Is it possible for a baby to crawl before sitting up?

Is it possible for a baby to crawl before sitting up? My daughter is 6 months old. She’s already army crawling. She can get up on her knees as well but hasn’t combined the two. She still hasn’t figured out sitting up though.


yes it is. and work with her on sitting up.
I know many people like the little seats, which can be handy when you get busy, but I was told by a child physical therapist when my boy had to go for wry neck a better way to encourage the use of babies muscles for sitting up.
you take a thick pad of some kind, the bassinet bed pad, or a pack n play bed pad(I use my son’s pack nplay bed pad bc it was pretty thick.
set it on the floor and sit by baby so they’re at arms reach, sit your lo up guiding and holding from there back in the situp position, slowly let go and talk to baby about letting go play and keep it fun! my son learned to sit up on his own in 3 days of practicing this. of course don’t allow baby to fall and get bumped up, just allow enough freedom from your hands so baby can feel their own muscles work and they begin to u derstand how to use and work them to sit up.

Yh some skip and go to another. Some skip crawling and go straight to standing and walking. These babies make there own rules lol

Yup, my first born could walk but would tip over if she tried to sit lol, then again she was only 6 months old lol, her family Dr informed me that she shouldn’t be doing that, I told him to tell her lol