Is it weird to have a diaper party for a second pregnancy?

Is it weird to have another diaper party for the 2nd pregnancy? Not like a big thing. Just my husband have it with the guys and cook out/drink?


Nope not at all. I had a baby shower for both my kids.

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You can do it for every child. There are no rules.


If Someone wants to throw you a pamper party great ! Go for it ! However , it’s not proper etiquette to throw one for yourself . Many congratulations!

Every baby deserves a celebration

Definitely not, just because it’s your second + child doesn’t meant you still don’t want to celebrate them/ need things for them

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A lot of people call subsequent showers “sprinkles.” Asking for diapers is absolutely appropriate, but every baby should be celebrated!

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Absolutely not weird at all. 2nd baby is an individual too
Throw a shower and a diaper party!!!

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For our 2nd baby we had a family cookout. We told everyone they didn’t have to bring anything but if they wanted to we were thankful. It was fun to celebrate our new baby with our family and friends.