Is it wrong that I am sometimes naked around my teen sons?

Not appropriate, as a child I remember it being traumatizing


She said she had a towel on, meaning everything was covered and besides the point I doubt her children are thinking of her in a sexual manner nor is she trying to be sexual in any way. If that is the norm in their household it wouldn’t be considered weird. People take something innocent and immediately make it into something dirty or inappropriate while accepting the garbage kids learn in school and watch on tv


If you have a towel on, you’re fine. If they tell you they are uncomfortable, listen. But we do that around here :woman_shrugging:t3:


Only you as the parent can make that decision. It’s your house, your rules and your kids.

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In a towel, what’s the problem? Naked, that’s a problem.


They may be ok with it until they hit a certain age. Once they start being uncomfortable with it then I say be respectful and cover yourself up. Your post is very confusing, first you say "Is it wrong that I am sometimes naked around my teen sons? Then you say you have a towel around you. Big difference.


Towel=fine. Naked=depends on family, but iffy.

No naked in my house unless you are in shower or with your partner or husband.

U asked if it’s ok that your naked around your teen sons then at the end said it’s not like I’m naked :flushed:

Nothing wrong with it. They don’t even see you.naked and that will teach respect women. Also they see nudity as normal.


Mine all still walk into the bathroom while im trying to shower :rofl: they let you know what they’re not comfortable with :blush:


I think the Admin needs to reword their description Of this question.

Your not naked, your in a towel, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with walking around in a towel. We don’t have to sexualize everything.


Ffs. It’s a body in a towel after a shower. People need to get a grip.


You make think they are fine with it I had a boyfriend that used to say his mother was disgusting and didn’t care about nudity they may prefer your clothes on mama

Sounds like your home is a safe and open place if everyone is that comfortable!


Having a towel wrapped around you is not the same as walking around naked.


That’s not right, not judging, but it’s not right.

Completely inappropriate!!! Have you no dignity!?! :rage:


If one person is uncomfortable then it’s not ok, that can go for any situation, co sleeping, bathing, changing

You fkd up and that’s fkd up


Wrapped in a towel you are showing no more skin than if you were wearing a bikini :person_shrugging: actually would be showing less lol


Inderdaad wat is het probleem dat je met een handoek rondloopt

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Do you As long as it doesn’t make the boys uncomfortable ask them how they feel not Facebook your business


Maybe you should not put the fact that you are naked around your teenage son’s as the first thing in your statement considering you’re indeed not naked you are covered up with the towel or a robe of some form. Starting your message bye does anyone have a problem with the fact that I’m naked around my teenage son’s people are going to comment in a negative way. It’s a little misleading personally in my opinion I have a 14-year-old son he’s never seen me in a robe or towel he’s always seen me with clothes. Then again I’m lucky enough to have a master bathroom in my master bedroom so I’m not actually changing rooms after my shower and my children know better than to ever come into my room without my permission I don’t even think my kids knock on it they wait for me to come out


It’s only weird if it’s made weird!! I have a 12.5yo and 5yo and they are Nudists themselves and they see me naked NO towel oh well if they dont like it they shouldn’t bust into the bathroom or my room!! Bahaha


It is not appropriate get dressed


If you really listen to yourself do you think it’s right?

They’re not young anymore. Put on a robe at least.

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I aren’t no mama but it is wrong

In a towel no big deal. I have noticed my son looks uncomfortable like me peeing with the door open so i don’t do that anymore


Ur in ur room. It ain’t like ur sprawled out on the couch


“They are 17 and 18 now. They have always seen me naked. Like when I get out of the shower, I wrap in my towel and go sit on my bed and get ready for work.” so are you pretty well covered up-not showing your boobs or your vajay area or are these areas covered up? Because your post is very misleading by your wording. No kid-especially a teenage boy ever wants to see his mother naked unless there is something weird going on.

If you were naked in front of them, YES inappropriate!! Wrapped in a towel is completely different…


It’s not like you were naked you were wrapped in a towel


The towel is acceptable. Fully naked not so much. We have a small house and only one bathroom. There is no exhaust fan and I can’t stand to get dressed in there after a shower, the humidity is killer. So I wrap a towel and head for my room. If I know my teenage kiddos are in the house our key words are 'Censor yourself ', meaning look away or close your eyes. Lol. Now the five year old has no idea of personal space and barges in the bathroom or bedroom all. The. Time. He is still in the oblivious age.


You’re asking for a reason…Put some damn clothes on woman. You’re just wanting likes and attention is all.

So are you naked naked sometimes or wrapped in a towel every time? Im confused…
My kids have seen me in a towel a few times but not for long periods. They have definitely never seen me naked because I have modesty and think it’s not appropriate for children to see others naked.


It’s fine, unless your boys ask you to stop, I see no problems. :woman_shrugging:t4: I’m not sure why it’s even an issue??? Why are people always trying to sexualize things? It’s one thing if you’re streaking through the house screaming “look at me…look at me” but if everyone is minding their business and you and your boys are fine with it…who cares???


Not judging one way or the other, but if it was your husband, boyfriend around teenage daughters, would you still be comfortable with it?


What’s wrong with you lady? It’s never appropriate to run


around naked with all of and a

Very inappropriate of fully naked, I have daughters and will not do this when they are that age either

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It’s your own kids… unless THEY tell you they are uncomfortable, then what do you care what others think!?

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I think should not be embarrassed of the human body but teenagers would be .
Do what you want in own home , if all comfortable.


You had a towel on and in your bedroom…no big deal…im sure you have seen your boys do the same…


I don’t walk around naked in front of my kids, 7 being the oldest. I wear a robe to my room after I shower. They have seen me breast feed their little brother and have barged in on me while I’m in the bathroom but I don’t know any small kids that haven’t done that lol! I think you should flip it around and ask yourself if it was your husband naked in front of your teenage daughters would that be ok? Or inappropriate?


Your still cover up so no it’s not big deal I see it as but if you but naked and then yes


I don’t see a problem with nudity it’s only a problem when you sexualize it if more people would see what it real human body looks like they wouldn’t expect us all to be Barbie dolls I don’t mean run around naked daily but there’s no shame if your kids catch a glimps of you nude

If you’re wrapped in a towel covering yourself that is fine . I don’t see it being appreciate if you drop your towel in front of them at that age and get dressed .

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No, long as they don’t feel uncomfortable then theirs no problem.

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Naked, or half dressed, either way, you’re gonna help create some perverts!


If they see you naked That’s totally and massively inappropriate. Especially with teenage boys and their raging hormones.


I dont see a problem. My mom did the same. I NEVER thought anything of it until I had kids of my own and my husband questioned me.

P.s. I have a brother who is grown, married and has a very healthy relationship.

Ppl just like to judge


My son is 4 and I would never do that…


Whatever is normal for your family is normal for your family. If it doesn’t bother you out then and they’re used to it, who cares what other people think?


Why would you care what a bunch of total strangers think about how you are dressed in front of “YOUR” children in “ YOUR” home?


I mean, if you’re still in a towel, you’re not naked. I think this post and what exactly you are trying to say aren’t quite matching up.
If you were to be naked, as in not covered up at all, then yes. That would be inappropriate. There needs to be privacy between you and your children as they get older, regardless of the fact that you carried them and birthed them.


There is a difference between walking around your house completely naked in front of your teen sons and walking around in a towel and being in a towel and/or dressing in your room and they get a glimpse of you.
Things happen like this. I try to keep my door closed when changing but the dogs come in opening the door, boys walk by or come in to ask a question…whose at fault. I mean things happen.

I’d rather my children be comfortable enough to speak to me than be scared to speak to me by making everything an issue in life.


Not weird I do it too but always a towel raped around me and only from the bathroom to my bedroom

The single most insanely talented artist I know grew up seeing her parents naked as they are an extremely free spirit family. She now gets people actually begging her to do nude illustrations for them as gifts to their significant other. It was weird to me at first,but now I see the beauty in how comfortable they are with each other.
Personally. I try to cover up when my son is present, but for others? To each their own. I know my girl has a total appreciation of the human body and how to paint it in to a forever moment partially because of how she was raised and I think I it is beautiful.
Your boys are old enough to tell you if they are uncomfortable.
Hard as it may be, never let another parent make you question what you have been doing for 18 years. Who knows? That behavior may just show them to have a higher appreciation for a womans body instead of thirsting over it. You are raising them to be men so the bottom line is…
Are you proud of your boys?
Others input need not apply :heart:

It’s no big deal if your boys are good with it you’re comfortable with it you’re not completely naked you’re covered so who cares


It’s a big NO from me!! :roll_eyes:

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Umm at their age that is inappropriate

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NO!! they should not learn about a woman’s body from.seeing their Moms… to me it will take away from their natural curosity.,a part of them maturing.


If you are wrapped in a towel you are covered up, so you are not really naked… if you are not wrapped in the towel, I would see it as inappropriate


As long as you’re in a towel that’s fine, but up walking around butt naked in front of 2 kids, especially kids that old is definitely not okay, it’s inappropriate and weird. My 2 boys that I carried inside me for 9 long months don’t even see me in a bra and panties, I’m sure as hell not gonna let them see me naked, and they are 9 & 10.

That is disgusting I would never be naked around my boys I have five boys never seen me naked


I wouldn’t do that. No way.

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Its all good if yah all comftable wgaf

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I can’t but wonder who talked. How did people find out in the first place? I think if I wanted your opinion I would ask for it and I didn’t so why give it is exactly the way to handle it.

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You need help lady. Fuck.

Really??? For Gods sake…have some dignity!

My rule was as soon as they were old enough to notice a difference it is inappropriate.


My kids are grown up now & my youngest 18 yr old son has just moved out & there’s no way I’d ever walk around in a towel infront of my kids. I’d either put a gown on when i got out the shower or I’d get dressed in the bathroom. They’re almost adults so show abit of dignity!

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I walk around in a towel or a tshirt and panties around my boys. The towel covers me completely and the tshirt and panties or a bra and panties are no different than if I had a two piece on….no it’s not inappropriate as long as you’re not walking around completely uncovered.


Would you like it if u had a daughter and her dad walked about naked around her ? I think not.

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So weird! Close your bedroom door

Wrapped in a towel? Not exactly naked, i dont see a problem


Defo not for me my youngest son still lives st home he is 27yr old i wouldnt dream of it x

No I don’t think it’s appropriate when they are that older. Norman bates and his mum comes to mind lol

Well… In Germany they all go bathing naked as a family so…???

I’m confused. Are you saying naked or in a towel? Or both? Naked absolutely not ok. If you’re walking from your bathroom to your bedroom in a towel after a shower and people complain about that then that sounds like a them problem :woman_shrugging: what do people expect, your sons to clear the house entirely for 5 seconds of you walking from one room to another?

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Some people just need to judge​:roll_eyes:. If anyone is considering this in a sexual way well the problem is with them in my opinion.The way you explain it sounds perfectly normal to me. Im a 47 year old mum of two men 17 and 25 can you imagine we even holiday and sunbath semi naked together :bikini::exploding_head:. People are just being ridiculous youve raised them this far do what you do and forget silly judgemental people :blush:

Its just a body, we all have them. Nudity does not have to be associated with sexuality and people in this society just cant separate that.


Well we know which parents in this group sexualize the human body and which dont. Lol I’m sorry a person naked is a person naked. If you’re children at that age dont know what the female body looks like then there is a bigger issue then you walking around in a freaking towel. Seriously though females go to the public swimming areas wearing things that cover less then a towel… yall going to forbid you’re kids from public spaces because “it’s not appropriate?” Or you going to teach them the human body isnt an object to objectify.? Like seriously.


a body is a body in my opinion if it’s been like that since they were young I understand why it isnt odd they dont see it as anything other than that’s my mother

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The mentality that it’s teaching your kids body positivity is so comical. You can love your body without showing it off. Unfortunately in today’s society people think being confident and half naked go hand and hand.

For me it’s a no. My teenage children are accustomed to me walking around in underwear but not naked. We give each other their privacy comes to the bathroom and getting dressed.
But to each it own. Every home is different.

A towel around your body covering the iffy bits is not naked. The boys are fine. They don’t dictate what you do in your home so long as it’s not illegal.

I do that but my oldest is now 12 so I make sure he is in his room when I’m in a towel walking to my room now. I believe at a certain age it does become inappropriate. Just because you are not looking at them in that way doesn’t mean that their pubescent brains aren’t. So at 17 and 18 I’d definitely say being naked around them is very inappropriate.

My son 34 years old hasn’t seen me naked in years. My daughter on the other hand invades my space. She’s 26. Lol best to talk to me I am on the toilet. Go figure. I say it’s only weird when people make it weird.

Hell I wander around naked sometimes and my kids don’t give one shit or pay me any mind. It’s normal to them. But I also teach them bad touch from good touch so :woman_shrugging: I don’t see anything wrong with it as neither do the kids. If the kids expressed negative towards it, I’d change or do something different. If not, then fuck the people have to say. My kids are happy and hats the most important

It’s so fucked up to put teenage boys with raging hormones in such an awkward position. The “it’s only weird if you make it weird” bs doesn’t apply when boys are full of sex hormones and everything is turned sexual in their minds. And later when they realize you should’ve known better than to put them in that position they will resent you. Also there is a difference if you are so sick you can’t get dressed after a shower and you’re hurt and them to bring you something but even then you should cover yourself with your hands. What is wrong with women.
briefly with a towel on is whatever

It’s only inappropriate if u make it inappropriate. Alot of arguing points in the whole feminism movement is sexualising and objectifying the female body. We don’t walk around fully naked the whole time but we are a very open household

As long as you and your children are comfortable, it’s not strange at all. If someone involved (not someone outside of the equation who’s opinion doesn’t matter) isn’t comfortable though, adjustments should be made.

Your house u do whatever u like, I walk around so often naked , i have a 3yr old and a 7month old and they will be taught that its totally normal

This is a stupid fucking question Altogether. So you’re in a towel? Go get fucking dressed for fucks sake. We’ve all been there. If you want attention just say that then! Completely naked? Uh. Fucking NEEEEEXT!!!

Something’s wrong with a mother walking around her adult sons naked!!

I have always said and believe to this day that my kids seeing me naked taught them that there is no reason to be ashamed of our body. They see I’m a real person with flaws, rolls , scars and more. I don’t flaunt my body in front of them but if they come in while I’m changing or bathing I don’t shriek either. I have always wanted them to be comfortable in their own skin even if I wasn’t in mine.

Man… I haven’t showered or pissed with the door closed in 20 years :woozy_face:

If you’re in a towel you’re not completely naked….I have three sons 14,12 and 6! Personally I would never let them seen me full on naked🤷🏼‍♀️