I work in retail, and before I went on maternity leave, I had asked for a raise (since I knew I was getting paid like an associate when I’ve been doing more work in a leadership position). The manager was on board with it, her dm was too, but said I’ll be getting the raise once I come back from leave. COVID then came along, and I was terrified to go back to work. My manager would check-in to see if I would be ready to come back. After two closures and reopenings, she tells me she has a new dm, and the dm wants all employees back in the store, and if not, then they need to be on unpaid leave. I asked her I do feel ready to come back, but with the raise, I was promised. (But due to COVID, they aren’t giving out raises) she said she would try to talk to her dm about it since her old dm had said I would be getting it when I returned. Now that I’m coming back, I still have no word on my raise, and wondering if it’s even worth working right now, especially during COVID. Also, am I in the wrong for asking for my raise I was promised? Should I just put in my two weeks?
I vote if you don’t get your raise then put in your 2 weeks medical bills add up and if it isnt worth the risk working then it isnt worth the risk at all I left my job because of Covid and my son being around family members who are immune compromised I wasnt risking it
I mean, you refused to come back and a new DM shouldn’t be expected to keep promises of a former person with their position
I do think its worth working. I have worked through the whole think and none of my coworkers or myself/ family have been sick and I’m a preschool teacher.
I guess it depends on if you would be financially stable without the job if so I would say yes put in your 2 weeks if they are not going to offer the pay raise and stay home to care for your new baby. All essential workers should already have pay raises during this pandemic in my opinion.
Stop being so selfish about your raise. Everyone lost money bc of covid so it might take a while for them to give you your raise now.
And yes, just go back to work!!!
I’ve worked through this whole thing and I’m just fine.
So hold on, you CHOSE not to go back, and now you think you should get a raise when you do go back? Girl bye! Not how it works. Shoulda gone back when your maternity leave was over and you would have gotten your raise. You cant expect someone new to honor something you were told by a previous boss, especially when you have already proven to them that you are not a reliable employee…
Regardless of whether it was promised to you or not you surely can’t expect them to stand by that now? Covid has happened! Everyone has lost money, people have lost livelihood and jobs, if you can afford to not go back to work and don’t want to then don’t but just be glad you actually have a job to go back to, many others don’t
I work retail, and i have worked thru all of this. I’m sick of paying for people who don’t want to work, and there are plenty. Grow up!!
A job right now is better than no job. The raise will come but right now we need to hold down our jobs
The entitlement radiating off this post is almost blinding. I work retail. Have been since before all this happened. Like everyone else said, you either go back and prove to the new dm that you’re reliable and worth the raise, or stay home. Retail is a dog eat dog career. I’m surprised they havent replaced you already tbh
Your life and your babys life is worth more than any job if they cant keep a promise what makes anyone think they give a crap about your health. Thankful for the ones that did work through it but everyone suitation is different for explain a family member could have a unline health problem that could cause them to die. Do whats best for your family not anyone else because clearly as some of these comments show we are not all in it togather all everyone cares about is their selfs and worried about what other people may be getting and their not.
I havent had a single day off during covid and I’m around people / money all day. I think you’re fine to go back to work, just take precautions. Wear a mask, wash your hands often. Unfortunately if your raise wasn’t in writing, you don’t have much to stand on… and the longer you wait to go back, the less likely you will be to get that raise in the near future.
I guess it depends on where you live and how many cases are around. I’ve worked consistently this whole time at a hospital and I’ve been fine social distance, wash hands, don’t touch your face. Might be worth it to bring up the raise again, but otherwise just go back to work for now.
My son was born right as covid started to get bad and I was supposed to return from maternity leave when the stay home order started. I still haven’t returned to work. Partly because I’m self employed and can make that choice without having a manager tell me I don’t have a job, partly because the locations I work out of are still restricted, but mostly because I am not willing to risk getting my infant sick. I would say you have to weigh the pros and cons. If they aren’t going to give you a raise and you don’t feel comfortable being around the public, then put in your 2 weeks. If you don’t mind not getting a raise and feel fine working with the public then stick it out.
Go back to work raise or no raise. I work at walmart and pregnant the whole time and its not bad . people hype too much about not working cause covid . youll be just fine
Jobs are a dime adozen because of c19 . I work in retail and we can’t find enough people
I’m about to get a ton of crap for this but here goes:
Unless there was paperwork signed guaranteeing your raise from the old DM the new one is not bound by what the old one had a agreed to.
If you went over your companies maternity leave…and still chose not to go back; then honestly you’re lucky that you still have a job.
The choice is yours. Personally I feel that covid has been blown way out of proportion not saying it’s not real but what we are being told just doesnt add up. The numbers dont add up.
That’s my opinion. I can tell you not to be afraid but it’s not going to make you unafraid or change your beliefs.
So I guess here’s a few things to think about…
-can you make it on unpaid leave? It’s likely you’ll also be disqualified for unemployment as well since you’re voluntarily not returning.
-if you end up getting fired…how long will it take you to work up to the income you were making?
-if you’re comfortable financially staying home…how much would childcare eat your paychecks?
-do you want to stay home?
-what does your partner think (I know…how un-feminist of me but it’s a big decision and they should get to have some input too)?
Don’t go back! If they already had you doing management work without paying you management pay it will not get better. They will continue to pay you as little as possible and continue to heap more and more responsibility on you. Been there, done that, got the T shirt (a couple of times cause I’m kinda stupid and don’t ever learn the first time ). Last time I didn’t get a raise I was promised, I finished my shift after my manager pretty much said I wasn’t gonna get it (even though I took on the extra work and had been for a month), that was the last time they ever seen me. Called me for two whole weeks after tryin to get me to come back. Nope.
This whole “something is better than nothing” attitude is exactly why companies don’t think they have to pay their employees a decent wage.
Damn be nice people some of these comments are just rude…but my option is you have a kid you need to take care of the child. You need a job go back after covid shit better then ask again .
Probably was making more out of work with the extra $600 and now that’s gone so she’s looking to go back to work… Unless you got the promised raise in writing, don’t count on it.
Go back, and if you don’t get the raise find another place to go. Target still has signs up hiring starting at $15/hr in my area. Know your worth, but a job is better than no job.
I have worked in retail this whole time and I’m just as safe as I can be. I refuse to stop living my life. Also to quit a job over not getting a raise is very immature. The new boss would be h see no obligation to honor something promised by a former staff member.
I sure wouldn’t go back, especially if u don’t have to… you have a brand new baby to think about and it doesn’t sound like ur job treats you to well to begin with.
Do you realize how much money every single company lost because of this? Prove your worth and be thankful you have a job to go back or start from the bottom - work your way up. I’m still working full-time but I had to take a pay cut for a little while. It sucked but I did it with no complaints.
Girl everyone is going to have their opinion. It’s comical reading some of these responses. I’m a store manager. Have been in retail for going on 13 years now. I had a ton of people not want to come back. And I understood. I had an associate lose their grandparent to it. Anothers cousin is on life support. So, I get it. And if you aren’t getting paid what you are worth then it’s not worth it. Find a company who will pay you your worth. Including if you are doing management responsibilities. Honestly, your boss should be going to bat for you with your DM. And it’s funny all
These people saying a job is lucky right now, have any of y’all looked on Linkedln lately? People are hiring allllll over the place. So do you girl, enjoy your time with your baby. And don’t listen to all these Karen’s. Life is to short, do what’s best for you and your family.
It’s all fake and will be gone by June. Oh snap it’s fricken September oh well
If you do not need to work and can stay at home with your baby then enjoy your baby. Honestly, this decision is based on can you afford not to work?
I had a baby in January and work in retail, I also used to do a lot more then I’m paid for as just before lockdown my managers job was cut. (She fortunately got a better job in the company) but I’m loyal and went in work anyway to help my colleagues did my keep in touch days and have gone back now. I think your mad if you dont. Most of your fellow workers who have been working extra and doing more then they are paid for because of covid19 are now exhausted and need some help. I work in personal and I see every shift that people are really finding it hard now, as general public doesn’t always appreciate us lil workers after all the clapping and rainbows are gone we are back to being the bottom rug employee’s and abused because of social distancing, judged if were not wearing masks, judged if we are, reached over for a tin of beans like we dont matter at all, coughed over, I chose to go back to support my co workers who I care about, when technically i could have relied on my partner’s pay and scraped by. But i also like earning my own money and supporting my little family.
I worked up until my very last day!!! My daughter was born right in the middle of it and my dr was concerned about covid that she hurried and moved ny csection date. I have not returned back to work since even though I was very cautious before and are now I have 2 little ones to think about.its all your choice. And yes I work in retail
Also in retail, never got to stay home. We stayed open the whole time and so far nobody had gotten sick (knock on wood), it’s not worth it if you don’t feel safe. I’ve struggled with my mental health more now than ever because people are so rude, ignorant, and selfish. More so than usual. And my manager, dm, and entire corporate office doesn’t care if we get sick, or die. I hate my job.
Omg really. Businesses are struggling so much with the whole covid situation and all ur worried about is a extra dolla. A jobs a job and in times like this I’d appreciate it as much as possible.
I am working in retail for almost 19 years, have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart condition, problems with my eyes, been working trough Covid, still working, only one day in 6 months, because of my eye, been damaged before, 8 layers is cut, and if I am not careful and open it suddenly, it’s leeks and I am in so much pain, my boss still asked me to come and open the store, I said no, I can’t drive in that condition, so, he didn’t even pay me a sick day
I say you need to do what you feel you need to do. If youre anxiety overrides your mindset and makes it too complicated to work. Id leave. See if you can find something that.lets you work from home.
Sounds like a complicated situation, I would assume that you most likely won’t get the raise when you go back. Especially with the new DM and nothing set in stone before the old one left. And honestly, working right now during all this shit is horrible. I’ve been working this whole time and it’s been awful. I would just be firm with your decision. Don’t let them try to persuade you into taking the lower wage with “promise” of change. Been there.
I may get shot down here but here is how I have interpreted what you have said and I apologise in advance if I’m wrong.
So yes covid is a scary thing from what we’re being told to what we’re not being told (the bigger picture)
But from what you have said it seems like your afraid to return to work because of covid but with a raise you’ll be fine?!
To me if you truly are afraid then is the raise really worth it?
I have been off for 6 months returning on Monday thank god but no amount of money is going to protect me. But I need to work not just for money but for my own health and sanity.
Also if you are doing a managerial role without the pay then ever request a managerial position with managerial pay and if they deny you of this then say OK i will stick to my role and do no more than what I am paid to do! Its that simple.
You are extremely lucky to have a job to return to…if you don’t return and lose your job you will have a rough time trying to get another one as that one job you apply for there could be potentially another 500/600 applicants all for that one position!
I’m sorry if I have interpreted your status differently to what you meant but thats just how I see it!
My advise would be return to work and keep your job safe, sit down with your gm and discuss your concerns and see if there is an opening for a more well payed position if not at least you still have your current role.
Be grateful you have a job. Many people lost theirs or took a huge pay cut!
everyone not working due to covid should just get over it and get your ass back to work like the rest of us quit using it as an excuse not to work and collect pay you dont deserve any pay if your afraid to go to worl6. the rest of the world has to work and deal with it
There are so many companies that are switching to at home jobs. You should look into that!! I made the switch due to my husbands preexisting conditions and I couldnt be happier!!