Is it ok for my husband to like, heart, comment heart eye emojis, follow TikTok women that are single?

Most of them probably do it

Youā€™re not alone. Itā€™s wrong and disrespectful.

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I told my husband anytime he gives attention to any other woman on social media, Iā€™m going shopping.
Lmboā€¦he stopped immediately :rofl::rofl:


Fuck no thatā€™s not ok girl!! Thatā€™s how it all starts is online

In a similar situation myself.


I can see how it would make you feel insecure but he married you. He loves you. Heā€™s never ever going to meet those women on Tik Tok or Instagram. And if he did, those women wouldnā€™t give Normal Joe a second look! I would dismiss it until he gives you a reason not to. These reasons are not valid enough to get a divorce and throw away your husband.


If it makes you uncomfortable have a chat tell him how it makes you feel he see what happens x x x

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He shouldnā€™t be doing it if it makes you feel uncomfortable and disrespected tell him and see if it changes anything


I believe bcuz he is married itā€™s not acceptable behavior!! Itā€™s not only hurtful to his wife but disrepectful.
The very fact that heā€™s cheated emotionally & lied repeatedly in the past shows his lack of respect for his wifeā€™s feelings!!!

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I am in the same boat lol my bf not even on my fb lol

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Heā€™s not showing you that he values you. He needs to rethink his actions and his priorities.

It is disrespectful and hurtful. I wouldnā€™t be okay with that situation at all.


Then why r u still with him.

Lol whys this a question. Read what you typed back


He cheated emotionally? What does that mean? Do you object to him watching movies? What if he likes the actress! Oh no! Your irrational jealousy is likely to drive him away, not another female.


No, this isnā€™t acceptable if the tiktok are sexual. Cookery tips is a different matter. There is a huge difference from talking to women sexually behind your back and just talking to women. You need to consider which it is. Are you being persuaded itā€™s not sexual? Either way, youā€™re not happy and are certainly not comfortable. You agreed to marry this guy so is this new behaviour or has he always been like this?

Thatā€™s very disrespectful. Heā€™d be gone

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Lose him. If these things are important to u and he doesnt do them, or continues to do things that make u uncompfortable, i say FUCK THAT

Its disrespectful and hurtful buuuut its social media I refuse to argue or fight with my man about it itā€™s stupid and if he needs that validations from others then really thatā€™s his prob not urs if he feels he needs something from u that hes not getting thatā€™s on him to talk to u or if u want ask him just that but worrying about social media is pointless and if u ask me immatureā€¦social media is not the end all be all itā€™s not even real life try not to let it bother u try to be more secure within urself then what he does wont matter

Iā€™m not the jealous type and interacting or responding to posts wouldnt bother me at all .
But the fact heā€™s not responding/interacting with his wife means heā€™s keeping your relationship a secret . That makes him a cheating scumbag in my book. Pack his bags


Iā€™ve been in the same boat long enough to know that if he doesnā€™t stop for you then yes itā€™s disrespectful if youā€™re uncomfortable with it and heā€™s done stupid shit before then you deserve better ive came along way myself to know right from wrong and in a relationship itā€™s you and him and if he canā€™t respect that it bothers you then heā€™s a bitch for doing it ā€¦ period

He doesnā€™t want other woman knowing heā€™s with u thats why he doesnā€™t respond to yours. He can say ur just a crazy x if another woman asks. My x husband was the same way. Gross!


Leave! And do not look back

Yes heā€™ll never ever meet them

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My soon to be ex husband did that and would never except any of my posts on his page on fb then told me he had deleted it but he Jst blocked me, I then found out as my relationship ended as he was messaging and around another woman he had been with 2 other women along the way I hate social media as itā€™s so easy for things to come across the way they do, so my advice is follow your gut itā€™s always right x


Nah girl. My fiancƩ was doing this as well. Used it as basically a dating app. Not okay.

What is emotional cheating???

Red Flags. You deserve better.


Definitely NOT ok!! Rather itā€™s ā€œjust social mediaā€ or not! He will not ever stop and it could lead to him physically cheating. My ex was the worst about doing this! I finally had to wake up and realize he had no respect for me or our relationship and left!

Not okay very disrespectful

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Just a matter of time before it becomes physical cheating if it hasnā€™t already! Itā€™s not okay :confused:!!!

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No. Heā€™s being a weasel

I would definitely say no itw not ok, its disrespectful towards you and your relationship. I wouldnā€™t think he would like you doing that towards other men. He cant expect you to be ok with something he does but then not be ok if you you did it to him. Besides, if you dont like it then thats all that matters. He should respect that and honor you by stopping. Just tell him you dont like it and its disrespectful. If he thinks its ok then that tells you how much he really does love and respect you. Keep that in mind.

I would be extremely pissed!!

Girl go sit down somewhere or better yet get a hobbyā€¦you have too much time on your hands baby

Nopeā€¦not Ok! Disrespectful! He doesnā€™t other females to know heā€™s in a relationship. Move onā€¦will just get worse

Instead of asking others what behavior is okay for your husband ask yourself if it makes you feel valued and appreciated in your marriage. What the next marriage looks like isnā€™t a reflection on yours.