Is it normal to spot while pregnant?

I’m 12 weeks pregnant with my 6th child (please no remarks about how many babies I have I love them all) but with this pregnancy I have been spotting occasionally maybe like 4 to 5 times a week. Sometimes it’s worse than others but I don’t have much pain either sometimes it’s a slight pain but nothing unbearable. The dr gave me some medicine but it’s not stopping the spotting. Has this happened to anyone else and not have a miscarriage. I haven’t had a miscarriage before and I don’t know what to expect if I do have one. The dr said the baby is fine but I’m just kinda freaking out


I spotted with my daughter on and off until over 20 weeks went to the hospital multiple times and she’s a healthy almost 18 month old I’ve had a missed miscarriage and didn’t bleed at all just brown discharge and bad cramping

Could be normal but please ask for an appointment ultrasound to rule out a subchronic hemorrhage. I had one with my 5th pregnancy and because the drs didn’t take me seriously my water broke at 17 weeks and she was born by 18 weeks. Hope everything is ok!!

Could be subchronic hematoma I bleed for like 5 weeks and it finally cleared up I’m now 23 weeks.

Happened to me when I was pregnant with my first. 4 months of spotting. She was fine

I’d go to the er. Doctor said I was fine but i had a miscarriage a week after.

Was smears all upto date before?

I spotted a bit early in pregnancy. Getting stressed made it worse. Fingers crossed everything is OK x

I spotted around 6-8 weeks. Could have been from implantation, but I also had two fibroids that were found in my first trimester ultrasound. It was scary, and I cried on my way to the ER but I’m 39 weeks today. Hopefully everything is okay!

I spotted with my first I don’t remember exactly when but I know it was first trimester and it ended up being placenta previa

My 1st daughter i spotted throughout the whole 38 weeks on and off. It really depends on WHY you are spotting. I had an irritable cervix so just walking would make me start spotting.