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"Wife thinks it ok for her to go to a weekend festival concert with a group of guys she met on a Facebook page. She doesn't have a ticket yet bought a tent and one guy supposedly paid for her campsite. She has cheated on me three times. First time was at a concert at this venue. She seems to think that her doing this will prove her love and loyalty. If any of this makes sense."
RELATED: Mom Discovers Husband Is Cheating By Reading A Birth Announcement In The Newspaper
The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"How will this prove her loyalty? What is she thinking lol there’s lots of way to show someone you love them but going to a concert with other guys who you barely know, is not a way to do that. You sound like a very strong & loving person to get cheated on three times and still stick around, but I would recommend leaving her. Find someone who actually shows they love you and are loyal cause this lady is… not that."
"No. Let her go, pack your stuff, and leave."
"Okay since it’s definitely 3 rd strike pack her shit while she’s gone and leave it on the lawn"
"Lol yes buy yalls tickets and be like hey guess what I went ahead and got your ticket and got one as well! See her reaction and then you will know if it’s Ill intentions or not if she really does not want you there."
"She’s going to cheat again. Tell her either you both go or she can go and the marriage is over."
"Nope nope nope! Not ok AT ALL!! Time for you to find a new wife it sounds like!!"
"No tell her to go and not come back"
"Uhhh that doesn’t seem safe…"
"Sounds to me like she’s already made up her mind that she’s going if she’s bought the tent and some random guy has paid for her pitch. Disrespectful AF!!! Get rid!!"
"I wouldn’t even be dealing with this type of shit. You need to just let her go all together and move on."
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