Is it normal to spot in early pregnancy?

I’m a mother of 2 and recently found out I’m expecting baby number 3. I’m currently 4 weeks 5 days pregnant and I have been having spotting only when I use the bathroom and wipe along with cramping. I just wanted to know if other moms have similar situations I’m worried because I never had this issue with my other 2 pregnancies. Thank you


I had spotting until around 14 weeks with my first & he’s a healthy 16.5mo now. I had spotting early on with this pregnancy too and I’m now 14+2 with a healthy baby. Spotting is extremely common during early pregnancy. My very first pregnancy back in 2015 ended in miscarriage around 5 weeks but I bled very heavily and it was so painful that all I could do was cry because it hurt so bad.

Please don’t rely on other people’s answers to feel better without doctor confirmation. Our bodies are all so different. I’d go to doctors ASAP to check blood levels.

Good luck♡ I say this with kindness after I suffered a etopic and miscarriage

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I agree I would go to the doctor :purple_heart::love_you_gesture: prayers sweetie :pray:


Also. Drink plenty vitamin c is. Good. Your already. Busy think ahead. So. You. Not. Rushing. Doctors good start as well.

I agree goto doctor just to be on safe side. My 1st pregnancy was great all through, no bleeding. 2nd pregnancy I was spotting in early pregnancy and I called my ob and the nurse told me it was completely normal but then a few day’s later we had a misscariage :(.
I’m currently pregnant 11 week’s and it is going good, no bleeding but I’m still being caution and yet little scared even tho I’m almost out of the 1st trimester.

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I got pregnant end of last September and she be week I started cramping with little spotting. By Thursday Nov 7th i passed a clot. Went to the doctor, I lost my baby at 7 weeks. Please please go to your doctor and get confirmation it’s nothing serious. If I had went to the doctor sooner I could’ve been celebrating my babes arrival around this time.

Not to scare you… but with my miscarriage and my ectopic pregnancy I had spotting and cramping. With my two living children, I did not. Just go to Dr. Peace of mind is everything.

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When i was pregnant with my 1st i started bleeding around 3 months along, but she is fine! I was pregnant with my third and started cramping and spotting, i sadly lost my baby at 10 weeks 6 days. The baby stopped growing at 6 weeks.

I had spotting with my third but was fine. It’s ALWAYS best to get checked by a doctor. So please do that. Because you’re so early spotting is quite common but I can’t obviously promise that’s true, only a professional can!

Go to the doctor just for peace of mind. My mother got a full blown period through 2 of her 5 pregnancies, I however didnt bleed at all unless something was wrong. Every womans body is different, and what was okay for her wasn’t for me.

When in doubt, go to the doctor. Some people say spoting is normal, it can be. It was for me in my first pregnancy. But I had no cramping. With my misscarage, I had no spotting but I had cramping. It all happened so fast though :slightly_frowning_face: Don’tt ever feel like you are over reacting. Please go.

Please go and get check by your doctor. :pray:

Go to the doctor, you never know if you have something the rest of us haven’t. Go make sure that baby is safe❤️

I have 3 living and 3 angels

The only ones I bleed with didn’t make it please get check and track your numbers

It MIGHT be implantation bleeding, but definitely check with your doctor.

I had cramping similar to this with my second pregnancy at around the same time. I had an ultrasound to confirm my pregnancy but found out that I had miscarried 1. My second pregnancy was supposed to be a second set of twins

I did but later on…check with doc