I had it too come to think about it during my second. And the flu during conception soo. Idk weird now that I read this. Your body is not yours while pregnant.
I had this during all five pregnancies. I think it was an on again off again thing until around 20 weeks.
Don’t know about stuffy nose, I always get a cold when the seasons change anyways so I don’t think about it.
But sneezing yes! Each of my pregnancies I sneezed so much. I just call it pregnancy sneezes
Try any peppermint oil (any brand cheaper better) and rub under your eyes by your nose if it helps I recommend buying a really good brand ( I use Doterra but there are a couple of really good brands). It will help relive symptoms up to two hours and a healthy option.
Yep. I took Claritin my whole pregnancy.
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Yes, happened with all 4 of my pregnancies and was able to take a decongestant
Buy yourself a vaporizer so the air won’t be so dry