When I had my first kid, I was scared af, so we waited about 6 months or so
No tearing n healed after my 3rd n had sex 2 wks later… Gently. All good…u know ur body better than anyone. If youre nervous, wait 1 more week🤷♀️
It’ll feel weird at first for sure but if you have any pain or discomfort stop immediately. I would wait a bit longer but if you can’t hold out know your bodies limits
Go for it but use birth control Or condoms
I was so nervous for the first few months after both kids. Just take it easy and you’ll know when your body is ready to go full throttle
Please wait until after your 6 week appointment. Get some coconut oil for lube
Doctors will wait 6 weeks to even look at you after birth so wait until then
completely Normal only Do it when u feel Ready too. dont push urself or let anyone else push you into it
Oh hun, off course… You have a new relationship with your body… Take your time:sun_with_face:
Yes it hurts and you can get pregnant real easy! I did!
I waited 4 months after my second one lol especially to make sure my IUD was secured in place lol but listen to your body and if you’re not comfortable just wait.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal to be nervous about sex after giving birth?
Totally normal!! For me the first few times after both babies were uncomfortable/slightly painful at the beginning but my suggestion is dont do it until you feel your body is fully ready for it. I was ready way sooner with my son than my daughter and everybody is different. When you’re ready you’ll know
Totally normal. However, the first couple of times it can be uncomfortable so use a lubricant. Also, you can get pregnant again so use protection, even if you haven’t gotten your period or if you are breastfeeding.
Totally normal! After both of mine I was so nervous. I didnt want to take of my tshirt. My hub was like no I love you no matter what you look like! I put those babies in you. Growing them gave you that belly and stretch marks. He definitely showed me my post baby body was just fine with him. He still likes to tell me I have an hour glass figure and hes got plenty of time baby! Anyway I didnt need stitches or tear with either of mine either and sex wasnt painful as long as we put in the prep work. I mean if you aren’t fully into it and ready yeah sex hurts under the best circumstances. If all else fails have some lube on stand by in case your juices aren’t flowing as well as they need to.
Definitely not just you most new moms and even some new dads feel apprehensive about it so don’t worry
Just take things slowly and wait until you feel right then all will be ok
I think it’s a bit early yet xxxx
Perfectly normal. And a new body after having a baby can make you nervous too. Some guys think our bodies bounce right back to the before pregnancy shape right after the baby is born! And all us mom’s know how untrue that is. Sit with your man and explain why your so nervous and tell him you need more time. Your doctor check is in a couple weeks and maybe you’ll be more comfortable to give it a try then. Tell him to go slow as it may feel slightly different than it used to until you get back into it again.
Normal, but I’d wait till your 6 weeks you may feel great and all but you also may technically not be ready before the 6 week mark. I was completely nervous after my last son, just when you are ready take it slow and lots of foreplay will help.
Yes, but it’s still too early to try. Usually 6 weeks is the earliest… let your body heal!
Yes completely normal. I tore with my first and found it felt sort of like having sex for the first time felt. A little pinchy and uncomfortable at first but not bad. My second baby was much better. Use lube if needed and take your timr
Yes, absolutely! Our bodies change during pregnancy and childbirth.
Make sure you use protection, you can’t use too much lube!
Relax and enjoy your partner.
Perfectly normal! And after 6 wks I was still raw Don’t push it And of course body image has alot to do with it too You are still on an emotional rollercoaster
I had my baby in March and I am still scared lol
The doctor probably would say wait until after your post-partum check up. What is a couple of weeks? I had 3 c-sections. I was in the hospital 7 days and when we went home, he wanted some before he went to work!. Of course it didn’t hurt but I made him get on the floor; because I was not going to be bouncing around on a bed, I could barely walk!!!I was just proud he went on to work afterwards!!!
My hubby usually has to wait almost 2 years for my libido to return so I think you’re ok lol
I was nervous about sex and my first post partum gyn visit. I had a C-section. Just wait until you are ready.
Yes, it is. You should not be worried about your body right now. You just had a baby. It will take time to get to we’re you eat your body to be.
I had my babies long time ago but this is perfectly normal . Talk to your partner tell him how you are feeling - honesty is best policy . Be gentle on yourself you have just had another baby your body and your mind needs time to heal .
Absoluely normal. Waiting 6 weeks while bonding with you little one is a good idea. Don’t be afraid forever though, you might make it a bigger fear than it needs to be.
I was nervous after all three. Wait another week just to be safe and use protection if your worried about getting pregnant again.
Remember, right after giving birth you are very fertile. Use protection if you’re not ready to get pregnant so soon.
Naturally with no surgery never should hurt. If it does you need to call ob
Normally dr also recommends 6 to 8 weeks after birth. I had sex about 5 weeks after my 3rd baby and started bleeding again. Just be cautious.
I was scared too at first but eventually the fear went away if your not ready wait until your a little more comfortable
I was tore up after my kids with stitches… So I was nervous too.
Why is this allowed on Facebook? Talk to your doctor
Being anxious and tense can make sex hurt even if you didn’t have a baby. Take it slow and make sure you are.lubricated.
And if you’re not ready for penetration, try oral instead!
I always waited til after the post partum checkup…6 weeks. And honestly…even longer , after my 3 girls. Who were: 8.5…9.5…& 9.3 in weight. My youngest, a boy, who weighed 7.8…was more the normal suggested 6 wks .
I would wait 6 to 8 weeks. But, yes, you are allowed to feel nervous. Just take it slow. Communicate any pain and discomfort with you partner.
It is Perfectly normal to be nervous after giving birth
To have sex
We didn’t even try after our 1st till 2months later and I kept panicking.
Try a vibrator first where you have total control and if that does not hurt then you know. I think you shouldn’t worry.
Could just be you or your sex drive. My last baby I had a csec and had sex 3 days later
It’s totally normal take it slow and learn your new limits
No sex for 6 weeks is what dr.s said back when I had kids, and get birth control also…
Wait til after ur 6 week up,and also use a lubricant to ease the pain with a condom
It’s normal to feel that way at first
Normal. You squeezed a baby out of there. I think it would be abnormal if you didn’t.
Usually at least 2 mos recommended but you will know when it’s ok
Just use a form of birth control or you will be pregnant again before your 6wk checkup.
They used to tell ya to wait 6 weeks
And I thought that this column was about Vintage Airliners?
Completely normal just take your time until. You feel ready
Very normal. Take your time and wait until you are ready.
Nah just get back on yr bike lol x
I think it’s normal. You spent almost the last year growing a person. It’s going to take just as long for you to heal and your body to adjust. Be graceful to yourself. And hopefully your partner understands
4 week to soon docs day 6 to 8.don’t rush it.my daughter .rushed it had kids.lo. months apart lol that’s called Irish twins heee
You need to wait at least 6 weeks before having sex again. But I totally understand the fear, I was terrified. Everything will work just fine and you will be able to enjoy yourself. It is totally normal.
Nmb. Want more babies??? Go for it
You should wait a few weeks
Way too soon. At LEAST 6 weeks of healing.
You are very fertile after birth so becareful. I wouldn’t suggest it but everyone is different. Your body needs to heal. Pretty raw.
If you don’t want any kids immediately definitely use protection
It’s normal. Don’t worry. It will be fine. I had sex 6 weeks after giving birth to twins.
Yes you can get pregnant again if your not using contraceptives
Your body needs to heal completely give it 6 weeks.
Yes its normal just be gentle with it and slow see how you feel if it’s too much stop if it’s feeling like nothing painful then keep going.
Take as much time as you need
U prob nervous cz sex makes babies lol
Yes, perfectly normal!
This is totally normal.
Funny, but true story!!
It will hurt.wait 7weeks
Not painful I had sex same day both vaginally and c section
Docs recommend 6 weeks
It’s best to wait at least 6 weeks. Although you might be healed externally, the placenta has left a wound the size of a dinner plate which is susceptible to infection. Let that heal first x
Yes that’s normal but make sure you wait to have sex till your dr okays it. My 1st I waited was almost 3months. My 2nd I felt okay and we waited but not as long and I told him it hurt and felt odd. So we waited till my dr said it was okay, I was I’m so much discomfort and pain. I told my dr and he just brushed it off, told me the pain in my right ovary was bc it shifted from my pregnancy and birth. A few days later I passed the rest of my placenta, I took it to my dr and he didnt seem suprized, worried or anything just oh and sent me on my way.
I would suggest you wait, even with no stitches or rips your body is still healing and adjusting.
I waited 4 months and it still was uncomfortable for another month but I also had a fourth degree tearing.
You do what you feel like when you feel like it. You just passed a human from your body.
Yes I was. I couldn’t even look at my own vagina for months, I thought it’d be wrecked lol
Only one way to find out
Its totally normal. Have a conversation with your SO and let them know that you need to take it slow. Maybe even take the lead so you can go at the pace you are comfortable with. Let your SO know also that you need to regain confidence with your new body. Ask them to help with that. If you don’t feel comfortable yet then I suggest waiting till YOU feel ready. Everyone is different and everyones bodies are different. Get your SO to help you feel sexy and confident again from a day to day basis (not just during sexy times). Maybe try with some foreplay first and if you feel up to it then keep going.
Go slowly! Lots of foreplay and you’ll be fine it’s natural to feel nervous i know I was but your at no risk now and it’ll be completely safe X
Totally normal, and I had my second and had no tearing and no stitches and sex didn’t hurt at all for me. My first it was uncomfortable but my second no pain at all! If you’re fully healed do it, just take it slow.
Yes and I had a c section both times I waited 8 weeks my first and 12 weeks w my 2nd bc I knew it was going to hurt
i was still scared to have sex like 3 months after giving birth.
You feel all weird and abnormal for the longest time.
Just wait until you are ready, there shouldn’t be ANY rush.
Heck yea! You might get pregnant again! Lol
I would listen to your doctor and wait 6 weeks (average time) after giving birth…sex will be the same compared to before birth. Give yourself time to heal.
I didn’t have sex for 4 months after my 2nd. I did tear though. Wait until you’re ready. Usel lube & birth control.
For both of us it was nervy. I was very aware the whole time so I could do my best to sense any discomfort for her, and it is different. Both partners got used to what your body felt like for what seemed like so long. Just take your own time and go at your own pace. Make sure to communicate everything you think you need to
Lynne Fischer, what is wrong with you. There is nothing that is offensive in any of these post. It is a fact of life and a natural one, I might add!! Lighten up!!!
Heck yes!!!My wife was very nervous and I understood. It’s a traumatic event to your body
It very normal but I wait if I was you at least 6 weeks. It’s to soon after to be having any kind of activity.
Just relax and wait a bit more. And then dont let it be rushed. Lots of gentle, easy going foreplay, no hurry. A month isnt long enough for your hormones and body to settle. Sex isnt supposed be like a chore.