Is it normal to have a stuffy nose in pregnancy?

I’m eight weeks pregnant (second pregnancy), and I’ve heard that a blocked nose/sneezy nose is quite a common symptom in early pregnancy, which I’ve never heard of before, but I’ve been suffering for nearly a week; no other symptoms so I don’t have a cold and never had allergies. Just wondering if anyone else has or has had this symptom and how long it lasted because it’s getting sooo annoying, and I cant even take any decongestants!?


Girl, I’ve been battling congestion since day one, and I’m due any day now. Zyrtec, Flonase, Neti pot have been my friends. I also sleep at an incline and with a diffuser.

I hope it does not happen but my oldest suffered her whole pregnancy.

Pregnancy congestion is common. I had it every pregnancy during the whole time. So not the business.

I am 25 weeks and have had it since September. I use allergy medicine and it helps, but with the cold weather my nose is now becoming dry and stuffy at the same time. It sucks.

I had it on and off with all of my 3 pregnancies.

Always my first pregnancy symptom

I seemed to have allergies while pregnant bot not any other time

Whole freaking pregnancy

Super common. My first symptoms with all 3 of my babies was a slight cold.

Yes. That is how I knew I was pregnant the second time. It lasted all pregnancy and I’m not even kidding within hours of giving birth both times I was clear!! It was insane!

I recently learned this too. This is the only pregnancy I’ve had this problem. :weary:

I stayed stuffy my entire pregnancy :unamused:

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My sister suffered bad in pregnancy with stuffy nose…Think you can use vicks vapour rub but double check

Blame hormones everything swells.

Yes! When you’re pregnant your mucus membranes swell up. Including sinuses.

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I didn’t really have a stuffy nose but during my third pregnancy I would get random nose bleeds. Before that I had never had a nose bleed in my life and also haven’t had one since I had her. She’s a little over a year now.

Super common! This happened the whole time i was pregnant with my son

I’m now 17 weeks, and I’ve literally been stuffy for what feels like forever!

Yes the WHOLE pregnancy. Chronic sinusitis is what I had, then had to have tonsils removed because it created sooo many tonsil stones.

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I couldn’t breathe my entire pregnancy. As soon as I had my c-section I could breathe again!

Omg yes! I had it my whole pregnancy. At one of my last ultrasounds one of the technicians told me she was the same and her Dr prescribed her something for it but I never asked my doctor about it because I was already at the end of my pregnancy.

Yes the whole time I get it! You can use saline, it really helps! I get one called Xlear :smiling_face:

I was super stuffy the entire pregnancy with my last one! To the point it caused my ears to clog the last trimester. I felt like I had a horribke head cold that wouldn’t go away… :pensive:

Yes! I’m 29 weeks and have had sinus issues my entire pregnancy. Literally since conception. :joy::sweat_smile:

Your sinus and allergies change during pregnancy. It’s pretty common! You can take Tylenol sinus and allergies to help depending on your personal health. Ask your doctor for a pregnancy otc list!!

I’ve had a stuffy nose on and off since I was like 6 or 7 week’s! I’m currently 9 weeks and 2 days!

I’ve had a stuffy nose SINCE pregnancy. Lol

Pregnancy rhinitis is definitely a thing! I lived in the shower at the end of my pregnancy😂 I’d put bronners peppermint soap at the bottom of the shower and let the steam work its magic

I have had it my whole pregnancy and i am having her in 5 days i also had that with my 4 other pregnancies as well

Yes it lasted the entire time.

Completely normal momma. Congrats on your bundle of joy

whole pregnancy. i let my doctor know and was prescribed a nasal spray that helped its because of the extra blood flood due to pregnancy i think was the reason

I was stuffed up for the majority of my pregnancy, it was awful. I would take hot showers just to be able to breathe through my nose for 10 minutes :pleading_face:

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I was stuffy the entire time my first pregnancy and am 25 weeks along for my second and still the same.

My allergy to milk and milk products was magnified 100x during pregnancy! Ever try ordering a pizza with no cheese!

I had a stuffy nose all throughout my first pregnancy and for a few months after delivery. My doctor put me on a prescription nose spray which helped. Also had 9 months of morning sickness. My second pregnancy had neither of those issues.

I didn’t have it with my first two but I’m 36 weeks pregnant now and I’ve had it the entire time.

Yess,yess,yess…ery common…I had the stuffy nose with one pregnancy but my last (baby #4) I had full on stuffy nose…constantly blowing my nose…sneezing…my eyes watering and itching…like allergies or allergic reaction…doctor said it was normal and gave me a prescription for it. It helps alot but I still kept a stuffy nose…even after delivery for a bit…

I still deal with it at night, apparently I’m a loud snorer now.

It is hormo related before i knew i was pregnant it

Put a little vicks vapor rub on your around you nostrils

I developed allergies during pregnancy!!!

Im still dealing with it and I’m in my 2nd trimester now

Suffered with post nasal drip and cough for the last 2 months of pregnancy!!! I mean suffered!!! It was gone 1 day after delivery!!! Insane!

I had a stuffy nose the entire time during my first pregnancy. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this!

Yes, I sounded like Erkel my entire third trimester lol

I got sinus infections every 2 months during my pregnancy. I used Vicks vapor rub every night.

Yes! I’m 8 weeks 1 day and I feel like my nose is stuffy and dry all the time.

I had flu symptoms through the first trimester of pregnancy but no flu. Pregnancy is different for everyone I suppose

It’s sooooo common, that even Neti Pots have “great for pregnant women” written on the box!!! I got one when I was about 20 weeks pregnant, and it really was a lifesaver. I was able to avoid medications, and just used that with saline rinses twice a day. It helps so much…

Apparently bronchitis is also common. I had a horrible case of bronchitis that turned into walking pneumonia. It lasted my entire second and most of my third trimester. It was horrible!

This is a pregnancy related symptom. I had it through all four of my pregnancies.

I had stuffy nose all throughout my pregnancy and it only got worse with time. Disappeared the day I gave birth.

Yes pregnancy rhinitis xx

Yes I had it my entire pregnancy. I used saline nasal spray and breath right strips at night as it was so hard to sleep cus I couldn’t breath

They make these small tubes of peppermint and other oils that help you breath that you just sniff, it really helped me during the end of my pregnancy especially when I got my annual hay fever

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Yes it is, I’ve had 4 pregnancies and suffered every time.

I couldn’t breath the entire 9 months. I told my doctor if it wasn’t for sinus spray I would suffocate.

Yep. Only with my third baby, pretty much my whole first trimester. It finally eased up into my second.

Never heard if this and I didnt suffer from it I’ve had 3 kids. Learned something new.

Yes! And it sucks, ive had terrible allergies, nosebleeds, stuffy nose, congestion, excessive mucus or dry…It switches back and forth. Sore throat from breathing through my mouth all night and clogged ears or itchy ones. You name It. I do take benadryl or loratadine. Always mention to your doctor.
But yes, its happened for the most part of my 4th pregnancy

Pregnancy rhinitis. I had it with my second. The mucus membranes in your nose become inflamed, causing congestion. You can also get nose bleeds due to increased blood flow to the nasal passages.

Yep lol nose strips didn’t help me .I was congested the entire time with both of my pregnancies even my summer baby :roll_eyes: it was the worst. An old trick someone taught me…believe it or not…cut a lemon in half and bend your head back and have someone squeeze it into your nasal passage. It does not burn I was so hesitant but it worked!!! An old native trick …

Mine was the entire pregnancy it was the worst when having my C section. Have the oxygen in my nose but barley being able to breathe out of my nose.

Yes I had it with my 2nd pregnancy (first symptom before missed period) and lasted until the 2nd trimester. I used Saline spray in ny nose and seemed to help.

I had off n on thru my pregnancy but even though i had stuffyness and cloged ears like a sinus infection i could smell stuff sometime way befor others and nose bleeds it went away about the 4 month

I had it thru out my second pregnancy. Try spraying water, it helped.
The minute I delivered it ended.

You can use a netti pot to clear out stuffy nose and there is a video on YouTube showing how to clear them using pressure points on your face. Hope this helps

I had a stuffy nose with both my pregnancies as soon as I delivered, I could breath again

Im nearly 25 weeks… and have been dealing with stuffy/runny…for what seems like 6 weeks or so

Yup, totally normal.
You can take Benadryl, Claritin (generic or name brand), Flonase Sensimist, and do saline solution rinses (think neti pot).

Yep. Try Vicks Vaporub or a steamy shower or bath.

My Dr told me it’s because of all the extra blood flowing through your body.

Yep. It sucks lol lost some sleep, had a dog stick her snout in my open mouth, carried saline with me everywhere in the house. Fun times

I didn’t have allergies until after my second pregnancy… You can develop them later on…

Cold symptoms is actually in the top 5 norms to have. Resolved around second trimester

Had it with all 4 kids. Not much I could do about it other than have tissues handy :woman_shrugging:

Very. Saline helped me alot.

All 4 pregnancies for pretty much the whole time. Saline nasal spray is your friend.

Yes I’ve been suffering for about three weeks now in my second trimester. OB says it’s normal

Your body makes more mucus. It’s also the cause of morning sickness!

I did with my first pregnancy

Has anybody said yes yet?? Yes it is. :slightly_smiling_face:

Use saline nose spray.

Yup! I suffered with it for most of my pregnancy

I had head colds with both my pregnancies

Prepare to be stuffed the entire time. Good news is you clear up almost instantly after birth!

I had that with two of my pregnancies

Yes! I did many of times

Omg it was the worst !

Yup and it’s the worst in this pregnancy

Yes, it’s called a cold or allergies :woman_facepalming::joy:

All my pregnancies (5) the whole pregnancy

I had it before lasted from 3 weeks till bout 13 weeks also caused me to be sick in the mornings also from lying down all night

Pregnancy rhinitis is thing for sure and it can be awful. I had it and it was like a really bad cold for MONTHS

Yes, 20 weeks (4th pregnancy) here and I’ve had it off and on. I’ve been using a netty pot.

Hang your face over a pot of just boiled water with a towel draped around and breathe. Also, breathe strips for snoring away night help you breathe and sleep

Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in Europe but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called him. he gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to him. he asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. he cast his spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. And he also told me that my husband will return that he has settled that After a few weeks my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.

Yaaassss. The whole time

Yep. Very much and very normal.