Is it normal to develop feelings for your children's teacher?

Parents getting too close to teachers are just super awkward for kids, just saying…

Is it "normal"to not understand what this means at all? :rofl::person_facepalming:t3::rofl::person_facepalming:t3::rofl: :skull:

Naw tell the whole story? What you do to this teacher lol


Is this you and a college teacher?

Maybe developing a secret crush is normal, but without considerable reason to believe this is a mutual feeling, the ‘abnormal’ part would be that you let this teacher know.

That made the teacher feel weird and then things got awkward between you both. The teacher told the other teachers and you can provably tell that’s what they are thinking of when they see you. You’re probably right.

But you can’t resolve tension with a lawsuit. It won’t solve anything. Chalk it up to a lesson learned. You can’t go telling people you have feelings for them if you have zero indication that this will be reciprocated. And it might be worth avoiding developing any feelings for someone your child is in daily contact with.

I’m soo confused. This whole thing is odd.


So my dad is now married to my and teacher, my parent split when I was 16 and I was always cool with it, I liked her before they even started dating, so don’t feel bad for catching feelings. :blush: if the teacher doesn’t feel the same way you need to back off completely because that’s harassment and they probably feel weird.


Your personal, romantic feelings don’t belong at school. If you were my mom I’d be SO PISSED AND EMBARRASSED. Get your mind right.


Punctuation is always a good thing.

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I would just take my kid to a different school

U should have keep your feelings to yourself

There has to be more to this… I dont have any advice, other than next time you need to vent elsewhere . That probably made that teacher extremely uncomfortable… then it sounds like you explained you feelings to others?? Or maybe the teacher in question expressed how uncomfortable it made them. Im kind of confused here…


I’ve never had a relationship with my child’s teacher or developed feelings for them over time. I do have a lot of love in my life though so I don’t feel the need to find love or affection from my children’s teachers. I honestly feel as if you may need some sort of therapy if you think it’s normal to do so.


This post doesn’t make any sense to me … missing lots of info

Lol, i had feelings for my teacher, not my kids :rofl::rofl:

There’s no problem with catching feelings, that’s normal.
But given the minimal details and the random mention of legal action and discrimination… it sounds like you may have behaved inappropriately or in a way that caused some kind of concern (possibly a safety concern even). Whether you intended to or not, whatever you said or did was very poorly received. Whether you were aggressive, threatening, stalking, harassing, or even just if the person is married.
There is more to this story than just “I have an innocent little crush and now I’m being mistreated for no reason”.

There’s definitely a reason. Some very important details are missing from the story.

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This gives me weird , stalkerish vibes . :new_moon_with_face: unwanted advances are a form of sexual harassment. If you’ve spoken on your feelings& been rejected, just keep it pushing .

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Ppl develope feelings for ppl. So no that isn’t uncommon or unusual. But the other parts make me think something else is going on. Why would discrimination be a thing here & what needs legal attn? What is happening?

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Something about this sounds off.

If anyone can sue is the teacher with harassment charges.

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There’s more to this story. You are holding so many details back. It sounds like you have made people uncomfortable. Leave that teacher alone and just focus on work.

Well…I’ve never developed feelings for any of my kids teachers…also taking legal action why? Are you a teacher there too?

Is he trying to date you as well if both you guys are on the same page who cares if it’s your kids teachers he’s still a person who cares what the others are saying uses he don’t want you

Wow in what state is it criminal to have a crush on someone no matter the job or title or reciprocation…there have to be other factors involved like either of you have spouses or acted stalkerish…I could see it being an issue if you said like a student or relative (because apparently that happens) lmfao…but having a crush on a peer isn’t against any laws I’ve ever read…at one time I had a super smitten crush one of the principals of my kids school…lol…

I just don’t understand how you could have intense feelings for a teacher when you literally shouldn’t know anything about them? Like you know them on a surface level. And it’s like a relationship that is formed based on whatever “teachings” that are being taught. It doesn’t go any deeper than that. So how do you have feelings for them as a person when conversations should not go further than that???

It’s extremely inappropriate! Maybe u should talk to a counselor. Discrimination? Really . If anything it’s sexual harassment on ur part. Why would u act so reckless? U know all the stuff ab teaches these days dating students, and other things like that. Do u realize when u opened ur mouth u put that person’s job and career in jeopardy! That was a self fish move on ur part. That’s ur child’s teacher! U were thinking of only yourself and not ur child or the teacher. So now the rest of the year ur child and that teacher will reap the consequences, of ur reckless behavior! Unfortunately, there are only laws to protect the students and parents, but not the teachers. It seems like ur mad, bc the teacher did not show interest in ur advances. Like a man getting mad at a women for not sleeping w him , so he goes and tells the world they slept together. As a women u should know all ab unwanted sexual advances. Put yourself in that teacher shoes!

Sooo you had strong feelings for a teacher for a while. You share these feelings to them?
And now the whole staff room knows. And they are being discriminating against you? In what way verbally towards you or your child?
Did this teacher feel the same? Are you dating ? Are you like a child in a candy shop when he is about?
There’s not much information to give advice on tbh.
But I’m all for sharing feels but sometimes there’s a time and place. Maybe you should have waited till your child left.

Ummm people develop feelings for just about anyone. It’s perfectly normal and fine. I’d ignore the haters and just work on yourself and your feeling about the situation

I know of a few teachers that have children that attend their school and their husband bring them to school bring their wives lunches ect …? Why is it on it weird if the relationship starts threw school instead of before :woman_shrugging:t3: not saying I would be ok with it :no_mouth: or against it just an observation

It’s called boundaries and that’s one that you DON’T cross EVER.

Are you seeing this teacher or do they not feel the same way?

My biggest question is, does the teacher know?

Wait maybe she works at the same school

OP get back in here we have questions lol

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This is school yard sh@t :rofl::grin:

Your private life is nobodys business learn to be quiet

You need to see a Psychiatrist!!

I feel like there’s a lot more to this story…


I’d say yeah cuz my mom fucked my english teacher in high school. Dude wouldn’t even go easy on me in class, she mustve sucked.


We cant help who we develop feelings for. I dont get why it’s weird to others.


Dude you are sooo not weird some schools have a policy against teacher and students parent relationships but it seriously doesn’t mean you are a weirdo if thats the case anyone who has ever had a crush is a freak you told him how you felt he didn’t really answer and prolly gossiped to the other teachers like a dickhead he is the dick and anyone who judges you because its perfectly natural yall can all fuck yourselves with yalls snooty ass comments telling her she mist have low self esteem or somem I kinda dated some young teachers I have met on dating websites etc they are just people

It’s not abnormal to develop feelings for someone that you’re attracted to no matter their title. However, with that being said; it is your childs teacher and you should’ve kept those feelings to yourself because by not doing so you created an uncomfortable situation for everyone. Don’t mix business with pleasure, best advice. :zipper_mouth_face::grimacing:


I don’t think it’s normal to have a crush on somebody that long. I also don’t think it’s normal to reveal that info to other people in a work environment. If the teacher knows about it, and it hasn’t blossomed into a relationship by now, it’s not going to, and I’m sure the teacher feels very uncomfortable at this point.

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You kind of opened a can of worms by potentially telling the wrong people, should have definitely kept that to yourself. As for the rest of the story, I’m highly confused.

Not enough context, and while normal is a very far reaching term it’s not anything I’ve ever personally experienced. Maybe switch schools when school choice opens back up and just put the whole situation behind you.

There are some boundaries you shouldn’t cross. I believe that is one. Think of how your Child will be treated by other children and teachers.

Why would you even think about doing that to your child? Imagine how they’re being treated because of your stupidity.

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Who are you exactly to the teacher?
If you’re another teacher,check your handbook for employees on the Fraternization rules(?).
If you’re a creepy obsessed parent,you should back off the teacher and not cause your kid that kind of drama in his school.
You also seriously sound obsessed,which isn’t healthy,and the way you’re insisting that nothing inappropriate was said nor done on your behalf…kinda screams that yes,something inappropriate was said or done.

What are they doing and saying and how are they treating you?

Sounds like you’re just a creepy stalker and their trying to keep the poor man away from you

If you’re both single then why not!?

As a grown woman why do you care what others think?

I’m sorry but this sounds deranged.

I don’t think discrimination is the word you’re looking for

Just not liking it doesn’t make it discrimination lol.

Get help lol leave the teacher alone.

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Notice noone is getting a direct reply for their time and interest this is a bait site

Can we get more context please because That’s a Sexy Red Flag you just threw! :heart_on_fire::fire::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Sounds like they’re a bit crazy :joy::grimacing:

This reminds me of switched at birth when Daphne was obsessed with Chef Jeff :rofl:

Therapist: I think maybe you fall in love too quickly :thinking:
Original poster: what babe? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Those are certainly all words!

You sound obsessed. Control yourself.
I’d move classrooms, you are too much

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If you’re both single who cares

Um…. I’ll take I’m confused for $100, Alex.

You sound weird and obsessive. I wouldn’t want you around me.

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Why is this hash tagged relationships lol

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Girrrrllllll my oldests 4th grade teacher was/still is absolutely gorgeous.

God help your child :confounded::woozy_face:

Idk what I just read :grimacing:

Are you stalking the teacher?

My best friends dad married our kindergarten teacher

Sophia McNaught what are your thoughts here :joy::joy:

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  1. Some people? Who are these people and what did they witness?
  2. Discrimination? Come now discrimination is prejudicial treatment of a person for belonging to a certain group such as ethnicity culture gender.
  3. Normal to get feelings? Um how long do you spend with your child’s teacher? When the child is very small you may see them 2x a day drop off and pick up but drop off and pick ups are more likely at the school gate than the classroom. So maybe a crush more than feelings?
  4. 2 years ago? Shouldn’t your child be in a new grade or year by now? With a new teacher?

Are you also a teacher at your child’s school?

Ummmm :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:next question…I cant​:exploding_head:.

A lot is missing from this.

Give it a break buddy

This is one of the stories that sounds like it’s made up

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I hope you’re not married

Ah what lol there has to be missing info here

So you work with them too?

What’s normal anyway??

Unfollowing this silly page

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What kind of feelings? Appreciation or romantic? Those are two different things. Romantic I would think of as odd

Reading this gave me very very strong stalker vibes


It’s kinda giving me LMN vibes :grimacing:

This is just weird lol I’m sorry.


No…. It’s not normal


Its completely normal

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal to develop feelings for your children's teacher?

You developed feelings for a person, he could have been a server, cab driver, business owner…he just happens to be your childs teacher. There is nothing abnormal for developing feelings for someone you spend time with, that being said…saying something while he was your childs teacher was inappropriate in my opinion. But just like anyone else, if you express your feelings and they don’t feel the same you just have to move on.


I have 4 children and have never developed any “feelings” for any of their teachers other than the respect for their job. Even as a single mom. I take your post to mean you developed “romantic” feelings for said teacher which I’m not going to say is “normal” but only because in a usual capacity, other than the basic parent teacher conferences, occasion phone call, and basic communication, I’ve never found myself in a scenario in which I was around any of my child’s teachers long enough or on a one on one level to develop any “feelings”.

But at the end of the day, you are both consenting adults and you can have feelings for and date or be involved with whomever you choose. As long as you arent openly dating this teacher while your child is in their class (which would be a blatant conflict of Interest).

I’m just curious to know how this came about because I genuinely don’t understand how you got feelings for a teacher in just the regular contact you would have with them as a parent. (I’m a super involved parent myself and maintain regular contact with all 4 of my childrens teachers with weekly emails and the like) Unless you’re running into them outside of school, they have a child similar in age and maybe a sports practice or something, I just truly don’t understand how it even came to be.


You’re only human. It’s natural no matter what his occupation is. You’re drawn to him for some reason. How does he feel? What did he say when you told him? Don’t worry about what others think or say. 2 years ago he was your child’s teacher; now he’s a teacher. If he doesn’t want to try a relationship with you move on. Don’t waste time on a crush.

It’s stated that it was 2 years ago, the teacher is no longer teaching the child. You are just dealing with grown bullies get legal help.


Why is everyone assuming it’s a man? And maybe not a woman? Lol just saying .

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People are dumb, there’s nothing wrong with it. My only thought is that others might think you might be trying to get special treatment for your child. Tell them to take a long walk off a short dock


Guess it depends if you’d rather think of them than your partner.
What does your partner think about this.

You two are human. It’s easy to develop feelings for anyone especially someone you may admire because they are good with your child. You should have waited until he was no longer teaching your child to make your feelings known though in my opinion.

Can’t lie I did for my twins male math teacher and my kids were very attached to him , he got transferred the next yr but still kept in contact and came to my twins graduation lol

Aww heck no that’s not a line you want to cross with your child. Nomatter the age.thats putting that child in suck an awkward position and looking to be bullied. Sorry my opinion