You are not being fair to him. So what you don’t want to move back to Florida. Move back and make plans to move somewhere else when you can. Let him go so he can move on with his life.
If he doesn’t want to make an effort to keep you, leave as soon as you can. Relationships take two people who want to make it work. Good luck and ask God to help you.
I am going basically the same thing
You ask the Lord to show and give you a new love for your husband . He will we’ve been married 48 years and at times difficult it took work on both sides not fifty fifty but one hundred percent one hundred percent. That also includes forgiveness.
It takes two for it to work
I think you don’t want to be with him ! You already made up your mind.
Do actually love him or are you attached to him
Yes. It takes time and you kind of have to start over . Do things that you did at the beginning together. Spend time together. I split with my husband and was going to get divorced. But he wanted to work it out. So after 6 months I decided to try. I knew I loved him but wasn’t in love no longer. Then the emotions starting coming back. Just looking at him doing something and feeling that spark flame back.
But we had no infidelity or abuse for why we split. So I do understand that each couple is different. But it’s been 3 yrs now and I believe we’re stronger than we ever were.
In whatever you choose . I wish you the best.
Sending hugs and strength hun.
Have you put in your effort to find love for him again? Don’t wait for him. Work on you. It does take two to make things work but if you continue to say “I can’t and don’t want to” what is the point in even trying? You can’t expect him to fully carry the weight of fixing things. Have you suggested counseling? That would help guide both of you in the direction you need to be in. Maybe he feels like there is no point because you have already made your mind up?
I was in the same situation and I left my husband. We separated and I told him if he wanted to be with me he needed to start ‘dating’ me again and show me the effort. And he did. We lived separately for a year and he courted me. We are back together and he hasn’t stopped dating me since. I think it took him truly losing me to start appreciating me. I always loved him but I wasn’t feeling it back and just talking about it didn’t work. Me leaving saved our marriage.
Jump and do it…asap but no it’s over was married 23 …divorced 23 now
Date…find time to love again! The only constant in life is change. You are BOTH changing and evolving into a more refined individual. We go into marriage with expectations and we all fall short because we are human. We “fall out of love” when expectations aren’t met. Lower expectations on both sides and find why you married and grow again. Pm me if you wanna talk more.
I’m not in love with my daughter father anymore and I went and looked at a house today and I already told him I will not be bringing him I will always have love for him but can’t do this relationship with him anymore I don’t think I can ever be in love with him again TBH good luck hun it’s so hard when you don’t have anyone by you and u have to do it alone I ALWAYS SAY TO MYSELF HE MADE ME FEEL THIS WAY