Is it normal to spot at 35 weeks?

Will you post please I’m 35 weeks 1 day I used the bathroom and got up there was a dime sized spot of light pink blood I believe but wiped and there was non, I go to the dr tomorrow morning I’m just freaking out and want to know if it’s normal , thank you a ftm


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal to spot at 35 weeks?

No not normal, hopefully your doctor can reassure you. In the meantime, rest as much as you can.

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Could be your mucus plug


If you want you could ring 13 health and speak to an RN to reassure you and tell you what you might need to do, they are very kind and understanding

A bloody show is a common symptom during late pregnancy when a small amount of blood and mucus is released from the vagina. A bloody show occurs because the cervix starts to soften and thin (efface) and widen (dilate) in preparation for labor.

I remember I did spot a little bit much that late… if your going to the Dr tomorrow tell the Dr. Drink water, keep hydrated. If you feel anything in-between time go in earlier if you can.

I would call labor and delivery and see what they say. Is baby active? It also could be mucus plug

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Could be normal or could be something is up. Call your labor and delivery or after hours and ask if they think you need to be seen. Or just go be seen at your er. I know I wouldn’t be able to rest when any little thing happened. It drove me crazy! Try not to worry too much stress isn’t good for either of you! Good luck!

I had that at 35 weeks and they told me it’s normal unless your soaking a pad an hour. I went into
Labor two days after I started spotting baby girl was healthy and no nicu time at 35 +4

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Possibly your mucus plug but to not chance anything maybe go to the ER and be seen I’d rather be safe than sorry! Best of luck i hope it’s just your sweet baby is ready to just make their appearance

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Just for a laugh. Maybe not the time but … I was reading “is it normal to spot at 35 weeks ?” And I immediately thought “spot what… What are you spotting (looking for).”


I was told that as long as it’s not heavy or bright blood then you’re good. A pinkish tone is normal and a darker is normal is because it’s your mucus plug. Spotting occasionally toward the end of your pregnancy, especially if you’ve been doing anything labor-intensive, stress or just walking more than usual it’s pretty normal. Won’t hurt to call your ob though.

I spotted mildy the last 3 months of my pregnancy, dr said uti. I ended up having a full placental abruption and needing an emergency C-section but it’s pretty rare.

My first thought is your mucous plug but best to ask a professional. Take it easy.

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We could all give you our opinions but I think you know your feel much better getting seen by a doctor or obgyn … even a phone call. Maybe take a picture and send it?

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Can you go to the hospital??? May be in early labour

Always call the doctor if something unusual happens. He or she may tell you it’s nothing to worry about, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

Could be mucus plug but also if you have hemoroids it could be them bleeding. Best to get checked to make sure.

Go into labor and delivery it is probably nothing but you wanna know that for a fact or it’ll drive you insane. I had a sweep done a week ago and ever since I keep losing bits of my plug daily and it’s pink every time I notice it.

I blead a bit with my last baby. I was fine. Upon delivery and breaking my water, it was bloody, the water. The obgyn said it could be caused with random bleeding at any given time during the pregnancy. Baby was fine. If its spotting, and not several pads filled with blood, you’re probably alright. Just get in with your obgyn. You really won’t know until you get physically checked and cleared.

It could be normal, just had my son a week ago. But you should also call your OB & ask them. I wouldn’t chance anything, & I would go into labor & delivery.

I do that when I’m about to go into labor. Bloody show. I would probably go get checked out

I I had that at 34 weeks was put on bed rest due to threatening to come early so I hope you got checked and all is okay

Super normal. BUT I’ma huge advocate of going in and getting checked out if for no other reason than peace of mind.