Is it normal to develop feelings for your children's teacher?

He aint into you sis sounds one sided…


You can’t help who you have feelings for just so happen to be your child’s teacher so what

Sorry but without missing information it sounds stalkerish. And friends telling you it’s discrimination are equally crazy. Cause just because people think it’s odd and talk about it doesn’t make it discrimination. It makes them petty gossiping about the situation. But after 2 years and you still have strong feelings, unless you were in a relationship with the teacher it’s just weird.


It sounds like he needs to get a restraining order against you.


You think people are messing with you now… go ahead and get legal advice and watch it get worse.


No? That’s not what that means. If someone doesn’t like you he doesn’t like you and maybe you keep trying that’s why the other teachers have a problem bc it probably gives them all something to talk about


Well, I think it’s safe to say that it’s not a grammar teacher that they have feelings for…:rofl:


why would you need legal counsel ??? There is more than what you are saying. How can a child have the teacher for 2 yrs??? Are you harassing this teacher??? Are you making this teacher uncomfortable & they have told you this???


There’s a reason why daycare staff/teachers are not allowed to fraternize with the parents :rofl:

I’m confused about the legal part but at this point, I’d just pull my kid out and just transfer him to another daycare. If you’re still in love with your child’s teacher 2yrs later and they still haven’t returned those feelings, that’s a problem.


Wtf did I just read? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It’s probably the same reason they are treating you like a weirdo.


Literally not 1 single period in this.


I don’t even understand this… are you also a teacher and that’s why the others talk about it or something? Why would you need legal advice?? What did you even say for everyone to think you’re not normal? Lol Jesus Christ


Why is your kid in the same class for 2 years? How can you develop strong feelings for someone you spend almost no time with? Are you sticking this poor teacher?

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Get a lawyer and move your kid to another school

If it’s just your kids teacher than how are the higher up teachers doing anything to you. Do you also work at the same place? What are they doing that may be discrimination? Need more details bc it’s not clear

And since these are anonymous do the people ever respond on these pages for clarification and clear things up? I never see any one ever give more facts or say what happened we all just keep wondering or staying confused on shit that they don’t put in.

What were you trying to do get your kid an easy a so you wanted to bang the teacher ? Poor kid your probably like harassing the teacher like a horny school girl

Summer Derouard read this one

I’d just ride it out it will all blow over

This teacher might be disturbed by your lack of punctuation…


Ok yes this post is confusing but seriously this is bullying just because this person doesn’t type well or use grammar and punctuation
Does not give you the right to put them down grow up


This is absolutely disgusting how you women are speaking about this lady and it’s not just on this post seems to be on most posts all you guys do is tear eachother down or make fun of poster


I used to get slight tiny feelings for anyone who showed love and kindness to my son. His Dad didn’t show much love and affection towards him so I just got weird feelings for people who did. I got over it though through therapy.

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So here is what I am taking from your post

You have some feels for your kids teacher

You told coworkers

They think you’re crazy for liking him or find it inappropriate.

They have changed how they treatsd you since were told this information

isn’t really classed as discrimination but if you have a union anyone doing anything that is bullying towards you should be addressed. Hwoever if you have a union they will ask you have you addressed the issue with the people in question first before coming to them. Same with any school admin you were to bring in…

For me I know that being bullied by other educators can make or break a year
And feeling alone in a profession that is difficult to start with is no fun. Couid you transfer to another school?

The whole thing about you liking your kids teacher isn’t a big deal… I mean a little inappropriate if your child is still in their class, but if you are another educator it isn’t a stretch to think you might be attracted to another educator. Our job is specific and only teachers really get other teachers
. Anyway good luck . But don’t bring a bunch of lawsuits or.even union issues into it…try to.find a better work environment


How heavy handed have you been about it that everybody and their mother knows? And how much do you creep on this dude to feel comfortable enough to tell him? Poor kids. They don’t need to be going to school wondering if their next daddy is teaching them every year.

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Plot twist she a studenttttttt lol

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you need to move to a new school. it’s maybe normal but it’s pretty weird after 2 years gone by you’re still stuck.


Thats unfair to your kid…but I guess your feelings are more important.


Honestly I don’t think it’s appropriate :woozy_face: teachers go through enough without parents having crushes on them


Wow second week in, you don’t waste time haha

Definitely not appropriate


It sounds like a lot more to the story is missing.


Are you a teacher too? This doesnt make sense about higher up teachers or telling them about it 2 years ago? Who is them?


The teacher hasn’t reciprocated and prob put a lot of space between y’all for a reason. Get to a therapist Bc after 2 yrs of unreciprocated affection it feels like an obsession. Maybe you need a break from this person. And stop telling everyone else about it that’s embarrassing for the teacher and should be embarrassing you that this situation is so bad people are treating you differently.


I wish I knew more of this story! I think it’s normal to have a crush on someone, whether it’s a Teacher or someone else. I had a crush on my son’s baseball coach for 2 years. That being said, I never told him or anyone else. I never acted on it in any way. For my childs sake I kept everything to myself and I eventually had no feelings at all. It was nice, as an adult to have a little crush, but just like the crush I had on Dylan from Beverly Hills 90210, it faded. I’m not sure what to tell you on the whole lawsuit thing. I’m not sure how any of that works.

  1. It isn’t “discrimination” for the other teachers to be treating you differently than other parents. People who have a crush on a teacher is not a protected class. That said, understand that it would have been a breach of professional ethics for the teacher to have reciprocated your feelings when your child was in their class. It’s obvious they do not have feelings for you. Move on and the talk will eventually die down.

Dang so much judgement here in the comment section. WOW. It’s not a crime to catch feelings. With that being said I feel like there are missing parts to this story and I’m not sure how to go about answering it fully because I feel like there are missing parts. :sweat_smile:


There’s not enough information here, but in any case, move on


Why does this read the way my toddler speaks? :rofl:


Your mama sure does care about your schoolin


People are going to feel the way they feel about it. Adults are rarely more mature than middle schoolers when it comes to gossip regardless of their profession. It was inappropriate for you to make a business relationship personal especially in the environment your child has to function in. If I’m reading this right and they’re still treating you like a social pariah after 2 years then I would address it with the principal especially if it’s affecting your child. Some people, yourself included, need to be reminded that this is a place of work so professionalism is key. After two years of unreciprocated interest it’s now bordering on obsession so you should definitely address the root of that and try to move on.


My dad fucked my fourth grade teacher and now im an alcoholic

Are you also a teacher? Because if you weren’t idk why the higher grade teachers would have a single thing to say about it. If you are or if your not idk thats its inappropriate as much as he obviously isn’t interested a d you seem to keep dragging in about it after being clearly distanced from said teacher crush. They are most likely telling you things like back off not because its not normal but because he doesn’t share your interest. If he was interested then you would be together 2 years later not still crying on the shoulders of other teachers about this man you’re so infatuated with who obviously doesn’t share you’re interest in any sort if relationship. Is he married or seeing someone? That would also explain the hate you’re getting. Either way its not all about you because he just doesn’t want this and you dragging it on and on and on 2 years later is probably annoying and desperate as Fu×k for these other teachers to keep listening to. So yeah I would keep this nonsense to yourself. Its not like you were actually with this man and have ANY valid feelings or reasons to feel hurt or whatever. Just leave him alone and stop talking about your attraction to him to other ppl he works with who are seemingly sick of hearing you talk about it. Grow up and move the he11 ON honey. Theres plenty of fish in the sea. You don’t sound normal at all to me. This kind of obsessive teen love lust behavior IS NOT NORMAL FOR A MOTHER WITH SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN.

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With the little bit we have I’d say there isn’t really anything wrong with having feelings for someone. Their job doesn’t dictate how you feel. So I don’t really understand the issue.

Somebody’s job doesnt stop them from being human

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Rings odd to me as we have all for the most part been in & out of lockdown since late 2019/2020 so I don’t really understand how you could of developed feelings over this time frame when most have been living at a distance?? So how has this even came about if it was all based around the kids work ete? Unless it hasn’t been? Only feelings I ever felt was a fecking headache :joy:.


I really hope you are not a teacher because even Costco doesn’t have enough dressing for that word salad


I married my sons kindergarten teacher…lol


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal to develop feelings for your children's teacher?

How are they treating you? Be specific

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For me it all depends on if the feelings were reciprocated? Personally if there was never any indication that the feelings were mutual I think it is over stepping your place to blurt out your feelings to someone that you hold a professional relationship with. Puts everyone in a very awkward situation. Hopefully your child is young enough that this doesn’t become “school gossip” because children csn be cruel. I don’t think it’s abnormal to have feelings for someone if the feelings are reciprocated but to have such “strong feelings” towards someone that you probably hardly know if they havbt expressed similar feelings is a bit off to me. If this was a mutual thing then I think if the situation is handled carefully it can be fine but sounds to be one sided tk me :woman_shrugging:t2: we all gk through life developing feelings for people, might be a colleague or a close friend and we all have to decide if it’s appropriate or not. It’s just being an adult, doesn’t make our feelings invalid it’s just about thinking about others too and how it might make them feel or how a, in this case, professional relationship will be affected. Personally I woukdnt put my child in that awkward position as no doubt the teacher may feel awkwardness towards your child ot have to be careful about what they say/do. For me it wasn’t correct move really. I hope it gets resolved though

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I never have however if you have I would’nt say its weird, you’re still normal regardless. I would just concentrate on you, don’t go to the school and over think how a teacher is with you. keep it strictly professional. the fact all staff and your friends know suggests you have been telling everyone and this is probably why its become an issue. just distance yourself and say to yourself this is my Childs environment i’m here for the child only

Feelings for them in what way?

If this person has a partner you need to leave them alone and only speak on a parent- teacher level end of. However if they don’t I don’t see why your feelings should not be expressed and for you to find out if it’s possible to continue and maybe take it further, however I would definitely do this outside of the school environment completely. You are both human so I do not understand why anyone would treat you differently for expressing interest in another person :woman_shrugging:t2: in fact it baffles me. I thought one of my kids teachers was gorgeous and I wasn’t the only one! Haha we were gutted he was married with a beautiful wife and (then) a new baby :cry: didn’t stop us admiring from afar :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl: xx

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal to develop feelings for your children's teacher?

I’m not sure the words being used are the appropriate words.

I need clarification on “developing feelings”, like you think you and the teacher are friends, or something more romantic?

It may not be discrimination, as much as avoidance of an awkward or uncomfortable situation. Teachers want to avoid sticky/complicated/questionable situations, especially nowadays.

I like my child’s teachers as people and educators. But we’re not friends. We both share a common interest in my child’s success.


I think theirs a thin line. Sounds like more to the story.


Your feelings for this individual seems pretty intense. Maybe its the way you worded it to them or something, it may have made them uncomfortable. Have you ever expressed your interest to this teacher? I think the right thing to do is actually find out of this teacher is interested in you and if not, move on. I personally think having such strong feelings for someone for so long, isn’t very healthy.


Are you a single parent?
It could be that you are wanting or like the attention or the fact someone treats your child kind and listens to you.
This is more common than some think.
Some get infatuated with Leo when they rescue them or their therapist .
It is called
transferencewhich is when feelings for a former authority figure are “transferred”.
Many experience this because they are getting attention or feel like they are being acknowledged.
Some people also take kindness for flirting or someone being interested in them.
Usually because of low self esteem or they’re not used to being acknowledged or donot know how to handle kindness and misinterpret it.


They’re discriminating? Are u a teacher at the school too… I can’t give advice; I’d need more info. I will say if ‘said teacher’ has known you had feelings for them for two years but has not acted on that… then most likely it’s not mutual. Time to move on. Best of luck.


Can you focus on school with this much zeal, after you get your certificate,go tell him or her that you did like him and if he or she doesn’t reciprocate,know that we don’t always date the people we wanted in this life but life moved on.


Somethings missing here, like holes in the story and it makes it not make sense…


There’s a huge chunk of info missing here. Why are you telling random teachers you have feelings for them? Did you actually date? How would other teachers find out?


I’m confused why ANYONE would think you need legal advice… like… legal advice about WHAT? :rofl::rofl: Maybe some legal psychiatric help, but not no legal advice. :rofl: This whole thing don’t even make sense… are you a teacher at this school? I’m not sure how you feel like they’re discriminating…
discriminating against what, exactly? I can totally understand why they’d be creeped out, because you hashtag “relationships” but yet, you’re not even in a relationship with the teacher … seems more like you may be a little obsessed. Lord baby, just go get help. None of what you said makes any sense.


Sometimes you just have to keep your thoughts to yourself. Should have never been brought up. Just my opinion.


I mean my husband better have feelings towards my children’s teacher… I homeschool my children😝

But on serious note to your regards. Honestly you should have kept your feelings to yourself. Sorry if that sounds rude but you put yourself in that situation once you let others know your feelings. Do I think it’s okay that they’re being “rude” to you, no, but everyone’s entitled to their own feelings. Best of luck.


First I need to say that you without a doubt left things out which is extremely confusing and hard to give advice if we don’t know the entire story/truth. Secondly the discrimination thing makes absolutely no sense at all, hiring an attorney is a waste of time for the attorney. Thirdly it honestly sounds like you have an obsession with said teacher. You’ve had a crush on this teacher for 2 years…confessed your feelings etc. and your concerned about the way the other teachers are treating you…and if other teachers are making you feel weird I’m naturally going to assume that you are a teacher at this school OR you are at this school way too much as a parent especially if you have feelings like that But also this teacher you’ve had a crush on clearly isn’t interested if you confessed your love and it wasn’t reciprocated. Lastly….is this a joke? I mean I’m not trying to be a dick but this entire post is bizarre.


Sounds like the TEACHER needs the legal advice for dealing with a stalker for 2 years. We’re you not taught that some things are better left unsaid?! Lots of missing info here but with what was posted it sounds more like YOU having a problem instead of this teacher. How were you discriminated against? Do you work there? Are you single/are they single? Does the teacher reciprocate those feelings too? What was said when you told them you liked them? If other people know and are now treating you differently it’s either due to you spreading the info in desperation trying to get their attention or the teacher asking others for help dealing with you. You may need better friends too if they are giving you such bad advice but who knows since so much was left out of the post.


you cannot expect anyone to answer most of this.

I don’t think it’s normal or abnormal to develop feelings for the child’s teacher but it’s not appropriate to tell them these feelings.

As far as how they’re treating you, they have the right to set boundaries if you made them uncomfortable and i’d need more information but i’m gonna guess based on what you’ve said it’s boundaries and no discrimination :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Aztéc Märtïñez it is absolutely normal to develop feelings for anyone. It doesn’t matter what their occupation is. If anything I think it’s more likely to develop feelings for someone especially when you can see them interacting with your child during school Etc. I do not think that she is referring to the teacher that she expressed her feelings too. She is referring to the people that have been harassing her in reference to her feelings towards the teacher.


Ummmm…legal advice?
I don’t think this qualifies as discrimination


I don’t think love recognizes job titles. I would’ve suggested waiting until your kid was out of the class, or moved your child classes after you fessed up. However, to each their own.

I’m a human just like everyone else and feel that people should be loved regardless of a job title.

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You can crush all you want but it’s not likely to be reciprocated. I wouldn’t act on it at all

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I feel like we’re missing some of what’s going on here. :thinking:

you can develop feelings for anyone, but I’m confused as to why you’d need legal advice. Are you being harassed? Are you harassing the teacher? I don’t see what’s being discriminated lol.


My husband is in education! Best not be some student’s Mom flirting or telling their personal feelings to him!! Professional environment! Keep it professional!!


So for 2 years you’ve had strong feelings for this teacher and they aren’t interested? This isnt a #relationship. This is an obsession. Filing for discrimination would be next level crazy. Switch schools and please go see a therapist.


This story isn’t complete, so no advice other than fill in all the blanks first.

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In the same sentence u said u did nothing wrong AND told her how u feel cuz u couldnt hold it in AND u should not have said anything…
The fact u “couldnt hold it in” shows u lack self control when u KNEW u shouldnt say anything…
Your own words scream that u did or said something wrong
Exactly what we dont know cuz u left that part out


Missing huge pieces of info here, if it’s been two years and nothing has transpired and others are acting different towards you it’s because your giving off creepy vibes and the teacher doesn’t appreciate it…so they probably told other staff members because it’s weird lol


I think we need way more clarification. Do you work at the school? If not why and how are they discriminating? How did you start to develop feelings for a teacher ? I just feel like theres so much missing.


Its not normal get feelings for child or children teacher. It’s like your friends getting feelings for your mother or father and telling them. Not saying it to be mean but it is normal get feelings for others we are human and have to learn when it is appropriate or not appropriate to Express them to the ones you have feelings for.


I think maybe therapy would be a great resource for you. Forming attachments that quickly can be a sign of you having went through emotional abandonment and working through those feelings would benefit you greatly.


Not to be mean, but it seems you could be a little obsessed. There is not a relationship and if you’re still hung up on the teacher that may be why they are treating you differently. Not discrimination


There has to be more to this. Just admitting you like a teacher shouldn’t get you treated any differently, crushes happen all the time. You’re talking about taking it as far as legal action without even explaining what they’re doing that you find discriminate. Maybe you came on stronger than you realize and made the teacher feel really uncomfortable? That would probably make the other teachers watch you so to speak


It sounds like they were uncomfortable by you telling them your feelings. They have that right even two years later. They might avoid you so you don’t get the wrong impression.


My daughters teacher was trying to hit on my husband during one parent teachers meeting. Yeah that didn’t end well. Maybe that teacher is married and doesn’t want any problems. That’s probably why the other teacher’s give you the side eye.


Are you also a teacher at the same school? That is the only way your post makes any sense even though you didn’t say. And you also didn’t say what these other teachers are doing that is discrimination. I will also point out could be awkward for your kid especially if other kids find out. What kind of school does the kid go to to have the same teacher for 2 plus years. Can’t really help you with bits and pieces of the story

She’s really want someone’s approval.
She is obviously infatuated with her child’s teacher. And for some reason has told other teachers or they have found out. In my opinion I would advise her to back right off. Think of your child and the embarrassment you may cause.

What exactly are you classifying as ‘discrimination’ ?? Nothing what you stated is discriminatory in any way so… or are you saying that other teachers are being discriminatory against you because of your actions and/or words? If people don’t agree with what you have done, are doing or saying they are allowed to not be friends with you, allowed to not want to speak or spend time with you… so, unsure why you or anyone else may feel that this is a legal matter unless there is something that is being left out. Probably causing a ton of confusion which is why the comments read as such.

In the end people will judge you anyway. So don’t spend your life impressing others, live your life impressing yourself.

In a romantic way? It’s called a crush. You can develop that on anyone but there’s a time and place and your kids teacher isn’t it. So it is inappropriate. Not sure why you felt you needed to out your feelings unless you wanted to see if they felt the same way? Still inappropriate.

Teachers & parents are not suppose to date. I know where I am from, it is part of the rules for teachers.

Why did you confess your feelings for a teacher to every other teacher? Something’s missing from this story. Good grief.

Are these “stories” for real?? Are people really this naive? Every story on this page is straight out of a 15 year olds twilight zone.

What are they doing or saying that you think qualifies as discrimination?

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Maybe change teachers if you feel that strongly and teacher does not have the same feelings towards you., otherwise it’s gonna continue to be akward…

What have you done that requires legal advise?

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Depends if they feel the same way? If it’s one sided then you made it weird and that’s the bed you have to lay in

I can’t give any advice based on this small amount of info. I don’t know what the other teachers are doing or not doing. Just because you feel like something is going on doesn’t mean it is.

This sounds like a bad lifetime movie. We need more info but honestly, keep it professional. Putting anyone in this situation is awkward, especially teachers and kids. The school is not a dating site.

It is definitely weird if you had had a crush on this man for 2 years and you had never had a relationship…so many questions lol