Is it wrong of me to want my husband to bring my toddler to a family party after their nap?

That’s kind of messed up. I wouldn’t so that. Life needs to be flexible

No you sound controlling. If your that worried about you you all can stay home and go together when your ready.

It’s just one day
They could nap their

I mean my kids nap on the way to the party, and if they don’t, then they play and pass out hard at bed time. Sometimes they will nap there, there’s nothing wrong with letting your kid nap there, just bring your monitor with you n lay them down at their house, I’m sure they won’t mind if it’s family.

Braking routines for just a day really aren’t that big of a deal…
Unless your child is struggling with some kind of mental disability and routine is the only thing that keeps them sane. I’d say bring the toddler and have fun with your family!

If he wants to stay home, sure. Or you can stay home

I don’t think it’s wrong to have a preference.

However, that doesn’t mean that your husband has to oblige you. It’s perfectly ok for him to say no.

It’s a nap, kids/toddlers miss them all the time. If it’s you insisting on the kid taking a nap, then YOU stay with the kid!

If nap so important you stay home with child or usually a baby on a sedchule will nap wherever. Skipping one nap will not hurt.

I’ve never planned my life around naps…and never had any life altering episodes because of it.

I always scheduled things around nap time. A tired toddler isn’t a good time.

Personally I would try to put baby down a little earlier and and let baby wake up on own or you gently wake baby and then all of you go together :woman_shrugging:

Or you could all go to the party after that baby’s nap .

Hmmm no. Both of you wait until the nap is over if the nap is mandatory.

You could stay with the baby while they nap since that’s what you want and meet him there :woman_shrugging:

Is it your husbands family or yours hosting the event? If it’s his family it would make more sense for you to stay with the baby while he naps, but if it’s your family it does not seem unreasonable. The sleep schedule is important for the littles and no one is going to enjoy that party with a cranky, sleepy baby… that being said, I would also try to get the baby down for nap a bit earlier so you can both go on time.

Easy - get the kid to nap at the party. Porta cot or pram or whatever you can use. Roles reversed, you wouldn’t be happy to be left behind.

What a dumb question for Facebook. I think maybe a parenting class is in order.

Why don’t you go after nap with your family.

Why don’t you both stay home

Why can’t you stay home to and come later…as a family?

Then YOU stay home with the child.

Why don’t you stay home then? Kids need to be portableand adaptable and scheduling everything around your kids routine makes them not.
I would say you should all go together either when the party starts or you can wait till your kid gets up or snuggle your kid there and put them down in a family members bed or on the couch

Besides those mamas with special needs children, some of you women sound like children. Y’all mad cuz dads can pretty much do what they want and you have to be mama 25/8. Your life changed the day you became a mom, deal with it. Yes being a mom can be overwhelming at times but guess what: you chose to be a mom. You chose to become someone’s whole world. My youngest just turned 11 months and is a walking “talking” lil terror and hell yes I need a break but they grow up so fast and you’re going to miss all these little things. I say this from experience. My oldest is about to be 16 years old and I still don’t know where the time went. Enjoy being their everything now.

Yeah your probably being TA. Why should your husband stay home? If it’s so important both of you stay home.

Why don’t you stay home and then bring your toddler