I might miss my regular doctor’s appointment tomorrow due to the two storms hitting back to back. I’m 17 weeks pregnant on Thursday. Has anyone else experienced pressure in their pelvis at this point? I know it might be normal, but it didn’t happen with my first two. The best way I can describe what it feels like is, “It feels like I’m 40 weeks pregnant, and the head and body is in place preparing for labor.” Its that kind of pressure. Any advice, or has anyone else ever experienced something similar, and things turned out okay?
I had that feeling as well at around the same time! My dr said it’s normal
3rd pregnancy yes
Gets worse and earlier each pregnancy
Invest in a belly band if u can. Lifesaver
I’m currently 20 weeks with baby 3 and I swear a couple weeks ago felt like I was in labor from the way it felt. I was told it’s normal?
Yep! I’m Pregnant with baby 4 and totally normal… still make sure you bring up to doctor just like anything that worries you in the slightest bit!
It has worked for me to put a cold washcloth in your pelvic area.
Im 11 weeks, second baby and i feel some pressure as well.
I’m feeling exactly like this and I’m only 13 and half weeks. It concerns me alot, this is my 2nd prengnacy
Yes I’m 18 and I had alot of pelvic pressure early and your pelvic is stretching and it feels like alot of pressure
Am on my 3rd pregnancy and similar symptoms at 26 weeks had it from about 20 and my boobs are leaking a lot xx
My 2nd pregnancy I had pelvic pressure pretty much my whole pregnancy.
hips spreading? round ligament pain? lots of changes going on during these next few weeks but always go with your gut feelings
I had that bad with my first pregnancy… come to find out it was my cervix… lots of medical interventions hospital bedrest and a baby born at 32 weeks…
I’m on my 5th pregnancy and my dr said with more pregnancies the earlier you’ll probably feel things.
This is my 3rd pregnancy and I have felt the same pressure on and off and don’t remember experiencing it with my first 2 but the doctor told me its normal and the baby looks good and healthy.
Still if you can make it to your appointment you should or at least talk with your doctor over the phone about it if not.
Second pregnancy. Severe pelvic pain and pressure since 16 weeks. I have pubic symphysis separation. Its not fun at all. I go to physical therapy every week to keep me mobile and to help me learn different positions to keep comfortable/ease it. Belly band when standing and walking to relieve the pressure and a towel under my belly when I’m sitting so the belly band isn’t pushing down when I’m sitting.
I had that same feeling. It was around 15 weeks. By the end of my pregnancy I do go see my obgyn because it was so much pressure that I thought I was crownin.everything was good.
Yes I had so much pelvic pain from week 15 until I delivered. Belly band helps some.
Yes with my second. I had Braxton hicks around 32 weeks as well. Everything was more intense.
Poster here. She said it was normal. That the more pregnancies you have, the “looser” everything becomes. But it’s completely normal.
Yep. Prego with #6. Resting and staying hydrated are the key.
My 3rd pregnancy it was consistent and just kept getting worse as I progressed
Baby sitting low
I’m sorry
Get a pregnancy belt
Ice and walk slow
Im right there with u but 19 weeks 2morrow and yes all the way feels the same so much pressure un like my first 2 but a belly band or KT tape has helped a lot any thing to give you a little more support is all that has helped me so far and soaking in the tub
For me 4th pregnancy late 30s I felt a lot of pressure early on… very overweight too… horrible pregnancy
I had some… wasnt to the extent you’re saying but my ob said it was normal. Send them a message if you can’t go in!
At 19 weeks I had pressure. Had to hold my belly up to relieve it. Ended up getting a brace to hold it up. My midwofe also suggested using a towel or a shirt around my hips to keep pressure.
Go in and get checked if you can or at least call them. It could be normal but my ob says to always call or come in to get checked if I felt something was off. We know our own bodies best. When I had it and they checked it was early signs of placenta previa (low placenta) and I was put on adjusted bed rest. I didn’t have to stay in bed but I had to take it easy (short walks only in terms of exercise), rest as much as possible and absolutely no heavy lifting. My placenta moved up in the last couple of weeks and I was able to have a normal vaginal birth with no incidents.
Yes! My son would burrow down as far as he could go. I had the 40 week waddle at 20 weeks. I started doing some poses from my midwife and he moved up in my uterus and never went back down until the end.
Get checked out or at least let them know what you’re feeling. Get a maternity support belt as well.
It may have a lot to do with the barometric pressure from the storms getting ready to hit. But it doesn’t hurt to get checked if you are able to.
I had bad pressure starting around that time with my second. Everything was fine, she was just really really low the whole time. The pain and pressure sucked the whole pregnancy, not going to lie, but it did make labor easier when the time came because she was already ready to go.
I’m now 23 weeks and yes completely normal I didn’t think it was either ( has to go to hospital I was so worried) baby is just sitting on ur cervics and is 100% normal baby will eventually move up some mine finally did last week she was so low my husband felt her kick his finger when I made him check in there. It was so much pressure that’s when I was like omg she must be coming out but had an ultrasound and it showed she was just low on my cervics. Also my cervics aren’t that long so that’s why my husband felt her kick his finger
I felt a lot of pressure with my second child. Felt like he was kicking out my crotch lol. I had an hour and a half labour. Best labour of my 3 kids
I’m currently 17weeks with my 4th and I’m experimenting ALOT of pressure it’s like cramping/light contraction feeling I keep worrying about it as well and was gonna ask my doc bout it in my upcoming apt I really hope it’s normal and everything is ok I’ve been really worried
Felt like my second was going to fall out from the beginning for me.
Still get to your Dr, asap.
I was always told, If you feel the need to ask then you should probably go to the dr to make sure everything is ok. Yes pressure is normal but if its pressure like when the head is in the canal and feels like labor then just to be on the safe side, get checked. It may be nothing but could be something
i work obgyn and the safest thing to do is be evaluated…even if u think “it might be normal”.
It’s completely normal. I felt a lot of pain/pressure with my last full term pregnancy starting at 15 weeks. He ended up being over 8 pounds.
But if you are scared, or worried, I’d get into your doctor when you are able to.
Not like that in my opinion.
It happened to me at 15 weeks and I was 90% effaced and a fingertip dilated.
Had to have a cerclage and 5 months of bedrest!
Yes. I’m on my 4th and have had pressure and contraction since
Before 20 weeks. Checked last week and not dilated at all. If you are worried call the doctor.
Yup. I was told to swim but actually this makes it worse.
I had this exact problem with my son. There was nothing causing it other than the way he was sitting on my cervix. My dr recommended lots of rest, and a belly support band.
I experienced it at that stage of my current pregnancy… I would sit on an ice pack, it was the only way to relieve the pain… it calmed down after a couple weeks… would experience it most when on my feet for to long… just message your dr and good luck mama…
I had that kind of pressure my whole pregnancy with all three of my kids. It’s normal and you shouldn’t have to worry about it.
I had pressure early as well. My docotor put me on progesterone to take nightly because come to find out my cervix was short. Might be something to talk to your doctor about
Same… but Im 14 weeks. Doctor says it’s normal. It’s the first time I felt it this early. This is my 6th baby tho.