Completely normal. My baby’s heartbeat wasn’t detected until 10 wks
I wasn’t able to hear the heart beat until 12 weeks. And one of my babies I didn’t hear at all…she was born perfectly healthy…if u Can see it it’s there… good luck momma
I’ve never heard my babies hb prior to 11 weeks. To visually see it 7 weeks or more. The clinic waits till 7 weeks and the dr 8 weeks. I would wait and see what the follow up shows
I saw my babies heartbeat at 7 weeks but only just! I think 6 weeks is too early x
8 weeks and that’s usually a bit faint too
My OBGYN wouldn’t see me until 10 weeks.
My first ultrasound was 5 weeks 2 days (sac but no fetal pole)
Next scan was 6 weeks 6 days to make sure there was a fetal pole and heard bubs heart beat and saw bub.
This is in Australia And it was a decent ultrasound machine.
Second pregnancy I’m currently 24 weeks
Pretty common, my OB won’t see you before 8 weeks for that reason unless you’re high risk.
That’s pretty early. It’s common. My ob doesn’t even usually check until about 10 weeks
The six weeks is only sometimes and usually with the vaginal ultrasound. If he did the ultrasound on your belly then it’s definitely too early. Typical is between six and a half to seven weeks along. Keep in mind that every pregnancy is different as well as the technologies that are available. Don’t fret until they’re something to fret about, it causes undo worry and stress - neither of which you need.
I couldn’t hear the heartbeat at my 6 week appointment
If its a regular ultrasound yes,if vaginal,mine was heard at 5 weeks.
Yup both of mine. My doc won’t even see someone til 8 or 9 weeks
Happens often. Not strong enough to hear in beginning cause so faint. Not a big deal
This happened to me. My son is now 22, married & has his own healthy daughter
They sell really cheap fetal heart monitors, they come with head phones, I used to just sit in a quiet room for hours listening to their heartbeats
Yes I did too. Scary but you’ll be fine
Same happened with me. Have a happy healthy 2yo
With my 2nd the couldn’t find a heart beat at 9 weeks. Tried to convince me to have a d/c saying I lost the baby. I’m fought them the whole time until another doctor was called in. He ignored them and did the ultrasound. She was alive. She is now 13.
Sometimes they can see just can’t hear it yet
.6 weeks is early for a heart beat
A lot of time doctors don’t even like to do ultrasound until 10 weeks due to this issue
It scares people and for some the dates can be a little off
I get the fear for sure but all you can do is wait and see
Ask the doctor or midwife, not FB… Xxxx
My first was 8, second was 6 and third was 5.
I’m about 19 weeks now and we couldn’t find a heartbeat at 6 weeks, but it was beating strong at 8
Okay so everyone is commenting about hearing the heart beat but from ur post what I’m reading is the dr Didn’t SEE the heart beat at 6 weeks. I wouldn’t worry to much yet momma 6 weeks is still very early to SEE the heart beat as well because it is so beyond tiny that sometimes ultrasound cannot pick up the movement of the heart hopefully they can on your next ultrasound and if not ask them to do a transvaginal ultrasound they might be able to see it that way. And if not wait tell minimum 8 weeks to get another ultrasound and chances are at that point you will atleast SEE the heart beat and possibly hear it babies develop so amazingly fast every week early on on pregnancy. All 4 of my pregnancies I had ultrasounds between 4-6 weeks and was never able to SEE or hear a heart beat. But between week 8-10 had another transvaginal ultrasound and we were then able to see the heart bead and hear it. All 4 of my kiddos born healthy. Good luck momma and thank you for being a surrogate for a couple that cannot have there own you are a true super hero
Most places won’t even check for a heart beat until 8-12 weeks because it’s so hard to detect earlier on. I wouldn’t worry until they tell you too
My oldest I didn’t hear a beat till 13 weeks. And my youngest at 10 weeks.
It’s definitely normal cause baby and their heart is so tiny you won’t hear anything until about 10-12 weeks probably a bit later on.
Saw and heard all 3 of mine at 5 wks.
8 weeks is usually earliest
Yes you have to wait for eight weeks
Too early darling. All is well!
Definitely normal! Don’t stress
Doesn’t the heart usually start beating around wk 6?
yes it’s normal to not be able to hear the heartbeat that early
That’s normal. I went in at 5-6 weeks and they said the same thing. The UT actually mentioned they rarely ever schedule people before 8-9 weeks for this reason because there’s not a lot to see and just causes unnecessary anxiety.
They weren’t able to find the heart beat with both my babies till I was at least 7 weeks and the only reason we were able to see it so good was because I had a vaginal ultrasound done.
i didn’t hear hb till 14weeks with all 3 of mine
They didn’t find my first horns heart beat at 6 weeks.
They waited a week (the longest, most agonizing week of my life) and boop there was a heartbeat.
Yes. I seen and heard it using intravaginal ultrasound
6 weeks is early hang tight.
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I had an anterior placenta and we couldn’t hear the heart beat at 10 weeks( I found out way late. My miracle baby) but he was kicking. She did a transvaginal US and we heard it
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal to not see the heartbeat at 6 weeks pregnant?
This happened to me. The doctor told me that I would have a spontaneous abortion. I had to go back in a week to make sure the baby had spontaneously aborted and see if I needed a D and C. That baby is now 15 years old and a Junior in High School. I changed doctors.
I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks because I got very sick. The dr couldn’t hear a heartbeat but he said he could see it. So maybe its to soon to hear but they might be able to see it a little later.
Couldn’t hear my second son’s heartbeat at 8 weeks, but found it at 12 weeks. He is now a healthy 2 month old, and was a healthy pregnancy & delivery.
This is the exact reason my doctor would try to listen or do an ultrasound sound till after 10 weeks. So moms don’t worry
Yeah I had no heartbeat at 6 weeks with my oldest. They could catch it at 8 weeks.
I didn’t see my son’s heartbeat at 5 weeks 6 days but 5 days later I did. He’s 4 months old now.
Yes, my Dr always scheduled my 1st appointment for around 10 weeks,because that is when you have a better chance at being able to hear it. He said that way the expecting mom’s don’t worry if they can’t hear it at a sooner appointment.
I didn’t hear mine until 12 weeks but we saw it beating at 8 weeks.
I went around 5/6 weeks with my first and couldn’t hear/see. They said it was too soon and had me come back after 8 weeks. He is now almost 13
In my area they don’t usually see you till 8 weeks because of this. Very normal.
From day one till anytime in the first 15 weeks, the baby beat generally is tune with your own heart beat…after a time frame you can hear the babies heart beat. Keep in mind as long as you and the doctor and ultrasound technician can visually see the baby heart beat pulsing, regardless of sound you have nothing to worry about. But if you see no beat, hear no beat…then it’s bad news. If you see very abnormally slow long beats or beats that are three times as fast as yours be concerned. At every developmental stage in your ultrasound journey, look for differences between feet, spine, head, hands and limbs. Anything that don’t look right to you or sound right…question it, but don’t get sold on the first answer because it just may protect you both.
Yes, totally normal. They will find it at a later date. So not fret over it.
We didn’t see our sons heartbeat until 7 weeks and heard it at 8
The same happened with my girl. She was still too small and they couldn’t pick it up til 2 weeks later.
My mid wife couldnt find my babys heart beat until i was 13weeks, im currently 32 weeks pregnant now and my baby is as active as ever. Im sure everything is fine, my mid wife told me.i.wasnt showing any of the symptoms of something being wrong, eg, abdominal pain , bleeding etc but to make me feel better she arranged for me to get hormonal bloods done to double check that my body was still in carrying a baby successfully. Maybe u could ask ur doctor.or mid same thing just for reassurance. I know how u feel, it scared th hell out of me.
Couldn’t see a heartbeat till 13 weeks with all 3 of my children. I have a 7 almost 8 year old and 2 year old and now I’m 29 weeks with my 3rd child
Yes this is common…happened to me twice!
I didn’t hear mine until after 8 weeks. Perfectly normal
We could see ours beating at 7 weeks but couldn’t hear it till about 10 or 12 weeks.
We didn’t until around 8 weeks with all 3 of our girls
It’s normal 6weeks .mere baby ki to 12weeks mai ai this heartbeat .somplz relax and wait untill week 12 . Insha Allah usse pehly hi ajaegi
Yes it’s normal dear . Infact main to kahungi your Dr. Is ko experienced pheli bar kisi ne post ki ha k Dr. Ne kahan heartbeat nahen h abhi but it’s normal otherwise sab yehi kehte hen post p k Dr. Ne kahan heartbeat nahen h agr next nahen ai to DNC hogi .
Usually not until your about 10 weeks.
Very normal girl! I had the same concerns and lost a lot of sleep over this in the beginning. I have a beautiful one year old girl now🥰
I heard my sons at 6wks, but I didn’t hear my daughters until 8wks.
Yes it’s normal hun x
Yes some docs around here won’t even see u until you are at least 9 weeks.
I have been told you can see it from very early but I saw my sons heart beat at 7 weeks.
When I was prego they wouldn’t schedule me until I was at least 8 weeks.
Your period may say six weeks but you could be earlier. 6 weeks is right around the time you see heart beat. Don’t worry.
When I was pregnant with my last, I flipped off the back of a 4wheeler, went to the ER to get checked since I could barely move, and because my hubby knew I was pregnant. I told the dr that so they did an ultrasound with the wand, I was about 5-6ish weeks and they could see I was pregnant, but couldn’t hear a heartbeat. It’s definitely normal since it’s so early in the pregnancy, but it doesn’t make it easier to not freak out a bit over it.
That’s why a lot of time they don’t like doing ultrasounds so early because of freaks the parent/parents out
My doc doesn’t even listen for heartbeat until 12 weeks for that exact reason.
It normal. I didn’t have one at 6 weeks then I went back a week later and the heartbeat was there
Neither of my kids had an audible heartbeat till about 8 weeks. My youngest wasn’t even visible on my 5 week ultrasound. Just a gestational sac and yolk.
This happened to me healthy 3yr old now
I’m not sure. My first ob appointment was 8 weeks.
Yes I had that happen and saw a heartbeat a week later
It’s very early. My first pregnancy the same thing happened and they said to wait until the next appointment.
Same happened to me, he is now almost 20 and expecting his first child.
Yes that can happen and everything can be ok. They usually don’t even check at this stage because moms worry.