Is it worth being induced?

Is it worth it to get induced? To get the ballon? Or whatever it’s called lol. I heard some woman say it’s painful?

The balloon is pointless! For me at least. I’d go pitocin route


I preferred my inductions to my natural births. However the pill I took to start the induction last time led to a very fast and painful labor. It wasn’t supposed to do that though. I didn’t find the balloon helpful.

All interventions come with risks. If you’re in good health and baby is fine it’s best to wait. I know the last bit of time makes you crazy but don’t risk your health or the baby’s.

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I’d say to take a look at your bishop score before deciding on induction… it’s a score that kinda tells you how likely an induction will be successful.

Induction does come with risk, like increased infection risks, increased risks of a csection being needed, etc. just do your research and if it’s not absolutely necessary I wouldn’t do it! I was induced two times, both ending in csections, and my natural VBA2C I wasn’t induced at all and went into labor naturally!

No offense but you need to educate yourself

I was induced with my first and second , 2 cm and 4 cm, I had to be induced I was in labor but my water never broke on its own. My oldest took 6 1/2 hours start to finish and my second was 3 1/2 start to finish…

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I went in to be induced and it ended in a c section

No. It prolongs labor.

They won’t order an induction unless it’s medically needed. Same with the ballon.

Let your body do what it naturally does.

My last child of my 4 was induced. Horrible.