Is it wrong of me to want my husband to bring my toddler to a family party after their nap?

Is it bad that I want my husband and toddler to stay home from a family party just so my toddler can take his regular nap? Lol. The party starts right at nap time & that isn’t a vibe for me. they could come after nap right? Lol


All of you should stay home til your toddler gets up from it nap.


Let him go to the party… he can nap in the car or after. Let him enjoy the fun!


Personally I’d extend the drive a little and sit in the car until he wakes up. Mine is 13 months. Super needs a nap but has FOMO and doesn’t really like to nap.

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Car nap - head off to the party - ride around and park there. Let them sleep and you all go together. Be united - don’t plan to make the division


I would let mine skip the nap and go to the party. They get their best naps in the car anyway. :woman_shrugging:t2:


The family should appreciate you!

We delayed getting to my daughters birthday party because she decided it was time to nap am glad I let her sleep cause she wud have been so cranky.
But my husband would love to get out of a gathering so he wud have no problem coming late but would rather not come at all :person_shrugging:

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If he doesn’t mind then why not! This way the tot gets the rest they need and the he/she is ready to party once they are fully rested… you do you momma :heart::heart:


For sure. I did this all the time. My daughter thrived on a schedule. So I stuck to it. My brother had kids that were great no matter when they napped-my daughter was not.

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My husband would love this out :sweat_smile:. He doesn’t want to go to gatherings anyway so any excuse to be late he’d be all for. Win win for us :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::rofl::rofl::rofl:


:grimacing: my son would not have survived without his nap as a little-little. He also would not have been ok with me not being there at nap time lol. But, I wouldn’t see a problem with dad staying home and doing the heavy lifting if he doesn’t have an issue with it.
It’s apparent that some of these moms had awesome sleepers for babies. My kid didn’t, and still doesn’t qualify for that title lol. If he missed a nap, he would wake up every hour on the hour overnight. He genuinely needed his naps in order to sleep well at night.


You are the one who wants your toddler to stay home for nap so you should be the one to stay home with him if you really don’t want him missing his normal nap. That’s my opinion. Otherwise just let him skip or don’t go.


Id say you both stay, let the toddler take his nap and everyone go to the party a little late. Unless you really want to get out of the house alone or something like that. Then yeah he could bring your toddler later.

Definitely go after nap.
No one enjoys a cranky baby.
When mine small, our lives revolved around nap time :rofl:


I would let them nap in the car for the ride or nap at the party it is a family party you should all show up together the family should understand if tge little one needs a nap that is why play pens are mobile

You guys should go as a family


I mean kids can sleep in a stroller🤷‍♀️

This would be me, I’d stay home to nap and then go to the party. Does your husband want to nap too? Then it sounds great. Maybe just ask your own husband.


I usually let mine skip his nap time I try not to always because he gets fussy and I just leave early

If that’s the case why not all of you wait til after the nap to head over? That’s what we’d do, all go as a family


You need to get out too. :sparkling_heart: trust me I struggle with this type of stuff often as a special needs parent. I never regret going though when I see my kiddos happy.

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We skipped nap times and did early bed times if the event was important to attend.


Just all go to together after the nap!


I understand. When my son didn’t get naps it was not good. I would go after the nap for sure. Make it work for you.


Usually when we have big things or plans, we skip normal nap time or do an early nap time. :slight_smile:


If it’s important to YOU, YOU stay with him while he naps.


If it’s that important to you for kid to have a nap, I believe you should be the one to stay with child and give the option to your husband on whether he would like to wait for you guys and go after nap time, or go ahead without you. Js


Why don’t ALL of you arrive AFTER nap time?


I’m stayin outta this one

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You could all wait to go after the nap :woman_shrugging:

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I’m getting 1st time mom vibes…


My kids were hellions without their scheduled nap. We would be late to that one


Man y’all should be ashamed of yourselfs lol girl if it’s your family party then go and let him stay for nap and bring him when he wakes up go get you some quality family time y’all make it seem like men can’t and shouldn’t be responsible for their children!!!


Or YOU could stay home with your kid then go after the nap🤷‍♀️ I mean if you wouldn’t want to miss any of it then why is it okay for him to miss part of it??


Or…YOU stay home with them and all go after nap time as a…wait for it…FAMILY

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How about YOU stay home. That’s really self centered


Yes lol let them live and have fun

See if depending on age if they have a space ur children to nap it’s all trail and error

We would just put the toddler to nap at the house we were at especially at family’s.


You could flip a coin as to who stays home for nap time. Or you could all tell the host you have something else going on and expect to be there at such and such time and all go together.


Nope, not the a$$hole. Nap time are important and I didn’t joke about it when they were young. Up till 3, I tried everything to keep to it

Stay home n nap… tell dad go to the party​:grimacing::rofl:


Why aren’t you all just going late together then? I wouldn’t make my husband miss out while I had fun it’s OUR baby. Or just let baby nap in the car :woman_shrugging:


Not all kids are ok napping away from home, not all kids sleep in the car. And many kids can be grumpy without a nap. I totally understand. I think its not too bad of a suggestion… maybe cut his nap in half so you dont miss out? Is your partner not ok with your idea?


A helpful suggestion maybe? Get the child up earlier that day, do nap time earlier, and all go together?

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You could just wait until after your toddlers nap and then go :thinking:


We usually skip the nap, I used to get anxiety just the thought of My son skipping his nap when we have a family gathering but now I’ve learned that there’s nothing to worry about. His so busy playing that he manages really well.
If he gets too tired then I just put him to bed a little earlier. We actually had one yesterday usually my son has a 1.5 hour nap after lunch but he skipped it and I ended up putting him to bed half an hour early in the evening. He was as good as gold all day and had so much fun :slightly_smiling_face: x

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Why don’t you stay home with the napping toddler since it is your deal.


It’s just one nap , it’s not going to destroy his whole schedule

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I’m the odd ball… My schedule changes frequently with multiple children and running a business. My kids have to be flexible. I’m all for schedules, but there has to be the ability to change if something comes up. Nap time is one of them. I’ve never been able to be the person to say “sorry I can’t my child will be napping during that time” or “sorry I’ll be late bc I have to do nap time first”. My kids have adapted, your little one may be fine if they are kept occupied.


Nope. If my husbands family had a get together that started at or during nap time I would stay home with her and let her have her nap and then show up after she wakes up and my husband and our other children would go on without us. If my family had a get together with the same time issue I would get her to sleep and go on with our other children and have my husband bring her when she wakes up. There’s no way showing up to either location that my toddler would be okay with going into a room and getting a nap. It wouldn’t happen. And if she misses her nap then she doesn’t go to sleep at her regular time for bedtime because she ends up taking a “cat nap” in the car and then her schedule is off for days and I’m losing sleep as well. No get together is worth all of that chaos. :woman_shrugging:t3:


It depends on how your little behave without taking the nap , for some toddlers turn into monster if they skip their nap , and it’s not fair to ruin the party because of that .
I will stay home until my child wakes up and then go


Why not you stay home if you want your kid to have his nap that bad?

The mom shame is alive. Sad.


Why don’t you both stay home until the baby has napped and just let them know you guys will be arriving late due to nap time :exploding_head:

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Just say you’re trying to check out the other options at the party :partying_face:


I’d just bring him, and see if there’s somewhere there you can lay him down

Are you gonna avoid all outings till they turn 18 ? Give them an early nap , it won’t kill ‘em and go as a family. Do you stay home while you husband attends outings ??

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As a mother of several, it is EXTREMELY important to keep our kids on a schedule, especially our youngest kiddos. Their schedule gets messed up and they do NOT adjust well. Let the kiddos take their nap and show up later, if it’s a big deal, then don’t go at all. JMO on what I would do!!


Not at all. Toddler comes first. If they don’t like it you don’t have to go at all.


Why can’t you all leave together after nap time ?

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You should stay with your baby why can’t all of you stay and then go to the party together?

Also don’t expect your kid to nap at my house not my problem it’s a you problem

No way I’d want to take a fussy kid out just for a party. It’s miserable.

If you so worried about nap then be a mother and skip the party yourself because it is not fair to your husband either

I understand you wanting and needing time for fun, but in my opinion if its important to you for your toddler to have a regular nap but you husband thinks he should skip his nap, then you should be the one to stay. I mean wouldn’t you be mad if he wanted him to nap and you didn’t but wanted you to stay home with him? Honestly if its a party and there are a lot of people, he will probably be fine without a nap if you can’t get one in earlier in the day. Plus if he gets cranky you have plenty of help.

Omg. . so much I wanna say…but wont

Why dont you stay home ??

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The child could always nap at the party. Get them use to the noise.

Its a family party but you want to go without them!!! I personally would not go without ky family x changing routine for an event wont hurt the child

really smh its a nap its not written in stone if its a family function why would u have ur son at home so he can nap smh :person_facepalming: u gotta make it make sense in order for people to see ur point a nap is not a reason to miss a family party lol

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Who cares what anyone thinks, let the child nap and whatever parent wants to stay or go after nap time doesn’t need an explanation for why you do what works for your family. People need to just mind their own business.


No take baby or not go :person_shrugging:

Why doesn’t your husband go and you bring the child after the nap, since you are the one having the problem with him not getting his nap in!

Have your kid sleep earlier or skip it / find a quiet place at party . You sound like an out of control psycho

Why not let the little one go to the family party & have fun? Burn off that extra energy and sleep through the night🤷 something tells me there is more to this than you’re saying, you never mentioned anything about YOU going…only dad taking the toddler after the nap🤔

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Missing nap time won’t kill them, he can nap at your party…so what else is going on…this is one of the most ridiculous posts I’ve read on here.


:rofl::rofl: why don’t you stay back?

Why don’t you stay home and come with the baby after the nap? Skipping one nap time ain’t gonna kill the child

Stay off my post with stupid questions

Really? I’m not usually one speak on anyone’s parenting but ladiezzz… one day out of routine is NOT going to stuff up their routine. Stop wrapping your babies in cotton wool. Let them be kids. Why would you not just take hubby and baby and let baby nap at the function? Too pedantic some of you mums are. Gonna make your kids all pussies lol.

Its a good plan! Nothing wrong w letting dad be late, and there will be times you would be the one staying with the napping kiddo.

Both of you could stay home and go after his nap.

Take your kid to the family event. He will have fun and sleep even better afterwards! :blush:

Yes :raised_hands:t5: :100: no need to mess with nap time :slightly_smiling_face: unless you take him and he has a blast, then you leave early.

Who isn’t ‘happy’ about this?
Your family…or your husband?
If it’s your family this is simply a ‘get over it’ type of thing.
If it’s your husband…that deserves more consideration.
Did you talk to him about it first? Or tell him that’s how it was going to be?
Did you look at any other options or jump straight to this as the only solution?

When you’re coming up with a plan that involves someone else -even if that someone is your husband- it’s common courtesy to talk to them about what you’d like to do and really listen to their feelings about it.

If you want to make naptime at the same time as normal the priority that’s fine but you need to be open on ways to make that happen not just double down on the plan you came up with on your own


Get up earlier that day so he can nap earlier.


Let him go! He can nap after the party!

Couldn’t you bring a stroller and pack n play? Just bring the toddler and if toddler gets tired they can be in stroller walked around or put to sleep in the pack n play. Why plan around the child? The child needs to get used to different routines.

I would just go as a family later after the nap.

I missed out on a lot of things by choice the first year or two because I was OBSESSED with a sleeping schedule. though having a schedule is important, you may regret missing out on special events.


We stay home for nap time of us goes earlier and the other comes with the baby after nap time

You should be the one to stay with your kid if the kid needs a nap. Or show up late and explain your baby was napping most ppl understand when you have kids

I always stick with the schedule. My husband is completely understanding and we wait until our children are ready. We just went on a trip to our home state, and we went back to the hotel for our toddlers nap and then went back to the family reunion. There was a couple other toddlers who stayed and didn’t nap and they were soooo tired and it showed. My toddler has to have a nap, some toddlers can skip it. Every child is different, go with what you want mama!

Seriously, the world won’t end if your child misses or has to delay a nap. Let the kid participate. These stringent schedules are keeping families from gatherings.

Family is more important to me then nap time. Maybe you could stay home. Naps can be altered…family time not necessarily. I’ve lost to many family recently, I’d rather see each other over a nap

I couldn’t imagine telling my man he can’t go somewhere because the kid needs to nap. Either she doesn’t nap or I stay with her until she wakes up. However, I also don’t let my child’s nap schedule control my life. Especially if it’s not a very often thing. If we go to a water park, there won’t be a nap. I’m not going to not go do fun things just bc of a nap. Is she a brat without a nap? Sometimes. But she also goes to bed earlier bc she’s tired :joy:

Why is it right for him and not u?? U have the problem with it and no you’re not right … take the toddler to the event and let him have fun I’m sure he will sleep even better!


You can all go after nap time you Are a family.