Is it normal to leave your newborn after a week?

Is it normal to leave your newborn when they’re just born? My sister is a week postpartum and already letting my mom keep baby overnight but I could simply never…


Mind your own business… post partum is different for everyone .


Good thing it’s not your baby, then? :woozy_face:


Normal is different for everyone. You need a hobby


Check on your sister. Tell her you cooked too much food and bring her a plate…or several. Wash her laundry. Don’t ask, just do.


My parents starting taking my kids when they were a couple weeks old overnight. I trust my parents who had three children.

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I personally have never known of anyone letting their 1 week old stay the night away from parent. I myself would never. My opinion is that’s a little odd. I would definitely check on mom, postpartum depression is a real thing. Just make sure she’s ok and maybe bring her a hot meal or clean up the house for her.

I personally could NEVERRR but it’s not my baby nor my business so… :woman_shrugging:t4:


First question. Do YOU have a child? :thinking:


I kept my nephew for my sister at 5 days old… She just needed to rest. The next day I went to her house and brought her coffee and breakfast and then I cleaned up while she snuggled the baby. She was very grateful and I have continued to give her breaks any time she needs one :smiling_face:


Having a newborn can be overwhelming, but it’s essential to remember that mama needs love and care too. Let’s encourage each other to check in on the new moms in our lives and offer support in any way we can.


Oh cool… you could never … awesome… maybe she needs a min or needs sleep. Some people need help. You need a life .


No it’s not normal and neither are these comments. Needing some rest is different but we don’t know the details. And even then overnight is not necessary. A few hours would do just fine.


You should mind your own business, not your baby , not your problem.


The only issue would be is if your mom could potentially hurt the baby. If not, then there is nothing wrong with this. At all.

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My daughter had her first sleep over with her grandparents when she was 4 days old.

Well I left me baby at 3 days old…he was in NICU an hour away…I got to see him 2x a week until we brought him home. Ronald McDoanld House wouldn’t give me a room since I wasn’t breastfeeding :confused:

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It’s not you or your baby so why are you posting here? It’s none of your business.

Normal is a setting on a washer machine


Sounds like maybe you should check in on your postpartum sister and she how she’s doing mentally….not everyone’s journey looks the same and it sounds like she may be struggling and you’re judging her instead of asking if she’s okay.


Each to their own. I let my daughter sleep over at Grandpa and Grandma’s at 6 months.

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Why not if the help is there? My mum did the night feeds for me when my first daughter was a few days old because I was in agony, traumatised from the birth and exhausted.
Mind ya fuckin business and stop judging your own sister.

My kids were both in the NICU 15 months apart and I spent 1 night away the whole NICU stay for both , I just needed some real sleep and my babies had enough pumped milk for one night … the nurses also encouraged it as I was up breast feeding n doing my baby’s with no help by my choice every 2 hours .maybe she really just needs a break which is okay

3 months was my earliest. But she was my 5th and I had to leave her in hospital as i was going to go tend to my other 4 but my families spread them out between them and then I went home for a few hours got aome sleep and raced back up first thing morning …

It’s her decision just because you wouldn’t everyone patents different x

I’m not quite sure what “Normal” even is​:laughing::face_with_spiral_eyes:

Some mums need a break . I’m so glad my kids are adults now . I truely couldn’t cope well with mine . But I never harmed them physically. I don’t think it’s anyone’s business what parents do with their newborns

Everyone is different, and every baby delivery is different. She may need a bit more rest after this delivery. Every delivery is different; I had 3 kids and each one was a different experience. If this birth took more out of her than she expected, reaching out for help is not a bad thing.

Do you have a kid? Sounds like you don’t know what it’s like! Be greatful your sister has a support system around her. Be there for her…check in!

Maybe you should worry about your own children instead of trying to dictate how your sister parents. Good for u :+1: she’s not you.

Every women is different & have different circumstances, lifestyle & ambitions. Some women are career driven, some have to chase the money, some gave depression, some don’t bond, some aren’t supposed to be mom’s & some should never be mom’s! If she is doing what’s best for the baby who are we to judge!? I personally didn’t leave my babies for the first 6-12 months more than an 1 or 2. I have 4.