely cannot sleep during day time and have never been able to sleep in a car while riding. If we are on a 24 hour trip I stay awake the whole time and then when I do lay down still just 4 or 5 hours

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Is he watching alot of TV throughout the day or getting alot of screen time ? I was struggling with my two boys were on day 8 of no screen time and they have been sleeping so much better I have a two year old and 1 year old.

You are very lucky to have 3 good sleepers. Your active 18 month old may be a bright child with an over-stimulated brain. The two go together - high energy child and bright,
active brain. This can be an asset in life. Given the ages and number of siblings in the house - I imagine there is fun to miss while asleep. I would avoid any chemicals including melatonin and focus on a clean diet limiting processed food. Drink clean water only. One of my three children was like this and his nervous system kicks in even with small amounts of caffeine as an adult. I’m the same. A nervous system is complex, but imagine your running a marathon. Sleeping or eating is not a thought when your body is in high gear. This is your son. Meditation as well as the other bedtime routine activities you mentioned are good. Your child needs to gain confidence and then praise for learning how to fall asleep and staying asleep in the form of compliments and rewards - otherwise it’s going to become a bigger struggle as time goes on.


My niece is like this I just think it’s a stage they go through

My oldest son has ADHD and insomnia. His mind never shuts down. One way to help is physical exercise. Is there a park to take your kids to and let him run his energy out? Or walking around the block? Playing ball in the yard? The harder he plays the more tired he will be


18 months was a horrible sleep regression for our household. Stay firm on your routine and it’ll fade

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Let him burn some energy alll day. Play grounds are a life saver for me and my gurls

Oh and keep him in a routine the best you can. Hang in mama it’ll get easier

My daughter did that but I didn’t see it till 4 y/o. I worked full time and a lot of OT. About 1 she stopped napping and was awake sometimes from 6am to about 8pm. She rarely but would cat nap in the car when I got off work. When I became a SAHM at 4 she got down to 4/5 hours a night and diagnosed with ADHD and through the years had sleep issues than diagnosed at 13 with autism. She’s 16 and had learned to try and sleep at night about 8:30pm but is up at 5am. She’s been taught to let people sleep in the on weekends. I would just keep reinforcing a routine and keep the doctor in the loop.

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I would say ditch the melatonin honestly. I feel like in my personal experience they fall asleep easier but never sleep as long as they normally would.

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My son did not sleep through a single night until he was three and a half years old. Some kiddos just don’t sleep a lot. I have a cousin who slept three hours a night as a kid and as an adult, he now sleeps fours hours a night.


That is way too much melatonin and way too young. A four year old should only have 1mg of melatonin. I would avoid that completely. My 18 month old daughter barely sleeps. Some babies just don’t sleep alot and thats ok. It’s hard but it won’t last forever. Keep up the routine and hopefully that helps some.

Don’t give melatonin unless doctor says so it can cause problems or interact with things. Everyone is different. You can’t compare the kids . Stop naps altogether and see if that will get you some extra hours at night. That child may not be someone who needs a lot of sleep. So you are going to have to help them be able to entertain themselves quietly so others who need more sleep can sleep. It’s not a bad thing. I have had 5 kids and everyone was different. It could also change as they age. Try ruling out naps and then if you still feel alarmed talk to your doctor again. I don’t think it’s a big thing but I’m not the mom and I don’t see your kid every day like you do.

My 21 month old was exactly like this, only a few non consecutive hours a night of sleep and horrible naps so we actually got his iron levels tested. His was at 16 and should have been at 25. We started liquid iron supplements and a liquid multivitamin with iron (all done with our pediatrician of course) and things are much better now. We also saw a sleep specialist and he was Dx with restless sleep syndrome. But the iron has almost fixed the issue.

Some people hit the floor running each day… they’re up and ready to go…while others sit…these types of people run circles around the rest of us…


My 3 yr old is killing me. My oldest is 23. Always slept great. Twins are 15 and they were great. This guy. My midlife crisis. Lord have mercy. He will wake up at 10am and stay up till 4am. I am going insane. So I’m
Just here to read comments and also find helpful suggestions lol


Too much melatonin. If u give to much it has the opposite effect. Do 1mg every night at the same time at the beginning of bedtime routine. It takes about 45 min to take effect. Do this on schedule for a full week. Melatonin 1mg , snack (something with fibor to stock with him/her) with 1 cup of whole milk make it chocolate if you have to., give a warm bath lay in dark room with nightlight and add lullaby sounds on very low volume.

If you do this for one week stay on a schedule no matter what child will sleep. I garintee it.

My son is almost 6. Has never slept through the night. At 1 his doctor told me to use 1 MG melatonin for this reason. I have known he was adhd since he was about 4months old. He had all the signs. But this is what they say to do for it. Not saying your child has it. Just that I feel your pain. My son was finally diagnosed in December. Had to wait till he was old enough. Now he is on a special sleep medication and a day time medication and it has made me a better mom because I get to sleep now.

Anyway never give more then 3mg of melatonin to any child under 10. 5 is an adult dosage and it will have a really bad effect on them. Always start low.


My Nephews have ASD and have sleep problems…They were perscribed melatonin but can override it sometimes


meanwhile my 18m old goes to bed at 9pm and sleeps till 11am every single day, takes a nap around 1:30/2 and doesn’t wake up till 5:30. :exploding_head: I think mine sleeps too much :rofl:

Longshot… If he has a weak valve between his stomach and esophagus, he could be suffering from acid reflux while lying horizontal. My wife and I realized this with one of our children. We shimmed up the top half of her bed so her head was inclined. It helped big time. Maybe try this?

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He doesn’t like being held at 18 months?..this could be a form of autism. Your his mama and I’m no Dr. I will say tho some children on the spectrum struggle with contact, affection (bring held, hugs, etc unless it’s on there terms) and definitely struggle with sleeping at night. Is he developing on schedule for his age,? Just keep trying mama. That’s all we can do!


I’d see if some heavy exertion like dancing the sillies away or outside play or some form of messy play will help to tire his brain/body out. My kids struggle to sleep when I don’t meet their sensory needs.

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Honestly, I have 3 boys that are also like this. Getting them busier during the day (more physically active) helps some. I’m not sure if you have any toddler programs in your area, but definitely try to get him into things like swimming, tumbling, etc! Also try toddler play groups, maybe he needs more mental stimulation during the day. For what you’ve said it doesn’t sound like there is anything actually wrong with him, he just sounds like a busy body. I have a 1 1/2 almost two year old boy (my youngest boy) who is the same way. Both older boys were also like this, and keeping them super busy during the day seemed to help, along with melatonin and bedtime routines and them just getting older. My girls were not like this thankfully. But my boys, just no limit warriors. No sleep. Always having to be moving and doing things. My oldest boy is 7 almost 8 and he’s finally sleeping thru the nights most nights. He does have ADHD though, but my 4 yr old boy doesn’t have adhd and he’s slowly starting to sleep better at night and actually sleep. When my toddler wakes up I usually put him into bed with me and put on a movie in my room or give him the iPad and he will atleast lay down so I can go back to sleep for a bit.

A routine does help but it takes two to three weeks to establish it. I feel ya i have 4 kids n none of them sleep good. Monevare 17 11 10 n 3. My oldest suffers from insominia and refuses meds. This also could also be a early indicator of autism. Autistic kids don’t have a normal rem cycle causing their sleep patterns to be all over the place. My one son 11 is autistic n we suspect his younger sister 10 n younger brother 3 are too (working on getting them evaluated) none of them sleep through out the night unless they take their sleepy meds. My oldest son n youngest daughter take Clondine n my youngest son will take a allergy med when I get exhausted so like once a week maybe twice (hes to little for clondine) hugs

My 5 year old could sleep nonstop since about 6 weeks if id let him. My 18 month old has never slept through the night. Some kids just aren’t good sleepers.

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My 2.5 yr old will stay awake until 2am and wake for the day at 7 and stay up all day

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Order olly chillax gummies

Melatonin more than 2gr makes everything worst, and its for adults, 5gr is way too much for 18 month old.

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Melatonin can aggravate a sleep disorder. I apparently didn’t sleep until I was about two and a half. Excellent sleep schedule and putting to bed later is the best option. No baths…I think it makes it worse, same with lotions. You might get six or seven hours in a row then. I would be pondering ASD with Sensory Processing Disorder as you’ve said they don’t like to be held. A weighted blanket or heavier bedding might work. Does it matter if they just have quiet time rather than being asleep? My Mum was told to put a few toys in my cot and I have strong memories of playing made-up games in the middle of the night when everyone else was asleep!


Early sign of ADHD…my son hated sleep since birth and found out why…try a weight blanket


The are a rare number of people born with something called golden blood,one of the side effects is needing very little sleep. Or maybe ad/hd.


My brother was like this and he has ASD… perhaps worth looking into just to knock off the other options


My daughter barely slept through all her teething times and growth spurts, other than that she’s a great sleeper. Could (hopefully) be a phase

I have two sons who are now adults. They never slept. When my oldest was 7 and youngest was 2, my Pediatrician finally prescribed a very low dose of Clonidine for them. It changed my life! We all finally got a full night’s sleep with zero side effects.

I have 4 kids, first 2 were amazing sleepers, 3rd was a little harder cause I bf so a little less sleep, and the 4th was exactly like this. I was dying to get some sleep cause I worked full time and was a single mom too. Tried everything and nothing ever worked. Finally around 5 she started doing her ‘full’ nights

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I have a friend who sleeps two hours a night. That is all she has ever slept. Even as a child. Her parents put a lock on the outside of her door. They gave her toys, a clock and a non-perishable snack. She understood as a child until the big hand was here, and the little hand there, she had to stay in her room.

I feel for you mama! My son is now 6. Will be 7 in a few months. He use to be the best sleeper ever. Now he goes to bed late is up by 6/7am no matter if its a school night or not. Hard to get him to sleep before 10-11pm . No naps since he was a year old.

My daughter was not a sleeper either but she didn’t cry to get up either so I let her be. when she transitioned from crib to bed I put up a baby gate to keep her in her room .I never drugged her because it can become mentally addictive .years later and she still not a sleeper .and she is perfectly healthy and don’t have ADHD .she’s just not a big sleeper .

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My oldest and she’s now diagnosed with anxiety, epilepsy and sleep apnea … though she did act tired by end of day or in mornings sometimes… she can lay in bed for hours before falling asleep and wakes up a million times a night with seizures or sleep apnea (seizures are finally controlled and we are getting her machine for the sleep apnea soon…) good luck Momma sending you lots of energy as I know the hell and mental toll of sleeplessness with young kids (3 8 and under)

My first child didn’t sleep more than 3 hours twice a day until she went to preschool. My second was sleeping 8hrs from day 2.
All kids are different.

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Talk to a sleep specialist! We did that found out my boy was low on iron and not low enough to cause concer with the pediatrician but enough to make his sleeping bad.

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My 15 month old is like this and we have an appointment with a sleep specialist at the end of the month

Possible sensory processing disorder? Especially since he doesn’t like to be held. Could be hypersensitive.

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You most certainly have your hands full :grinning: god bless :pray:

Try a fan don’t give melatonin that’s way too much and it can make him sleep less and not produce his own melatonin. Try to take away nap so he sleeps. And try to do a dark room try the calm spray in the room and add a sleep plant

Sounds like my nephew that is now 4 and is nonverbal autistic… maybe look into seeing if he’s on the spectrum… I’d also ask the doctor to run blood work to make sure all levels are where they should be since certain things being too high or too low like a specific vitamin D and a specific iron or certain cholesterol and vitamin D… good luck

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I have seen kids that never slept much but seened healthy, just active all of their lives. Our 4 children all had varying sleep patterns but tended to sleep if they got tired! However if they got too tired then they seemed “wired” and slept less! I finally just had to try and take a nap if they did in order to survive. Years later I finally figured out that their discomfort was due to food allergies, (Drs had told me that it was due to MY nerves!)
they got pneumonia easily etc but survived, sleep normally now but still active and still have to watch what foods, drinks, and even vitamins they take. Good Luck and don’t give up!!

Play with him, make him tired, maybe sleeping to much during day?

My 14yo son was like this when he was younger. At 9months he wouldn’t take naps anymore. Wouldn’t go to sleep till about 11 or 12 and would wake up around 6am and even in those 6-7 hours would sometimes wake up. It was rough. We tried everything. But as he got older he would at least start going to bed earlier. Now he loves sleep.

My oldest (12yr old) NEVER has liked to sleep much. Since birth. He didn’t even sleep more than 3 hours at a time until he was almost 2 and then not long, NEVER liked naps, and still doesn’t like going to sleep. Everyone thought ADHD because combined with the issues with sleep he was/is constantly moving, tapping, something all the time. However, last year he was put on anxiety meds (he has always been anxious) since then he sleeps MUCH better. I do give him 5 mg of melatonin in the evenings and it helps him so much.