Is it possible to bleed while pregnant?

I don’t want my name to show can you post this I have been to the doctor but not sure what to do I took a pregnancy test and it was REALLY faint but the next day I started bleeding so I was told to go in they I took another test at the doctor which then said negative but I was told to watch the bleeding and take another test in a week or so and to go ahead and treat myself as I was pregnant this makes day 5 of bleeding but it’s been a light pink color I’ve a few times I’d wipe and it was bright but I’d rewipe and it’s back to pink again and I’m not sure to think of it as a period or what’s going on because my normal period I’d be blowing heavy or be having bright red blood at this point of it has anybody had this issue if so what was the cause… Also I have 4 other kids and haven’t had this issue before


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it possible to bleed while pregnant?

I’d re take another test but u can get false positive I had a proppa bright positive (positive than my daughter) and another test positive and wasn’t pregnant
But could b implantation bleedin x

Or ur period tryin to come x

Yes, my mom still had her period every month when she was preggo with my brother

It’s also possable bleed whilst pregnant 3 times before 12 week scan had emergancy scans cuz was bleedin heavier each time and it was somethin called H why I kept bleeding round the sac x

Aww sounds like either implantation or ectopic. If your hgc levels drop instead of going higher and quadrupled in a day then drops the next test could signify a tubal ectopic. Best to see your obgyn asap if the bleeding gets heavier. Praying it’s just implantation bleeding :pray:

Hi hun, I had break through bleeding very very early on with two pregnancies. One occasion it wasn’t showing a positive straight away and the other was a very faint line. Give it a few days/week and test again OR if you become concerned for any reason get on to your doctor.

It sounds like my gdaughter… she’s 100 pregnant.

Yes you can bleed while pregnant. I did just with my son (I also have 2 daughters). The cause was placenta previa. They just monitored me closely during the back half of my pregnancy.

I bled at 9 weeks. Drs said it was implantation bleeding.

yes, Sub-chorionic hemorrhage

I did until I was 11wks. My OB said it was coming from around the cervix not from in it. It was enough for her to give me pads too, but once she saw where it was coming from it wasn’t a concern.

If you aren’t having cramping also, and the bleeding isn’t getting worse, it could be just something you will do. SCHs cause bleeding in pregnancy. Definitely retest in a few days, especially if you haven’t started bleeding more heavily and aren’t cramping/passing clots.

Yes! I thought I was having a miscarriage but turned out it was implantation bleeding. Never had any bleeding at all with my 1st.

This is exactly how my first pregnancy went. I had a period then it stopped then I bled really light for some days and my test were all inconclusive. I even went to the doctor. The doctor told me “I guess you’re pregnant.” Turns out I was having a stubborn little girl🤣

Yes I did with my son and daughter

I would check with your OB/GYN. I didn’t have bleeding with my kids so I don’t know how to advise you.

I had implantation bleeding

Sounds like implantation bleeding with possible sun chronic haemorrhaging.
Which can be totally normal. I went through 2 pregnancy’s with sub chronic haemorrhaging and both babes are health now. Pregnancies were high risk but monitored closely

Sounds like implantation bleeding with possible sub chronic haemorrhaging.
Which can be totally normal. I went through 2 pregnancy’s with sub chronic haemorrhaging and both babes are health now. Pregnancies were high risk but monitored closely

Implantation bleeding.

my auntie was on her period for seven months of her pregnancy, or all of. can’t remember

Sounds like a chemical pregnancy.

I had a cell burst that caused bleeding was nothing serious though she is about to be 12 this year❤️ (((Hugs)))

My daughter had irregular bleeding during her pregnancy with her son. All tests came back negative. Finally the Dr did an ultrasound and there was her son. She was 23 weeks along. He is a perfectly healthy 15 year old now

My daughter had irregular bleeding during her pregnancy with her son. All tests came back negative. Finally the Dr did an ultrasound and there was her son. She was 23 weeks along. He is a perfectly healthy 15 year old now

Could be sub chorionic hemmorage. It won’t affect baby.

I spotted with both of mine until around 10 weeks. And I was told it’s normal nowadays.

I bled lightly for 2 months straight with my second pregnancy. The doctor told me not to worry unless a pad filled within an hour. Continue checking in with your doc and going to your appointments, good luck xo

I bled lightly for 2 months straight with my second pregnancy. The doctor told me not to worry unless a pad filled within an hour. Continue checking in with your doc and going to your appointments, good luck xo

I’ve only bled during my 2 miscarriages.

I bled lightly for a couple of weeks when I was pregnant, and also had all the symptoms of my periods like cramps and diarrhea

I had 2 miscarriage so far this year … and they all started with light / pink bleeding … I really hope your not going through one but it’s very common.

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This sounds like my chemical pregnancy
I wouldn’t never known I was pregnant if I hadn’t tested bc I was ttc at the time…its very common, lot of women dont even know they got pregnant bc they start their period…

I had a light period for the first 3 months of my pregnancy with my son, he’s a healthy 7 years old. And I’m currently 11 weeks pregnant and I had a light period the first month of this pregnancy as well. Don’t stress yourself out. What’s meant to be will be. Just do as they instructed and try to stay positive (I know easier said than done) :purple_heart:

I did for 3 weeks with my middle and she was fine and healthy

Possible to bleed yes. Common to bleed for some woman yes. Should you bleed no go get checked

I bleed with my son. My Dr said it was an implantation hemorrhage. It stopped after a couple weeks.

I had regular periods during my entire second pregnancy and everything was fine

It is common to spot or bleed a little when the embryo implants to the uterus. It’s also quite common to have negative tests at the doctors after having positive tests at home. The doctors didn’t get a positive test from me until I was 3 months pregnant with my daughter and I had a million positive at home tests. I have also had many losses and that is always a possibility for you. Keep your chin up and stay positive

I spotted every few days with my last. I was put on pelvic rest first and no lifting, eventually bed rest but had a healthy 8lbs baby.

I bled my entire pregnancy with my daughter. I had Vasa previa so my placenta would bleed almost weekly/every other week. I spent the majority of my pregnancy in the hospital because The blood was tested when I was 24 weeks and proven to be fetal blood. We made it to 36 weeks with an amazing MFM doctor and weekly progesterone shots!

Yes! Only a Dr. can tell you if it’s serious or not!

I had a regular period for 3 months when I was pregnant with my youngest. A friend of my mom’s had her period for 5 months, when she was pregnant with her youngest.

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M0re Info.

I did though out my normal pregnancy and child 5. Only this last one.

I bled every month, on time with my cycle until I had my son, my mom bled with me. It’s normal for some women.
Early in pregnancy, implantation bleeding happens sometimes.

If your first pregnancy test was truly positive and the second was negative I’d say you are having a miscarriage, but if not maybe you are just having a weird period

If testing negative are you sure your pregnant

Retest. At this point a positive would be obvious. If it’s negative then it was an indent or chemical pregnancy.

I had that when I had early miscarriages, my progesterone was low, i had to take progesterone and it helped. Get your levels checked momma.

I had normal periods for 3 mos went to the doctor because of weight gain n was told I was 3 1/2 mos pregnant :neutral_face: