Is it normal to not have symptoms while pregnant?

I’m almost 11 weeks pregnant but feel normal. I had all the normal symptoms in the first eight weeks, but I’m starting to worry. My midwife and doctor said just wait for my scan on the 28th, but it feels so far away! Has this happened to anyone else, and everything was okay?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal to not have symptoms while pregnant?

I felt normal until I got to six months.

Around 11-12 weeks I felt completely normal after being SO sick the first 8 weeks. I was still tired all the time but that was really only it until I started getting bigger and things started hurting. Wishing you luck mama!

I felt normal throughout both pregnancies the entire time. Most days when I woke up I had to remind myself I was pregnant until I got so big getting up out of bed was hard lmao


I didn’t even feel pregnant with my current one till 7 mo.

Yes. My only symptoms were shortness of breath with my first two & then heartburn & shortness of breath with my 3rd.

I always had times where I felt normal, for me it was out of the blue one week I would feel great and the next it would all hit me. Don’t stress yourself out too much. If for some reason you feel like somethings wrong, just go in the the ER. But besides that I would wait. It’ll all be fine in the end I’m sure

Had no symptoms till the last couple of months with a little heartburn and swelling ankels.

Yes happened with my 3rd I was about 10 weeks and all symptoms disappeared everything was fine just had an easy 2nd trimester

I barely had any symptoms at first.

Completely normal. I had the typical pregnancy with only 2 of mine. Things start to feel real when you can feel the baby move. Sore boobs and being super tired all the time just kicked in for me around 14 weeks. I’m 17 weeks with my current baby.

I’ve never had any symptoms of it. Im pregnant with baby 4 10wk tomorrow. Never had morning sickness. I had a tiny bit with baby 3 but I think it was the job making me sick (I worked at tim Hortons for like 2 months during and blah. Raw meat got to me and the not wearing gloves to try up meat and donuts and such was icky.) My symptom for knowing I was was missed period. That was all.

Yes! I was like that til I hit 15 weeks. Might be a boy :blush:

I felt normal from like 10 weeks till 20

The only real symptom I got was tender breasts when I was between 6 to 12 weeks, I felt like I wasnt pregnant besides from that. I kept forgetting I was pregnant lol. It didnt feel real at all until I saw the baby on my 8 week scan. Im 15 weeks now but still no major symptoms and not really showing yet.

For both my pregnancies, I felt completely normal.
No morning sickness
No cravings
No aversions
Not being tired
Still sleeping good

The only reason I could tell you I was pregnant is that my stomach and boobs were getting big.
I had two amazing pregnancies.

I was 100% normal all the way to the end. Blessed, I would consider us blessed.

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Ya it is normal. Both of mine i didn’t have any symptoms. I had no sickness or anything. I was tired and sleepy.

8 didn’t know til 4 months I felt normal

1st Born: No pregnancy symptoms. I was just eating and sleeping more.

2nd Born: Tired, bloated, certain smells would make me sick and eating more but, could only stomach cola and chocolate.

With my 3rd I had no symptoms at all until I was 8 months and people asked me the whole time if I was actually pregnant because I didn’t really show either until 7 months

I didn’t have any symptoms at all my first pregnancy except some cravings! Haha

I never had ANY symptoms!!
No sore boobs
No cravings
I wasn’t ever tired
Never ever got sick
Never was even nauseous
I slept good every night
With my 1st, i didn’t even show until i was a little over 7 months
Everything should be fine just bc you don’t have symptoms, stop worrying so much mama.

Very normal. I felt like that too in the beginning until about 8/9 weeks then boom been sick the whole 9 months. Please be grateful you don’t want this :joy::joy::joy: wishing you a healthy and stress free pregnancy

All 3 of my pregnancies I felt completely normal until after the first ultrasound then I started feeling symptoms.
With my first and second no symptoms whatsoever. With both I was on the Depo shot for birth control which u typically get every 10 weeks (2 &1/2 months) with my first I was 13 weeks when I found out my doctor said I must have gotten pregnant at the end of a shot and I was too early to tell via urine. My second I was 9 weeks. Needless to say depo was no good for me took 7 years without birth control for me to get pregnant with my third in which I found out at 3 and a half weeks first ultrasound was at 5 weeks.

I didn’t even know I was pregnant with my first born. No symptoms, no aches no pains nothing the entire 40 weeks. My second is a whole new story everything you can think of.

Yes i was 5 months and didnt have any symptoms then i started to get sick went to the dr and he said your fine your pregnant i told him that i had not missed a pierod or had no symptoms

Oh yes! With my first 2 I had morning sickness as soon as the pee test said positive! Lol With my third, I totally forgot I was pregnant for the first 6 months! Lol :woman_shrugging:t2:

The only symptom I had was a craving for country gravy. Other than that, it was smooth sailing. Didn’t throw up at all. Didn’t get sick. Had a touch of indigestion and slept more.

I felt “normal” pretty much all my pregnancy for both. My job takes a lot of out be and I was a little more tired but other than that I was good. I didn’t even get the “nesting” stage most get.

Yes normal. Consider yourself lucky lol.

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With my third I didn’t have any symptoms until I was 2 months alone

I have had three pregnancies and never had any symptoms with any of them. No tender/sore boobs, nothing at all. Not a hint of morning sickness, never threw up a single time. You are lucky, and it is perfectly normal.

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I had no symptoms both pregnancies :joy: i didnt show until i was more than 5 months along in both as well lol

I had only fatigue with my first and only during the 2nd trimester. With my 2nd I was sick all the time.

Every pregnancy is different and not everyone is going to get any or all of the “symptoms.”. Count your blessings that you feel normal, bc it could be worse.

I’m 21 weeks with my second, I had no symptoms other then a missed period, I was worried also wondering if I’m still pregnant or if I even am, wasn’t till the second ultrasound sound I finally started to believe I was, at 18 weeks baby’s kicks started to get stronger, and now baby doesn’t stop moving!
It’s normal :grin: sometimes women get symptoms worse then others

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal to not have symptoms while pregnant?

That happened w my second child. Being someone who’d suffered 2 miscarriages, it freaked me out. However, I was told your second trimester is when you’re supposed to start to feel better and that it’s normal to feel “less pregnant” so to speak

When I was pregnant with my daughter (second pregnancy) I felt so normal! most of the pregnancy I said that it was weird because I didn’t feel pregnant at all however my little girl was healthy and everything was completely fine. Every pregnancy is so different! Best of luck to you mama :heart:

Both my pregnancies I had no symptoms at all . The only way I knew I was pregnant was I skipped my period . Not a day of sickness, sore boobs, Nothing at all I felt completely normal until I started showing and gaining weight . My kids are 20 and 16 and healthy and happy . No worries momma every pregnancy is different for everyone

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I didn’t “feel” pregnant or display any obvious symptoms for my first 3 children all the things people say you will go through… not a one of them… my 4th child that pregnancy was literally in every sense of the word a BITCH to go through. Instead of worrying be happy that your body knows what is going on and can deal with it without you having to be miserable

With all my three pregnancies I never felt pregnant. I would throw myself down on the couch because I would forget. I didn’t show until I was 7 months.

I’m 26 weeks pregnant with my second and I would have never guessed I was pregnant if it wasn’t for my missed period and a positive test after two weeks. Otherwise I have never had any symptoms… my first pregnancy I was sick for two weeks and then no symptoms.

Everyone’s body is different

I didn’t have any symptoms with my 3rd until about 15 weeks.

your hormones are leveling out. it’s fine

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal to not have symptoms while pregnant?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal to not have symptoms while pregnant?

I never had morning sickness or any typical symptoms with either of my kids (now almost 15 and 12). Nor did my sisters from what I know nor my mother. My pregnancies were pretty easy, sometimes that’s just how it goes so I’d consider yourself lucky. I think these things are very hereditary and I’d look to anything your Mom can share about her experience (if that’s an option). I felt very “normal” too. :woman_shrugging:

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My first, I had no morning sickness. I didn’t miss a period until month 6. I am a big girl so I didn’t notice I was getting bigger. I only gained 9 pounds with her. She was very quiet. The only time she would move around a lot was when I wS trying to go to sleep. My son was a different story.

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Two of 3 pregnancies where like this. With my second I had 2 migraines and that was if, if I couldn’t feel by moving I wouldn’t have known I was pregnant. My 3rd was pretty much the same, no sickness, no sore breasts or any common symptoms.

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My 1st, daughter, simlply never moved! I ran to the dr so often wanting to check heartbeat! Dr just said she was mellow, she was and always has been. 2nd one ,son, never stopped moving. I was sure I was going to start having bruises on my belly from his kicking!
Every pregnancy is different as is every pregnant woman. Tell your doctor your feelings

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I felt normal and didn’t even look pregnant until I was 5 months pregnant. Actually I felt normal until I had the baby. I lucked out. Healthy child, happy baby, now a nurse practitioner with his own son.

Never had morning sickness, the good Lord blessed me with a perfect pregnancy because she knew what what would bbq coming one day…lol…

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I had morning sickness until i gave birth with my daughter. Take this as a blessing.

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Besides no periods, I had no symptoms for the first trimester for all 3 of my bubs.

This is my 4th pregnancy and never had a single symptoms. No throwing up, nausea, pain or nothing. Just a growing belly.


My first pregnancy I had no symptoms at all I found out I was pregnant at an annual exam and then when he started moving I felt him. He was the easiest one of mine.


If in doubt check it out. That’s what my midwife said to me granted that was quite a while ago lol :rofl: If you’re unsure go get checked if you worry the bubba feels it so make you feel better for bubba and get checked. Once you know it’s all normal you can continue to enjoy all the excitement to come. Good luck :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:

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Honestly, sometimes I just didn’t have symptoms for a week or two and then I’d get hit like a freight train again :joy: I know it’s stressful, but if your doctors aren’t concerned and you don’t have a gut feeling that something is wrong, it’s probably fine :slightly_smiling_face:

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I never had morning sickness with any of mine, just got bigger and bigger! No problem!

This happened to me. I lost all pregnancy symptoms and felt normal. I was worried I had lost the pregnancy. I’m now 13 weeks had my scan last week and everything is fine. Funnily enough the nausea and vomiting came back yesterday urgh. I wouldn’t worry too much x

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I never had any pregnancy symptoms with any of my kids I just thought I was lucky


I had only symptom I had was heartburn and that wasn’t till later. Otherwise I slept all the time!

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I didn’t have any symptoms with all 3 of mine. If it wasn’t for a late period and taking a test I wouldn’t even of known :sweat_smile:


I had no symptoms until almost 5 months.

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Its been 25 yrs ago but I was fine until a few weeks before delivery. The sickness happened then for me

What kind of symptoms?


Some women go a whole pregnancy and never even knew they were pregnant. I had 4 kids and every pregnancy and birth was different. Important to go to all your appointments this way they can keep a good eye on the baby. Talk to your Dr about any concerns you may have, there are no dumb questions. It’s very normal to worry about everything as a first time mom to be. Congratulations.

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Some times it feels like a butterfly fludering in your belly.try not to worry.

It is normal things get much better after 12 weeks but I would request a ultrasound for peace of mind

I had morning sickness from 6 weeks to about 8 weeks and the nausea subsided and then when I went to my first drs appointment I found out it was a blighted ovum… it never developed into a baby

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i never felt pregnant with my first,i felt a bit sick for a couple weeks at first and that was it, i never felt pregnant till i was 36 weeks and super sore haha

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I was pregnant for 7 months and didn’t know it … I felt completely normal … He was 9lbs when born…

I went 34 weeks without so much as a bump, 1 extra pound or a single kick felt. If it wasn’t for hearing his heartbeat and seeing him on sonogram, I could’ve easily convinced myself I wasn’t pregnant. I even doubted the doctors till 36 weeks when I FINALLY got a belly and could feel his movements. 2 weeks before I delivered.

Jade Briggs this was you ya cow bag :rofl::rofl:

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I wouldn’t say it’s normal.i would say it was not uncommon but very lucky. Please dont stress every pregnancy is differant
I had morning sickness and was very sick with my last my first nothing I didn’t even know I was pregnant until I was 6 mths

This was me at 10 weeks! Nausea subsided… only had some heart burn… I was so so worried!
Had my 12 week scan and all is well!
Totally normally xx

I had a “normal” stage around that time too!! My symptoms reappeared a few weeks after.

I had a family friend that didn’t know she was pregnant till she was six months along.

I had no symptoms at all with my daughter. I was not nauseous or anything. At the end I was a little swollen but that was it.

My first pregnancy I didnt have any symptoms. Maybe got sick a hand full of time. Didnt even know I was pregnant till I was at least 8 weeks and it was me waking up one morning with a gut feeling I was pregnant.
My second pregnancy made up for it though. Swear that kid had me thinking I was literally going to die for 9 months :joy:

I’ve been saying that. I’m 11wks. I did feel pregnant and now since yesterday the only way I can describe it is I just don’t feel pregnant anymore.
Scares me cause I had a miscarriage years ago and this is how it went. My friends bringing her doppler over today so I can have piece of mind

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It’s completely normal! It just means your hormones are balancing out and you’re getting used to everything! All the joys of pregnancy will start soon enough lol

With my first I had not one symptom the entire pregnancy. It was glorious. I was 21. Then at 33 I got pregnant with TWINS and had every damn symptom possible (plus some). Every pregnancy is different.

I had nausea and indigestion for the first 7 weeks then symptom free until around 18 weeks

I felt completely normal and healthy up until 8 months. That is when I started to feel more tired and sluggish

Yes it is normal.Not many women have sickness etc.I didnt…

Yes my first daughter no symtoms i didnt lnow i was pregnant until i was already 7 months no stomache nothing i got sick with strep throat thays how i found out

I didn’t know I was pregnant with my daughter until I was 5 months.

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I only ever was only slightly nauseous very early. (never threw up) fatigue and weird dreams. That’s all I had and that was just the first 2 months then. Then I felt normal.

With my second pregnancy, I had such anxiety in the beginning because of my lack of symptoms. But oh boy, once I hit 10 weeks the morning sickness started. :joy: I know several people who didn’t have symptoms in the beginning! You’re fine, mama

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2 pregnancies and 0 symptoms. loved it

This also happened to me. I had no symptoms at all and I was constantly worrying. I never even had morning sickness. Don’t worry, I’m sure baby is fine!

I’m on my 7th pregnancy. I have always felt normal minus a period :woman_shrugging:

i didn’t have any pregnancy “symptoms” until i was like 4 months along.

My baby girl is almost 1 now🥺

With boys, I literally would forget I was pregnant until I bumped into something. With girls, I was THE SICKEST. Like. It was awful.

With my daughters I had almost no symptoms for most of the 1st trimester and some of the second. It wasn’t until I started showing and feeling them move that I knew they were okay.

My pregnancy I had no systems for most of it… The most I had was hunger and being sore (but I’ve been sore for 15 years so not really a symptom for me) and my son is a very happy healthy 10 months old

I had a very healthy without any symptoms pregnancy until I was about 7-8 months pregnant which is when I started to have the worst heartburn and lower back pain

I never had a single “symptom” other than the need to eat brownies daily.