Is it possible to have a full term baby after a tubal?

Is it possible to have a full-term baby after tubal ligation? My fourth child just turns one June 2020, and I had a missed period. I haven’t taken a test yet, but my husband brought it to my attention. I am scared to be pregnant and lose it. Could it be possible I am pregnant and will have a miracle baby?


I got pregnant 4 years after my boyfriends vasectomy. It ended in miscarriage, but anything is possible.

There is a chance you need to see the dr case it’s in your tubes

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my story doesnt have a happy ending but yes you CAN get pregnant after a tubal

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my daughter had a tabular pregnancy and now has a 3 year beautiful boy and a 1 year old beautiful girl

Yes. It happens all the time.

Sure, as long as it is not also a tubal pregnancy. If the fertilized egg makes it to the uterus it should implant there.

Yes I’ve known a couple women to have healthy babies after a tubal. Take a test and get to the dr to make sure its in the correct place

Yes… approximately 1 in 200 women become pregnant in the first year of having a tubal, and that number gets bigger after 5 years.

Only if tubes were just tied and could have come untied but if tied cut and burnt there is no way to safely have the baby and will have to terminate

Yes. I have a 3 1/2 year old and am pregnant with my 2nd. My very first pregnancy was a tubal pregnancy

I’m literally going through this right now, but I’m having a miscarriage.


Simple answer is yes.

A tubal what? Pregnancy or ligation? Either way yes but get to the doctor and have everything checked out.

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I got pregnant 11 months after having my tubal ligation…have a healthy happy 14 month old now. I saw a dr the next few days after getting a positive test though because you do have a higher risk of having a tubal pregnancy.

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Yes I had mine done few years ago and got a very unexpected shock last June while in hospital they discovered I was pregnant I now have a perfectly healthy 9 month old miracle at the age of 41

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Yes you can, I had surgery to have the pregnancy removed from my tube and had a healthy baby girl a couple years after.

My sister got pregnant several times…miscarried several times( not sure why after 3 times she didnt get seen to fix herself but o well) and then she finally got pregnant 6 yrs after her tubal and had a healthy baby girl…had another sister get pregnant and it attach itself to the inside her tubes and she had her tube burst and had to have immediate surgery to clean out and fix her tube…they said the damage was so much they ended up having to take her right tubes completely out…

My mum did 13 years after having it done

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Yes my friends baby is now 4 months old.

I’m 35 weeks pregnant with my third after getting my tubes tied after my second. It is possible to carry to term and have a healthy baby!

Its rare but yes it is

Yall those stories of you having babies after tubal ligation is scary AF :scream::scream::scream: 20 years here after my tubal and no more babies hope to stay that way :joy::joy:

Thats why I had my tubes REMOVED

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I had mine and 10 years later I got prego twice.

Um I sure hope not I just had a baby Sept 19th I intend on getting a tubal but these horror stories are freaking me out :joy: I never want to be pregnant again but it seems everytime I turn around I hear of ppl with tubals getting pregnant :flushed:

Hello. I’m a tubes tied baby. I’m 26 alive and well lol.

It’s possible to get pregnant after a tubal as long as it was just a tubal and not a full hysterectomy. Take the test and if its positive get into your dr. Congrats if its positive!

I was full term after my moms tubal and just had a friend carry to full term. It generally doesn’t present any health issues but you’ll have to have a c-section

Yep. My aunt got pregnant after her tubal. There’s literally no full proof way to not get pregnant unless there’s positively no sex or a hysterectomy. That’s what it feels like anyway haha.

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Yes it’s possible. I know someone who had a baby with her tubes tied. Baby is healthy!

I have a child born after tubal ligation!

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Follow the hartsocks’ photography fir her amazing story

K what!!?? I have my tubes REMOVED. You’re all telling me there’s still a possibility that I can get pregnant!?? :thinking:


I would die if I got pregnant after I had my tubes tied

My mum got her tubes reversed to have me :upside_down_face:

My cousin had a tubal got pregnant they went in after the baby was born. Completly fine and healthy to retie her tubes again and they said they were still tied and cartarized there is no way she should have gotten pregnant. A few years later she again got pregnant again completely healthy baby and pregnancy

I had my tubes tied 5 years ago and around Christmas was about 2 months no period multiple negative tests even though I can almost tell the day and time its going to get here since forever.

My aunt had 2 babies full term after getting her tubes tied

It’s possible for a tubal to throw off your hormones.

Anything can throw your period off, I honestly wouldn’t stress out and automatically jump to pregnancy


Yes. I had my youngest 9 years after having my tubes tied cut and burnt.

Tubals dont last forever yes you can get pregnant

Its possible but could also be a ectopic pregnancy.

Anything is possible but after my tubal, my cycle got messed up. I’d skip months entirely or sometimes my cycle was 35 days instead of 28 days, etc. It will mess with you.

My son came 6yrs after my tubal… he was born 7w 4d early at a healthy 7lbs 14oz… so yes it is possible

Yes. It’s definitely possible. My 9 year old is proof and I thank God everyday for that little miracle!

My friend had 2 babies after her tubal. Both full term both healthy. I had a tubal and it messed my periods up for months. I miss several then be good for awhile

My 27 year old son was conceived SEVEN years AFTER my tubal ligation! What a blessing he has been. I say if it is meant to happen…it will

I actually had twins a year after a tubal pregnancy.

my mom had a tubal pregnancy had a tube totally removed and gave birth to a healthy baby girl 12 years ago