I just got told that I’m not on pelvic rest anymore and I’m 4 months pregnant is it safe for me to start having sex?
Wait can you not have sex early in a pregnancy?? I didn’t know this.
What did your dr. say
Yes gurl u will be fine
That would be a question for the person who said ur not on pelvic rest anymore
U should definitely check with your doctor. Only safest way to know for sure.
I’m on pelvic rest and still doing it. We are just being careful.
There are not many Dr’s on here maybe you should contact your Dr ur gonna get advice from ppl who just don’t know or they are gonna go by what worked for them and it might not be the same for u
If your still nervous and didn’t specifically ask about sex I would just incase n take it easy don’t go for broke the 1st fee times but if u got the all clear from yr doc then just follow yr gut/instinct hun
Any suggestions for positions during 3rd Trimester? My back seems to always hurt after.
Talk to your Doctor.
Only your OB should answer this. I would not recommend taking advice from anyone else.
These type of questions only your doctor can really answer
I would check with your doctor to be sure. When I was taken of pelvic rest I was told I could have sex, but I was also 35/36 weeks pregnant at the time. Usually they put you on pelvic rest to make sure you don’t go into labor early, and 4 months is a bit early to take that risk if they had you on pelvic rest. I would definitely send a message to your OBGYN or call and ask. Better to be safe than sorry.
Dr Facebook says ask your DR!!!
I had sex with my husband the day before I went in to labor with my twin sons at 37 weeks and the morning I went to the hospital to have my daughter I’m the wrong person to ask. I don’t know what anything down there was doing
Thats a question for you Doctor Hun.
Aint no doctors here
No offense to anyone but it’s almost like nobody’s worried about their health anymore. Like, they have to have sex or their day is just ruined. I don’t know about y’all but if my health or my baby’s health is in jeopardy, sex is the last thing on my mind.
“Ooohhhh, I’m about to lose my baby, let’s have sex” … “I just had a C-section two weeks ago, am I okay to have sex if I’m not having pain?” … “I’m having pains when having sex, could I be pregnant or should we stop having sex until I go to the doctor?”
I mean, what happened to discussions with your physician? What happened to SEX isn’t everything and won’t save your relationship? I understand that sex is apart of a relationship but good grief, if you’re health is an issue, just stop and go get checked
I received my doctorate from the University of cabo San Lucas, in sex education. The first thing my professor taught us was don’t ask medical questions on the internet
I see so many rude comments in this group all the time. How sad. Can’t people just be nice
Ask your care provider.
That is a question to ask your doctor and ONLY your doctor
If you just got told, then why the fuck are you asking strangers? Did you pay us the big bucks to diagnose you? Why? you know you’re going to fuck them any houses just do it shut up why you posting on facebook? Yeah I’m that bitch today!
This should have been asked to the doctor that released you from pelvic rest.
Definitely ask your doctor or just sustain from sex
This is a question you need to ask your doctor, not a public forum. There was a reason you were on pelvic rest. Your doctor has all the medical background as to what brought you to that point. Please ask your doctor for your baby’s well being.
I would call your dr or even thr clinic could direct to the right person to ask
Why didn’t you ask your Dr that question?
Typically when they tell u your off of pelvic rest , then yes!! I had the same issue in pregnancy. I had some spotting & was put in pelvic rest for a month. But I would just flat out ask to be clear.