Is it normal to be out of breath while pregnant?

Is it normal to be completely out of breathe almost always even when I’m not doing anything? I wasn’t like this with my first baby at all but this second pregnancy is kicking my butt


Yes. Got worse with each pregnancy for me. I felt like I couldn’t even finish a sentence without stopping to catch my breath with my third. No heart or BP problems either.


It can be normal depending on how far along you are but it doesn’t hurt to consult a cardiologist and phualmonoligist as well to see if you’re heart & lungs are healthy. Sometimes women develop issues during pregnancy that normally wouldn’t effect them otherwise.

That happened to me with my second baby. I thought it was normal but it got worse and worse to the point that even standing was exhausting. And I would fall asleep all the time. Turns out I was very anemic and needed 3 infusions!!! Have them test your iron

My with my daughter when I was pregnant but she was a big baby! She was 9 pounds 2 oz and 22 inches long when she was born! I couldn’t really walk very far without being out of breath!

Yes BUT!!! You should review it with midwife or gp to ensure that your heart is managing. As well as blood pressure isn’t too high. Most of the time it’s pregnancy and totally normal and safe , but you need to be sensible and check.

I felt like I couldn’t breathe when I was pregnant with my girls. My doctor always said, well your obviously breathing. Grrr. I used to stand in front of the fan with my mouth wide open trying to feel like I got a full breath

With my second I could hardly do anything I had vertigo so bad , out of breath doing the dishes even😱 I carried him very low

I was like this but it was because of my gestational diabetes. When I finally started taking my insulin like I was supposed to I felt much better. Not saying this is your issue at all. But a lot of it could be anxiety. A lot of mine was. Even if you don’t feel scared or anxious your body reacts. Just a thought. But yes I was constantly out of breath just sitting on the couch watching tv. But that was towards the end and I was big as a cow.

My 3rd baby was horrible I kept telling the doctor and they looked into it some but said it’s normal. Right after having him I felt better. It’s probably the position on the baby and your sac and all pushing on your lungs a lot more. I was also heavier than I have been and have gestational diabetes (so more fluid) and pre eclampsia.

I was out of breath alot with both my kids, but I was anemic as well. Like others have said, a doctors visit is a good idea. When it comes to pregnancy I don’t think you can ever be too cautious.

I had pre eclampsia and gestational diabetes. I definitely felt short of breath especially at night when I was trying to sleep. But even going up a few steps got me out of breath at times which is not normal for me. Check with your Doctor. I read it can be normal but it’s always best to double check.

Yup. 7th baby and she’s breech, posterior and under my ribs constantly so breathing is hard

I’m surprised you didn’t have that problem with your first it’s very common baby takes up a lot of room in there

Being out of breath can be normal but STRUGGLING to breathe is not. My last pregnancy I was struggling to breathe and had to take an 8 hour breathing treatment :expressionless:

Yes my boys I carried high they were always pushing on my lungs and kicking my ribs

I always was… fluid volume increases… baby size increases

Don’t get mad but are you fluffy? Because that could be putting stress on your heart. I would tell you to contact you primary care doctor

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It can be normal yes but ask your doctor anyways just to be safe

I’d ask a Dr about it. I was out of breath and having chest pain which I thought was just from heartburn. Turns out I was dangerously anemic and my heart was working overtime to get oxygen around my body. A week or so on supplements and I was better🫶🏼


I would say, it depends. Are you early in your pregnancy or late in the pregnancy? Because if you’re early in the pregnancy I’d be more concerned than if you were late into the pregnancy when baby is taking up space abs shifted your organs and whatnot.

My second pregnancy has been worse as well, same symptoms my doctor just said we feel things earlier with each pregnancy and each is more tough on our body

Have them check your hemoglobin

With my last pregnancy, out of breath at 4-5 wks pregnant was the reason I knew damn well I was pregnant