Is it normal that my toddler only wants milk?

My son is 2 and a half and lately all he wants is milk no solid foods….has anyone dealt with a similar situation? Is it normal? Is it a growth spurt or just a phase?

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Our 3 year old girl cry’s for milk all day long. It gets her constipated,I put juice in a cup and walk away. Can’t argue with herself!


Currently going through this with my daughter. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: She’s living off air and milk. They’ll phase out of it soon. I keep berries and bacon out for her as well as her water cup. She snacks when she wants to.

Has his tonsils being checked. Sometimes children do not eat solid food or hold it in their month due to difficulty in swallowing.

My 2 and a half year old would live on milk if i let him.

Pro tip. You’re thw adult and you’re in charge… Offer food as you would/should, if theyre hungry they will eat. they know they dont have to coz eventually you will give them milk, which is wnat they want.

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