Is it normal to not have symptoms while pregnant?

With my first child, my only symptom was my big ole belly. Felt 100% normal and didnโ€™t get any of the usual pregnancy problems

I didnโ€™t know i was pregnant until I was 6 months because I had zero symptoms and wasnโ€™t showing at all๐Ÿคฃ

donโ€™t ask random people

I never had any symptoms except missed period. No morning sickness nothing :woman_shrugging:t4:

Yes happened to me. Sometimes the symptoms are the start of the increase of HCG, but then body gets used to it.

Sounds like you did have regular first trimester symptoms. Youโ€™re not supposed to be sick feeling the whole time although some people are or โ€œmorningโ€ sickness comes any time. There is really nothing to feel that early on. It is still weeks out before youโ€™d feel movement. Youโ€™ll have to start to pee a lot, people think it is just when the baby gets heavy and pushes on your bladder, but it starts sooner due to hormones. Some peoples boobs get sore and bigger in the 2nd trimester, but youโ€™re not even there yet. Mine never did for any of my 4. I felt sick one time with my first then nothing, but by my 4th felt sick for 9 weeks. So it is different for everyone and for each pregnancy typically.

My first pregnancy I had no symptoms other than a missed period. Then showing and feeling kicks later on. I had a healthy baby boy. My second pregnancy is getting its revenge, all the symptoms. It can be different every pregnancy. Hang in there momma!

Iโ€™m 28 weeks and still barely have symptoms. Just getting bigger. I just feel happy to be having a great experience so far! It will totally get harder but Iโ€™mtaking it day by day

Yes i had a week were i gagged in the mornings alot. But other than feeling short of breath towards the end, my pregnancy was a breeze.

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I was 3 months pregnant when I went to the doctor with an upset stomach he said your pregnant I hadnโ€™t missed a period so hadnโ€™t a clue I was only sick one day didnโ€™t even show

Yes! Try not to worry. I know itโ€™s hard! I felt this EXACT same way! Youโ€™re so used to feeling crappy that once u feel better it seems odd and not right. Try to enjoy the days u feel good! Everything will be okay. Feeling good is a good thing!

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I only missed my period didnโ€™t have morning sickness until 28 weeks and it was 1 day. No other symptoms.

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normal โ€ฆ every pregnancy is different โ€ฆ with my second I could barely tell I was pregnant

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Yep. Two of my pregnancies, other than feeling a bit extra grumpy I had zero symptoms until two ish months and then they bitch slapped me when they finally did come

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Iโ€™m on number 5 and the only thing I had was a missed period and sometimes tired (comes with naturally low iron anyway), with all of them. Some people do have every symptom in the book and other donโ€™t have any.

With my first son my symptoms stopped at 10 weeks and I was concerned but turns out it was just cause he was a boy lol :joy:

I know my body in and out, always down to the time and day of my periodsโ€ฆI missed my period January 21st 1992 on January 22nd 1992, I got up just like every other day and ate a huge ass bowl of oatmeal before heading to the doctorโ€™s office for a quick blood test! Went in and I was brushing my teeth and oatmeal out my nose, out my mouth and I was stopping my feet cus I couldnโ€™t breathe both my face holes clogged!! I thought I was going to die. The person i was living with came in and saw that i was choking and violently started pounding my back and doing the H. Maneuverโ€ฆ the only thing the person below me did was grab the broom handle and pound the roof of her cieling, had I not had someone there I would of diedโ€ฆdeath by oatmeal due to being pregnantโ€ฆ(yeh my kid killed me)โ€ฆ there was oatmeal everywhere in the bathroom I almost slipped on it! As I said it was a huge bowl, deep tooโ€ฆyes I always knew withing about 12hrs of not have a period! And than it was 3 months of sleeping on the bathroom floor, I could never make it to the toilet to throw up! But as soon as day 91 came I was sick no more and ate when and what I wanted! All my kids were between 9 and 11lbs all birthed naturally and at the hospital

Relax. Be thankful that you donโ€™t carry the same symptoms for 9 months.

19 weeks and still donโ€™t feel pregnant!

Yes, yes, yesโ€ฆ best pregnancy ever.

My child was almost 16 years ago but I had no problems no signs of being pregnant or anything for like 3 months and he was perfectly healthy

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You are fine. I felt normal too and what a blessing not having morning sickness! Enjoy!

Unfortunately 3 of mine ended in miscarraige at 13 weeks when this happened

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