Is it normal to cry in therapy?

Has anyone been to therapy? Is it common to cry? I am in a very toxic and absve (not physically) relationship, and it’s very traumatizing. I know I need the mental help before I really snap crackle and pop… but I feel like I’m just gonna cry while I open up and the therapist would be like… damn.


Absolutely! Sometimes that’s almost all I do. :joy:. It it feels good!

Of course it’s normal- you’re going to be talking about your feelings and things you don’t want to talk about but have to to let yourself heal from whatever it is. You need to get out now. Prayers for you :pray:t2:

Let it all out girl that’s what it’s for.

Everyone cries during therapy and it gets worse before it gets better


I cry so easily tbh
So yes :sob::sob:

Yes. For many weeks I did before I could really open up, it gets worse before it’ll get better, but very cleansing to cry and cry and just release it all. :people_hugging: :two_hearts:


Yes ma’am! It’s perfectly normal.

Normal and healthy, honestly. They’re there to listen and trust me, they have tissues handy. I cried to my therapist many times, at least once a session. Let it out.

I cry all the time in therapy completely normal

Crying is normal. Ive done it at every therapy session ive been at. Im currently crying bc my daughter is in FL on vacation and my son is going to the lake with his dad. Cry away

I am a mental health Counselor. Yes, it is very normal to cry while in therapy. You give real answers helping your Counselor/Therapist ask the right questions bringing out exactly what you need.
We are used to it and encourage it.

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There’s always at least one box of tissues available for this very reason. Crying is cathartic. Not to worry.