I forgot to ask my OB when I was there Monday. But I’ve lost 3 pounds since getting pregnant. Mind you, I’m 5 4” and weigh 200 pounds. I’m 17 weeks along now. So my thoughts are… if since I’m eating super healthy now. I mean that’s probably why right? Everything I’m reading says it’s bad to lose weight while pregnant but… what if you were super over weight to begin with?
I only gained a total of 10 lbs my whole pregnancy and did lose some at one point, my OB was not concerned. I was about the same size as you pre pregnancy
Why don’t you talk to your dr as he knows your history not us
As long as baby is growing on track it’s fine.
I lost 7 lbs in my first trimester. It came back in the 3rd!
Congratulations on your healthy weight loss and I hope you continue your healthy eating habits after your baby is born!
I have two kids and I’ve lost 60 pounds the first and 40 on the second it’s safe
I lost 31 pounds with my last pregnancy. Dr was very happy with it. I’m 5’5 and weighed 250+. I ate healthier and drank lots of water. My daughter weighed 8lbs and 20 inches long.
It is ok for you to lose weight while you are pregnant. Everyone’s body works differently. I lost 21 lbs with my first and 33 lbs with my second. Remember to eat. If you are concerned, talked to your ob.
I am diabetic and overweight and I lost weight for the first half of my pregnancy because I was eating super healthy and carefully monitored. I did gain what I lost back in the last trimester though. At my first appointment when I was 6 weeks pregnant I weighed 249 pounds and when I checked into the hospital to be induced I weighed 248. As long as you are eating and baby is still developing and doing well, everything should be fine. If you are truly concerned, please consult your OB at your next appointment or send them a message. However, if they have concerns, they will certainly let you know as well. The only time there seemed to be any concern was at a diabetic check up when I had lost 15lbs total and the nurse mentioned it to me, but let it go when I said that my OB wasn’t concerned. Just keep eating healthy and don’t stress, you’ll be fine!
I lost weight with my first but I also had HG so was constantly puking and not able to eat much. My 2nd and 3rd I gained nothing.
I gave birth to my daughter at 9 months weighing less then when I got pregnant. My doctor was not concerned at any point along the way as I’ve always been a little overweight. As long as you are eating healthy and baby is on track with size it’s perfectly normal.
I was told at that weight even though I lost almost 30 pounds that it was good for me since I was weighing in 200
I lost weight until at least 24 weeks, then maintained for a bit. Finally only gained 8 pounds total by delivery. I had a lot of stores, so had plenty to lose. As long as you are eating well, should not be an issue.
I lost a lot of weight with my son, ate but ate healthier and wasn’t too fond of a lot if foods but ate more fruits, meat, and baby came out very healthy.
It’s bad to lose weight while pregnant if it’s because of severe nausea and not being able to keep nutrients down. If you are losing weight due to eating healthier it’s perfectly fine.
As long as your baby is making appropriate strides and you are eating enough. Yes, I lost 75 lbs with each of my kids. If it’s a significant amount of weight they may do ultrasounds more frequently just to check in on baby.
I’ve lost weight with both my kids. Only gained 10 pounds in the last month of pregnancy
I was also overweight when I got pregnant. Just before delivering a 6 lb baby I was 5 lb lighter than I had started…
I always lose weight until like 15-19ish weeks because I get really bad morning sickness and can’t keep much down I’m considered underweight aswell and the doctors have never mentioned it being bad
I only gained 11 pounds with my second pregnancy. Lost 7 pounds the last week. Dr marched me out to scale himself. My son was born weighing 6#6oz. Wore regular clothes home. Room mate was so mad.
Yes it is okay to lose weight.
Lots of people lose weight during pregnancy for various reasons and as long as your OB isnt concerned it’s fine.
I lost 20 lbs my first trimester. Gained 30 back by the end :0 never saw the 100s again
Some people do lose weight…I know several people who did…
It’s not good for baby by ob would say dno not worry about weight while u r pregnant …
It’s okay to lose weight.
I lost weight both pregnancy, only gained in the 3rd trimesters and my dr advised no more than 20lbs due to my weight.
I lost 60 lbs when I was pregnant with my 3rd, he is a massive, 21 lb 3 month old now.
It is fine to lose some weight while pregnant. I lost weight while pregnant and my daughter was just fine. It probably is your diet change.
If you are overweight, it’s ok. As long as it’s not an excessive amount. You’re eating your daily recommended calories and healthy, baby will be fine. You may find your weight will spike in your 3rd trimester because that’s when baby grows the most.
I don’t see why not. Or at least stick to a 2,000 a day calories so you don’t gain more weight