Is it possible for your due date to be off by like a month? Has anyone had this happen? Were they able to fix it before birth?
A due date is just an estimate but it’s typically close to being accurate. You could go into labor at any time. Your conception date can give you a pretty good idea of when you’re due.
Yup happened to me. They were off by almost 2-3 weeks and the ultra sound proved me right they were quick to change my due date
My cousin’s son was 6 weeks off
Sweet chilli sauce or tartare
Due date was end September to beginning of October.
Baby was born 5 November
They were changing mine constantly near the end of my pregnancy. I was given a general area of October 20-November 11. Which is a month. They never explained to me why it kept changing, no one would really go into detail. Just kept changing, and then once they changed it like 3-4 times, that’s when they finally said some where between October and November is when I’d have him. Later down the road they then just induced me on the 26th of October had him on the 27th!
With my son they told me u was 2 weeks further along then they originally thought but my due date was not changed… then i went 2 weeks past my due date when in had to be induced. Of course this was 29 years ago. And alot has changed since then.
Obstetrician always told me babies can be born 2 weeks early to 2 weeks late but they will advise at the 2 weeks after approx date for induction or c-section
A month off seems like a bit to much I could see a week or 2 .
I’m confused about what your asking… how would you know your “due date” is off? Have you given birth already and the child was a month early or late? Or are you counting from when you conceived?
Doctor typically calculate 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. And then when you start getting ultrasounds they measure and most of the time the growth will measure about the same.
Rule of thumb is baby can be born “healthy” (as in lungs and all that fully developed) from 38 to 42 weeks. typically they don’t want you going past 42 weeks because “the baby will be too big”
If your husbands in the military it can lol
If you don’t find out your pregnant say like til about 20 weeks or over then yes they can have your due dates over by quiet a few weeks
Yes but also no not really. Your due date is just that a due date it’s never “final” until they do a dating ultrasound. The reality is especially for first time moms and first pregnancies your due date initially will always be off. Example my first pregnancy I discovered around 6-7 weeks right had an ultrasound to date my baby girl at 9 weeks well turned out I was already 12 weeks pregnant. It happens especially if you were on any kind of birth control which effected your cycle (I was with my first)
The estimated due date can change between your actual last menstral period (the actual beginning of a pregnancy) and what you thought was your last cycle for sure (implantation bleeding is a common one where people believe they had a period but it wasn’t a period)
Go by the ultrasound. It will give you the best guesstimate as to the due date and obviously baby was conceived during that cycle which lead to the due date and most often during a small window of time (ovulation)
I just had a “premie” at 35 weeks and she was almost 8.4 and 20 in.
My son waa originally due on my 21st birthday 22 nov. Later on it was that he was due 19th dec. He was born 30th dec. Was a big difference
I was 36 weeks when my daughter was born. Her ultrasound that day she was only measuring 32 weeks. She was wasn’t getting enough nutrients to gain the weight, so they decided to take her. They thought she would be better off outside than in. She weighed 5lbs 10oz and had to be to go to nicu for respiratory distress.
With my second I thought I was around 7 weeks when I went in for my first ultrasound, then they told me by the measurements that I was only 5 weeks. But he ended up coming a week early, so he was smack bang in the middle if both the dates. I think the early measurements of the baby would probably be closer to the correct due date as periods and ovulation can sometimes be different.
Definitely possible. I had paperwork misplaced after a move. My oldest was nearly a month overdue & it caused a lot of complications. We got paperwork from my previous doc when she was 3months old & it explained the 3 seperate due dates. My late January girl should have been a late December girl. I just couldn’t remember 5months in what my last cycle was so we found out after my girl was born….at nearly 10lbs.
It’s possible they said my son was due Sept. 22nd or the 17th but he came August 17th at 6pounds.
Sometimes. Usually doctors will say two weeks early is okay, two weeks late is okay, but after two weeks they’ll schedule an induction.
My first was a week late and I was induced. Ended in an emergency section after 11.5 hours ( his cord almost killed us both and I wouldn’t dilate past 7.5cm ) my three other babies after him were all scheduled sections at 39-40 weeks
My due date was the same through at least 95% of my pregnancy with my daughter. It was until I was about 37 weeks pregnant when she started measuring 2 weeks ahead.
Yes, it is. My daughter came about a week and a half before her due date, My middle son came about a week before his date, and my youngest son wasn’t growing so I was supposed to be induced on August 2nd at 8:00 a.m. but my water broke on August 2nd at like 1:00 a.m. so got lucky there
I’m due August 6th but having her July 24th so I say yes!
Don’t believe everything they tell you for sure.
They kept changing my due date but I told them exactly when I had my last period & my hubby worked away so I knew exactly when the deed was done.
They also told me I was gaining to much weight & was going to have a big baby & have a hard labor. Everybody said he was going to be a big baby. He was 6 lbs 3 Oz.
My 8 pound baby was 8 days past due date, 2 days before scheduled C-section. Came out vaginally with 2 days labor.
My original due date was a little over a month earlier than it should’ve been, they tried to tell me I conceived a full month before which was impossible unless it was immaculate conception. About month 5ish they finally changed it because the growth pattern of baby didnt match with the dates they said
I had due dates from the middle of October to the end of October. We delivered by c section the first week of october.
My oldest daughter and son were both born the month after their due dates. Youngest daughter was on THE day.
Both my due dates were Christmas day… on on Dec 14th other Jan 4th.
Entirely possible, I’ve had gestations from 37 weeks to almost 44. Unless you’re doing in vitro where you know exactly when you’re getting pregnant because it’s controlled there are so many variations to consider.
My first child I said baby should be born March 12 the dr said match 22 baby came April 25
A lot of places go by size of the baby and all of that, since some have no idea when they got pregnant, their last period, etc.
So it’s entirely possible that you could be off, but it’s also possible your baby is measuring smaller/larger than where you would actually be so they allow up to 2 weeks of wiggle room before adjusting.
Initially they go by last menstrual cycle then it can change based on size of fetus. My childs due date changed by about a week because how he was measuring at the 1st ultrasound. But according to my last period the due date was a week earlier. Measuring baby typically gives a pretty accurate due date though.
Due dates are estimated. Almost no one actually gives birth in their due date pretty well known fact