Is it possible to get your life together as a single mom of 3?

I need some encouragement! Someone please tell me it’s possible to be a single mom of 3 and get your life together and be able to get your own home for you and your kids and not depend on a man. I want to go to school to become either a medical assistant, EMT, or real estate agent. I’m just stuck on which one if anyone is either of those and can offer some advice.


My husband of 10 years left when I was a full time student home schooling our 3 kids during covid. I had no income. Our divorce was a long time coming, but I never felt like I had my feet under me so I stayed and thought I was stuck. When he left, I had no choice. Mama, you will find your feet. They will be right under you and you will figure it out because that’s what we do. I didn’t have family or a village. I had many nights that I cried in the shower and screamed into my pillow, but the best thing that ever happened was that man walking out. Focus on whats to come, make the journey an adventure with you and your children. Not only is it doable but this life is too damn short not to be happy :dizzy:

Work on developing your “village” of people who support you. How about becoming a radiology technician or be a medical receptionist in a field of medicine that interests you to try it out? Is nursing an interest? Receptionist has regular hours but nursing pays better though you need to pay for an Associates Degree, I believe. Easier to get jobs usually pay very little. Definitely go the healthcare route.

I was a single mom of 4. I had to have 2 jobs at one point but it’s doable.

It’s possible!!! Not gonna lie, it’s super hard. But possible. I’m a boilermaker, so quite different trade, but I have my own home and own vehicle. (Wrecked my truck so I’m using a rental and about to use my ex husbands) But, it’s a different feeling when it’s literally just yours!

You can do whatever you set your mind to! Do not limit your beliefs! Trust yourself! Learn to flow with life’s ups and downs. You absolutely CAN be a single mom of 3 and have your life together. Be patient. Have grace for yourself. Start by making small achievable goals (weekly, monthly and for the year)
Get a calender. Stay organized. Take care of yourself. I would start with a program you could complete in a year and pay back just as quick. Check out xray tech.
It starts with you and I believe in you momma! Get out there and make em proud!
I speak from experience (single mom of 4)
It wasn’t always easy but keep your mf head up.
NOTHING to it but to do it!!!
Rome wasn’t built in a day. And neither will your empire. Small ripples can make waves baby :clap:t4:
Feel free to reach out to me if you need! It takes a village!!

Might I suggest ultrasound tech. You can get trained then go for a niche, train and get paid more.
There is financial aid, including child care assistance for single moms.
File your fasfa and check out your local community colleges, some classes can be done online, which helps.

I did it with 3 children. You can do it!!! Put you mind and soul in it and make yourself goals.

That would be me. No child support. He don’t see them.

My 3 minions make it work. We all team together to get what we can done. I work 40+ hrs to pay bills and still find time to spend with them. It’s not easy but it’s doable. So much less stress than being with the narcissist jackass that I divorced. So great full my kids don’t have to grow up in that toxic environment anymore.

Okay, first thing you’re going to do is look into how much it costs for all of those, and how the schedule is going to work with childcare. Once you determine which one makes the most sense that way, you’re going to apply for the schooling programs.

I really recommend applying for any and all social services you can get - food stamps, child care assistance, housing assistance, etc.

I think out of all of those medical assistant will be theost consistent hours wise, but real estate may be the most flexible. See if any jobs/companies in your area offer to pay for the certification if you work there while completing the education.

You’re going to budget your income and STICK to it. It’s going to be difficult for awhile, but I think you can do it.


I did this…. three boys. You definitely can do this one step at a time. I made it through and now they are grown. Like I said…
ONE DAY at a time.


EMT’s and medical assistants don’t get paid much but both could be a good step up before starting nursing school if you’re interested in going that far. Real estate agents work very much on commission so personally that wouldn’t be something I’d be comfortable with as being steady enough. It’s a rough road going it alone, especially if you don’t have much or any outside support, but it can be done. It’s just me and my 2 kids. I can’t afford to buy a house but I rent. Take care of bills, put food on the table, handle extracurriculars for my kids all with very little help.

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Yeah I’m a single mom of 4 and have my own apartment, vehicle, and I survive just fine. At one point I did school while working a full time job but school wasn’t for me. It’s doable but hard. Best advice I can give ya is when they are young enroll them in lots of parent day out, vacation bible schools, and camps to prevent burn out. There might be other programs in your area that help too. If they are young enough to do daycare check with families first for daycare assistance.

Personally between those 3 options I’d go with one of the medical fields simply because Healthcare will never go away, the housing market fluctuates far too much for my liking. And it is absolutely possible to make it. Just be prepared for long days and lots of work…

Mom of 2… I am a full time student going my MBA completely online, just submitted my application fee to start the CPAs exam, have a full-time job, and my own side business. It’s tough, I really just schedule around my kids. Class meets in the evenings and I’m with them. Look into boys and girls clubs, community centers, childcare options, childcare assistance options. Get them good and situated. Then make your plan, you can do it. Being a single parent, don’t stop with medical assistance. An EMT may be less stable due to childcare. You need an office position or a 9-5 to best work with your kiddos. These you can leave if an emergency comes up plus some let you bring your kiddos if sum comes up. It’s doable even without help!!!

Yes anything is possible if you apply yourself. Be sure to do the research on your career choices, hours, shifts, income, benefits etc… don’t set your goals to high that they are in achievable. Set small goals and before you know it you’ll be there. Research your schools and find out what support they provide for tuition, daycare etc… see what government assistance is available as well. It will take some time on your part but the more support you find the easier to reach your goals. To own your home look at what offers there are for first time buyers. Can you find a nice home that offers a rent to own. Repossessed homes the banks are selling.

Mum of 3 here. And I can’t tell you it’s going to get easy. But you definitely got this! Remember on those bad days, you’re doing this for your kiddos.

I carry a picture of mine around to remind myself why I keep going!

I would not recommend real estate because you’ll usually only make money by selling and if you are new to the market, it’s going to be difficult. Not saying it’s impossible, but definitely the hardest of the three.

I would recommend either a medical office assistant. Or EMT, but EMT is definitely long hours. Are you prepared with child care, including overnight?

You got this, mama! I have faith in you, and I’m proud of you!

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I have 4 kids and I did it at 36 I’m still figuring it out and it is not for the weak I bust my butt and I’m broke but we do it and I’d never do it the other way again!

Ent is the shortest to train

Girl yes! I barely got my life together a couple years back and I’m 43! And at one point I was on the sidewalk in downtown Houston with only the clothes on my back!

My husband died of cancer and we have 4 girls.I raise them on my own home high school days college days and one day they grow up and got married.Of course it’s possible but it’s not going to be Easy

You can do anything you put your mind to you can do it I’m a single mom of two you can do it you got the fight in you you got this

Yes i’m a single mother of three with no help some days are harder than others, but it’s manageable

You can do it! So many classes you can now take online as well. Just do one or two classes at a time as it will be hard with kids.

I know numerous persons, myself included - who have. I’m gonna say aim higher than EMT and make sure you speak to numerous medical assistants- the pay isn’t quite what the school tells you it is. Nursing, respiratory therapist, would be likely to benefit you more in the long run.

Check your inbox. I saw a video where they name dropped you lol I sent the link via messenger

Yes it is!!! It will take hard work and dedication but it can be done!

You can do anything that you set your mind to.

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Yes it is. I am a single mom in school for becoming a groomer. I have been divorced from their dad for 2 years now. Thankfully I have my parents help with them while I work so just ensure you have a good support system! :black_heart: I’ll be 34 next month. My kids are 13, 12 (8/21), 8 (10/21)

Real Estate Agents are a hit or miss thing. I have a friend who supports a family doing it. But her husband has got them through a couple jams she told me before. You get paid with real estate after you sell a house. You live off that money for an unexpected amount of time. She typically makes more money than her husband who works at Allstate most of the time. My friend who graduated as an EMT wasn’t happy with the pay and later started delivering porta pottys.

Stop counting on other people

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You can absolutely be a single successful parent of three :grinning:.
There are programs that are actually doing cna/emt training for free. And they help u get a Job. And there’s also programs that help u to actually buy/get a home for an affordable price.

Young one, yes you can. Personally, I’d go medical assistant- because you can get into programs that work around your(and kids) schedule. It will be tough but you can do it. As far as a home that depends on where ya live. Because West coast and East coast real estate costs are crazy. In the Midwest medical is in demand and housing is way cheaper. Good Luck

It’s possible! Mom of 3 my house will be paid in full in 4 short years. Set little goals and find ways to cut back. With the economy I find myself cutting back more and more to be able to do other things. I have my monthly bills in a budget book, what comes out of each pay check. I have a meal planner it’s Monday through Sunday breakfast lunch and dinner so I only buy what I need once a week at the grocery to cut back on the nonsense

I persevered through it all. It was tough, but I did it as the same mother of two. No welfare , foodstamps, or support. You got this girl !!! Don’t give up!

Pick something and go for it. Full fledge, hard core, 100%. Get that focus and do school, work, kids. Grind hard. Hustle. When u feel like ur going to break… KEEP GOING. you deserve it!! Get out there and claim your life!! Your kids will see you as strong and inspiring as they grow. Mommy did the damn thing!! It’s not easy. You’re going to want to quit. But when u do look at ur babies and realize u CANT quit cuz they need u.