Is it wrong I feel a type of way about another woman being the team mom?

Is it bad that i feel some type of way about someone else being the team mom for my sons team when my fiance is the head coach? The only reason i cant be is bc my daughter is playing softball and will more than likely be playing the exact same day and time as my son and their dad is supposed to be helping coach so im really the only one that can be there to watch my daughter. Idk i just wish they could play at seperate times so i could be ‘team mom’ for my fiance and sons team and be able to watch and support my daughters team too.

So they aren’t suppose to have a “team mom” just bc you have other obligations? It’s really not that serious. If you are that insecure then you shouldn’t be in a relationship


That’s a you issue. Why are you so upset that some other woman being team mom when he’s the coach? Do you think there’s going to be some sort cheating? Have you considered being “team mom” for your daughter? Hopefully she’s not aware of how upset you are that you can’t do more for them bc you’re supposed to show up for her.


Yeah that’s weird. My husband is the coach for our sons team and I’m not the team mom because I don’t want the extra work. More power to her


I had to read this several times to ensure I had actually read this properly. Are we worried about your partner cheating? Or being available to watch your son play his sport? Because it really sounds more like jealousy/insecurity towards your relationship. If thats the case, I hope your partner runs for the hills :woman_shrugging:


Ask yourself why you really feel this way. Do you trust your husband? You know you can’t be in 2 places at once. Prioritize. Accept it.


Yes. That’s weird. Get a grip. The team needs someone to fill that role. You should probably do a little self assessing because you “feeling some type of way” about something like this is an indicator of deeper rooted issues within yourself.


Chezzz there’s other important things to worry about than that :roll_eyes:. You have trust issue.


You can’t trust your man? Wrong man,you have trust issues

I would just let it go you can’t do it anyways so it is what it is .


Really!! One less thing you have to worry about. Enjoy thr game’s. Hope they have a great season.

You aren’t able to do it so why feel a type of way… I have ball players also &I would appreciate someone stepping up to help my husband who by the way is also a coach.


If she is a single female and gets too friendly then yes you haven’t reason to be uncomfortable

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A little jealousy is normal for most normal humans.

A cheater will cheat no matter what situation… sounds like trust issues…

What the heck is a team mom :joy::joy::joy::joy:

I think you need to work on your insecurities

Ehh you’re THE team mom and biggest cheerleader already if ya think about it😊Yeah you can’t physically participate but you obviously support and encourage your hubs n sons involvement and efforts so don’t be so hard on yourself


Hey, welcome to parenthood with more than one kid. You & your guy have to split the activities because neither of you can be in 2 places at once.

What’s wrong with another person being team mom? Why on earth would you be worried? Do you not trust yourself, your fiancé, or the other mom? Why not?

Insecure or jealous much?

Yes, it’s unreasonable to be salty about another parent being selected for the position that you’re unable to fill. It’s a parent volunteer slot not a romantic vacation. Your feelings are valid but you do need to help yourself get over it by identifying why this bothers you & work through the issue. As long as your partner is not engaging in any sort of unprofessional manner with this other mom, you’ve no good reason to be stressing over it.


Your feelings are never bad or wrong. BUT, your negative feelings about this particular situation will not serve you well, so you should try to let them go. Just be as involved as you can, and be grateful that someone else has the time to be team mom. Maybe contact her directly to find out what you can do to support her in this role…

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