Anyone loose weight while pregnant? I can’t stop thinking about it, the doctor said it’s okay because I’m overweight… (218 lbs) but, I feel weird. Before I got pregnant I weighed 230 lbs. Please no rude comments about me being “big”. I was trying to get down to a better weight before I got pregnant. I’m 16 weeks and 4 days today.
I lost 10lbs and haven’t gained anything back yet and I’m 24 weeks…
I have lost weight due to extreme morning sickness. So far I have lost a little more than 10 lbs and havent really been able to gain it back. I am now at the end of my second trimester. As long as your doctor isnt worried then it should be okay. It is normal to loose weight in the 1st trimester.
They say that if you are overweight you are sometimes supposed to loose weight
I went from 240 to 200. While pregnant. It was crazy. My daughter weighed 10lbs. The day after I gave birth was the smallest I’d been in years lol
I lost over 30lbs when I was pregnant bc my gall bladder went out. As long as baby is gaining you are safe
I’ve lost weight due to a complete lack of appetite. I’m 21 weeks and still don’t have an appetite.
My doctor said she is fine if I lose 5-10 pounds and totally fine if I don’t gain any for the entire pregnancy. Trust your doctor and how you feel!
I lost 15 lbs first trimester like you, bc I vomited so much
I lost I think 20 or 30 pounds. My dr wasn’t concerned so I wasn’t.
It happens. Babies take a lot from you. Long as you’re eating and taking your vitamins and the baby is growing they say. I’m not a big girl and I’ve only gained 7lbs. I’m 19 weeks pregnant … with my first and second, I gained at least 25lbs by now and DR does not seem to be concerned, just tells me to keep eating ( had severve morning sickness at first, and still sick randomly everyday)
I lost I actually didnt gain until after I came home from the hospital
I lost 10 lbs with my first because of morning sickness gained it back later on in my pregnancy
I lost weight my entire pregnancy. I never once had morning sickness but I just kept loosing u til 2 weeks before he was due. After I gave birth I was way below what I was before.
Your fine i promise! With my first I only weighed 140 and I’m 5’3. No morning sickness and still lost 20 pounds. My baby girl was 6 pnds and healthy. The weight seemed to find its way back
I lost my whole entire pregnancy. I finally gained 7 lbs my past 4 weeks.
I lost weight in the beginning of my pregnancies and only gained in the last trimester. It can be normal especially if overweight
I lost almost 30 lbs , gained five back my last trimester and have maintained the lost weight so far by just breastfeeding . 7 m postpartum . Baby was almost 8 lbs and healthy at birth
I’m 29 weeks and lost 15 pounds in the beginning, I’ve only gained 5 back since then. As long as you’re eating regularly and not loosing it from lack of food you’ll be fine.
With my second child I weighed 140 when he was born I weighed 126 we were both heathy
You’re growing human. Chill
So long as your doctor isn’t concerned and your baby is progressing at a good rate, I wouldn’t be concerned either.
I got really sick with my 3rd baby and lost 15 lbs and she was fine.
I lost 11 pounds without trying when I was 16 weeks. Doctor didn’t really say anything to me because I’m overweight as well
I lost 20lbs during my 1st and 2nd trimester…then the cravings came in in the 3rd. Gained it all back plus an extra 15lbs. 3rd trimester I basically lived off of peanutbutter and bananas and blueberry pancakes so no wonder lol
I went from 330 down to 245 when i was pregnant with my oldest…then dropped all the way down to 105 before finding out i was pregnant with #2… Gained 38 pounds with her n lost about 10…steady at 135 140 now after 4 years
I lost weight in both of mine. I lost nearly 25#in my first and only gained 11 back. My second I lost a few and only gained 6# by birth. First baby was 6#12 second was 8#2oz
I lost over 30 lbs with my second pregnancy. And then after she was born, I lost another 30. But i was constantly puking my entire pregnancy. My first pregnancy I gained 70lbs.
I lost a few pounds in the beginning of my second pregnancy…and only gained maybe 15 after the morning sickness stopped…my doc never said anything about it and I wasn’t over weight.
I lost 11lbs in my first 10 weeks of pregnancy because I was put off all food, the last time I checked I’d put it all back on😂 X
both of my pregnancies i weighed less the day they were born. i lost 10+ lbs in the first trimester with both.
I had no issues with my first and no major morning sickness with this one (currently 19wk 3 days) i’ve lost 16 pounds so far and my first i lost 30 pounds. My doctor wasn’t concerned i was 220 when i got pregnant. Baby one came out at nearly 9 pounds. you’ll be fine dont stress.
I lost just shy of 40lbs when i was pregnant with my oldest, 15lbs with my youngest and i haven’t gained anything yet with the one I’m expecting and I’m 28 weeks along. My dr said as long as the baby is growing fine he isn’t concerned
I did, I couldn’t keep anything down for the first few months and I was also gestational diabetic, I lost a ton of weight and still had a 10 pound baby lol
I was up and down with my second… In the end I was only up 8lbs (5’2 140lb before pregnancy) he was only 5lbs10oz but very healthy left the hospital 38hrs after delivery…I had bad morning sickness and heart burn so I hated eating anything…
As long as baby is growing and healthy it’s fine to lose weight while pregnant
I lost 30 lbs during pregnancy. Dr was not worried. I was also heavier
its actually pretty common for bigger women to lose weight the entire pregnancy until the end… it dont matter what you weigh as long as the baby is gaining and growing…I wouldnt think much of it… shoot I’d be glad…
My second I started at 220 and for the 1st and 2nd trimester all I did was lose weight, was very dehydrated and in and out of hospital weekly however everything was fine when checked up with dr. I started my 3rd trimester weighing in at 180 and by the time she arrived at 45weeks pregnant my weight had went back up to 210.
I lost 34 pounds i was over weight also morning sicknesses got me and i found out i had justational diabetes while pregnant so had to watch what I ate my doctors where ok they just watched me and babies progress so as long as your doctor says everything is working well and baby development is good you go mama
I didn’t gain any weight till my third trimester and that was only four pounds
I always lose 10-20lbs rhe first montj or 2 and then BAM. Fatty mcgee.
Also if you’re eating healthier, its even more common.
I lost in my first and half of second trimester with my first. As long as you’re still eating and drinking enough it’ll be fine. Unless your doctor starts to worry
I always lost 20 lbs in the first tri and was back to pre pregnancy weight by the time I delivered
I was 230 when I got pregnant and when I had my daughter in was 200 never gained a pound! And she’s super healthy!
Yes. First trimester I lost over 10lbs.
I lost weight, too. It probably is baby effecting your meals and meal sizing. if you’re doing a lot of running around and getting ready, more than you normally move around? That could be contributing to it too!
I lost 25lbs in the beginning with my daughter and 30 with my son. As long as your doctor is ok with it you’re fine
I lost in my first trimester and only gained back to my orinigal weight before delivery. I weighed about 10-pounds less when it was all said and done and had a perfectly healthy full-term baby. My ob warned about gaining when already heavy and felt it would make for more complications.
Same way with both my pregnancies. I always said pregnancy was my best diet. As long as baby is growing and healthy it’s ok. I lost 20-25 pounds during the first half of my first pregnancy, and then I maintained my weight for a while and then the last stretch I gained some back. I only needed maternity pants for work, other wise I wore my regular clothes the whole time. My second pregnancy was a little similar but I was having twins so I maintained the same weight for most of it. If the Dr starts warning you it’s affecting the baby, that’s when it’s time to worry.
I did with my 3rd. Lost weight till my 8th month
As long as the baby is growing and healthy looking then youre fine.
With my first one I gained a lot of weight. I haven’t lost it yet. So with my second I’m losing weight steadily, and I’m 26 weeks.
Yes! My first trimester I could barely eat anything. Secomd trimester I started to gain it back. But the doctor wasnt worried since baby was growing great. He said i wasnt big but I wasmt underweight so our focus was the baby.
I lost 30 pounds when I got pregnant this time around. 30 weeks and only gained 10. It’s normal and nothing to be concerned about
I wasn’t overweight but I did loose 15 lbs in the first trimester with my first. It happens
yes my aunt had three babies and lost weight with each child.
It’s not uncommon. But now that you know you are pregnant most women are more aware of what they eat. Maybe go more towards a healthier snack then a bag of chip. Most women dont feel 100% either some are tired or morning sickness and that might slow your appetite also.
I’m six months and still haven’t gained weight. My doctor told me it’s because I’m at a higher weight this pregnancy.
I lost with both pregnancies like crazy and I wasn’t even that sick or anything. Lol unfortunately I gained a lot of it right back after my first.
I lost weight with my second. I was maybe 110 when he was born. I ate like garbage to, anything I could eat to gain some weight I would eat. But it wasn’t enough
As long as it’s not a severe amount of weight in a short amount of time. Going from 230 to 218 sounds completely normal for your first trimester.
I lost 25-30lbs when I was pregnant with my son. I actually was on a “diet” to eat every 2 hours, anything I could stomach. I felt awful and just didn’t want to eat…which is unusual for me, I love food. Just do what you can and take your vitamins. The baby will take what it needs, leaving you to feel like crap if you don’t have enough.
I lost weight in my 1st trimester and started gaining in my 3rd trimester…it’s not bad as long as you are taking care of yourself and eating right. Total I gained only 20 lbs and weighed 10 lbs less than my prepregnancy weight by 2 weeks after I had my daughter…I had a lot of swelling in the legs/feet in the end and took a bit to get rid of it. You will feel great afterwards
Not uncommon at all my wife never gained any until 5 months. She was 170
I did because my nausea and shortness of breath and heartburn made me not eat much.
Totally normal. No worries hun.
I was was also larger before pregnancy and I did lose weight, my total weight gain at 9 mo. Was 15 lbs. after I delivered I weighed less than before I got pregnant.
It’s ok. It’s pretty normal to lose weight in pregnancy. As long as your doctor isn’t worried, you will be fine. I wish you a healthy pregnancy and delivery!
I’m a bigger girl and I lost 75 lbs when I was pregnant with my youngest baby everything turned out fine doctor just monitored me throughout to make sure everything was ok
Dont worry about weight. Pay attention to the measurement of the baby. I would lose and gain during pregnancy. My body had weight to lose. The baby continued to grow as normal. So if your doctor isn’t worried then you dont need to either.
All my pregnancies I lost weight and never gained even with my twins. Its ok to lose weight
I lost 2 lbs in the time I found out to the time I went in for labor. I was so sick tho!
I lost 20 pounds each pregnancy, never gained anything. I was overweight before getting pregnant so the doctors never said anything to me. My husband and I joke that he gained my pregnancy weight for me because each pregnancy he gained like 40 pounds lol I would talk to your doctor though because I have a thyroid problem so it’s not abnormal for me to lose weight randomly but for others it might be.
Yeah i would say that’s totally normal, dont worry about being supposedly “big” we’re all beautiful
I lost weight my first trimester. I was 180, and deemed borederline obese. My OBGYN said it was perfectly normal since I was overweight. I only gained 10 pounds over all.
I lost weight my entire pregnancy and continued to aftwards from breastfeeding…50 lbs in total…at my post partum check up i got back on depo and boom gained it all back UGH
I lost my whole pregnancy
I started at 280 and ended at 260ish. The doctors had no issues with it.
I didn’t lose weight but didn’t gain hardly any once I found out I was gestational diabetic (both pregnancies) and had to go on the diet.
I lost both times this time round a stone cant see the difference tho just a extra tummy roll
I lost a ton of weight when I was pregnant a lot of it comes from eating less and being more conscious of what you eat health wise as long as the baby gains weight it’s all that matters! Take it as a blessing in disguise
I was 263 when I fell pregnant with twins, lost about 20lbs and then gained it back so I was 263 at birth. Immediately after and first few weeks post partum I’d gotten down to 200lbs. No worries. If dr is concerned they’ll have you check for ketones in your urine which would mean baby is surviving on your fat and not nourishment
I wouldn’t worry I lost a good 2+ stone when I was pregnant. I’ve never been so skinny in my life but I and baby was healthy
I lost over 65 pounds when I was pregnant I was so sick but you gain it back really fast
You might gain it in the last month or so I wouldnt be concerned unless the baby isnt growing.
I lost 50 lbs when i was pregnant, and my baby was born 8 lbs 4 oz! Everythings is more than likely ok, and it is very common for overweight women to lose weight during pregnancy!
I have 4 kids and lost massive amounts of weight with all but one of my pregnancies.
I never gained hardly any weight with my kids i lost weight but was not concerned due to being overweight the baby will be fine and is growing…
I lost weight in the beginning of both of my pregnancies. I was 212 with my first when I got pregnant and 209 when I got pregnant with my second. Add long as the baby is still growing everything will be ok. And you will probably start gaining weight in the second trimester. Congratulations by the way!
Just so you don’t lose nutrients for the baby, you should maybe try to lose weight by exercising and eating clean rather then restricting calories.
I lost 20 lbs in the beginning of this pregnancy I’m 30 weeks and have just now gained it back
I lost 15 lbs and then only gained 10 total during pregnancy but my little guy was 9 lbs so I’m sure your fine !
With my twins, I lost 20lbs and my youngest, I lost 30lbs. I too am overweight and my babies were great sizes. My doctors were nevr concerned that I lost weight instead of gaining it lol
I ALWAYS loose weight when I’m pregnant ( x4)
35 lbs been the most. I watch what I eat and how much of it. I do not restrict myself to any foods. I would eat 3 full meals plus a ton of fruits and veggies. I didn’t not purposely loose the weight. My craving and food desire changed completely. All my babies were healthy weight, and I had no medical problems so my Dr wasn’t worried about it. Good luck and congratulations!!!
I lost a lot of weight. In the end I only gained 6 lbs when I delivered. Immediately Post partum I was like 10lbs less than before I was pregnant. I was like 138 before and 128 after. My baby was small but totally healthy.
Have you been eating better? Have you started walking a little further than you did before? Have you cut out sweets? How have you changed your eating, sleeping, or anything else?
Just asking!
Honey, I was the same weight as you were at the start of your pregnancy when I got pregnant with my first. I lost quite a bit of weight but gained it back and then some by the time I gave birth. I feel big girls usually lose some weight in the beginning of the pregnancy to fuel the baby with my 2nd child I had gained a little more than I lost (265 the day before I gave birth) and let me tell you it’s hard as hell to lose the weight. My 2nd child is 8 and since her birth I’m usually between 270-280 and I really don’t give a damn lmao. My hubby still loves my body and loves me for who I am. Anyone else can take a flying leap
I lost weight while I was pregnant 220 when I got pregnant and 180 when I had my daughter she was perfectly healthy
I was 160 when I got pregnant with my 2nd and 161 when I delivered. He was 9lbs, 11.oz… I want to say I lost 30lbs when I was pregnant with him. Hard to be sure though.
Yep! Lost. 33 with my first.
28 with my second and 30 with my third