Is it wrong that I am sometimes naked around my teen sons?

I put my towel on to run upstairs but I’ve got 2 girls. When step son is here I have my clothes ready after my shower but its happened before I use a towel on my head and towel around my body. Idk… older boys, did you ask them if there’s a problem… I’m sure they’d just say ugh gross mom and run no? Lol like it’s a towel…

I wear a towel in front of my teens in my room. If they don’t like it…they know how to leave my damn room.

I have fours kids, I do the same thing… if you don’t want people to judge you don’t tell them your business.


Yes it is i have one son & hes never seen me naked & i haven seen since he was six years old he was always like that & respected him the same he did me his daddy took care of him & boy things.

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Who cares, I like to be naked and so did my mom. I have a 2 year old daughter and I’m naked a lot, not sure if that would change if I had a boy, as I never had any brothers either.

At first I was like :flushed:. But reading your post I’d say no. You are in your room getting ready for work and covered up with a towel. Walking around the house in a towel is not wrong. Being in your bedroom naked is not wrong. Fully walking around the house naked still isn’t necessarily wrong even, a bit cringy definitely. You do you!


Yes I think it’s wrong because they’re older already and boys

My grandmother used to get ready in the bathroom naked my mom does the same thing. I, however, don’t but she still does till this day and my children and grandchildren are around that. My daughter is 23 and also does the same thing. She has a son and I have a brother and they have been around it. We’re all pretty normal LOL. It’s all how you view being naked. It’s not a sexual thing just like breast-feeding isn’t.


When the oldest hit 2 years old. This Mom and Dad covered up as they got older Dad at least wore boxer shorts and I would be fully clothed. They are our children, not roomies not buddies. There are kids that actually appreciate that coverage on parents. :joy:

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It’s weird. I won’t even go in front of my 13 yr old or my brother like that. I mean I guess I would if I absolutely had to run across the house because I forgot my clothing and my only option is to run to my bedroom in a towel, but id never just be in the towel comfortably in front of them.

You have a toerl around you. No big deal!


Teen years get alittle rough if the kids are comfortable walking around in boxers. They are not cute little kids they are young adults now comfy with their bodies. GREAT! Except when Mom is sitting at table with 2 friends and teen comes walking through in boxers to get cereal. :open_mouth:

In a towel? You’re covered, sometimes more than in a swimming suit…. I don’t get the outrage.


You’re naked under your clothes around them. Not much different than naked under a towel haha it’s just a body. As long as you’re not uncomfortable and they’re not uncomfortable, who cares what anyone else thinks?


It’s each ti their own… if you’re comfortable walking round naked in your home what business is it of anyone else??? I’m sure if your sons had an issue or felt uncomfortable they’d say something!! My daughters 10 and I walk round naked in front of her and she takes her clothes off with the first chance she gets at home!! I was raised being very open and my parents were often seen naked by myself and my sister and quite occasionally we would all be in the bathroom at the same time!! It’s not done us any harm and to us is “normal” but each to their own… you do you and be happy about it :woman_shrugging:t3:


Wrapped in a towel and naked are 2 different things.


My question is if your naked out of the shower on your bed why is your teen sons in the same room with you? Is there no door available?


Ya’ll know that humans are animals right? Born… naked? Clothing is an invention- created to protect our body from the elelments… not shield the world from our skin :rofl::rofl:


I find it weird that people are sexualizing a mother and her sons :upside_down_face::woozy_face: super cringy. Nudity is not inherently sexual. Also it doesn’t sound like you’re walking around your house bare so it’s really nobodies business


My kids are 19, 16, 14, 4 & 2 and i get dressed in my room the little ones seem to always be around me even come in the bathroom when im showering and sit and talk i wrap my towel around my head and body to dry off while doing so i may go start a load of laundry, or put dishes away etc. Im completely covered so a towel is no big deal to me i would obviously not walk around no towel and air dry in front of the kids but all my kids seem me in a towel . all of my kids do it as well they get out and they will sit and talk for a minute while drying off or sometimes they just go upstairs they dont bring their clothes in their bathroom they all wrap towels around them so i dont see what the big deal is personally


Idk my family always was naked and now so am I so I think anyone who’s sexualizing it needs to go on somewhere and get some help


She could just turn the question around and use the answer, Would it be appropriate if she had three teenage daughters, and their Father went naked?


You are wrong .sorry that’s not right .you are their mom how could you do this


You were wrapped in a towel, no issue. Walking around naked? Inapproprite IMO but you are in charge of you. You asked. :blush:

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My son would absolutely die !!!
He doesn’t even like when I’m in a sports bra around him. I think it’s what ever makes them the most comfortable.

It’s called boundaries. In some countries it’s totally normal. If you’re American, you’ve fucked your boys up for life. Start therapy now

Kind of weird being as they’re boys and that old honestly. I don’t know at the same time because my mom did the same thing lol. Except my sister and I were girls

As long as you are not butt ass naked around them so they are seeing your naked body then I don’t see that being wrong. As long as you are covered up, but if you are completely naked infront of them then yea that is inappropriate.

My boys 15 and 15 do NOT want to see me naked, but I absolutely 100% am comfortable with it, and I never wear a bra in my house, and just like anywhere in the world, they do not expect women to cover up for them.

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This is a fake post right? Pls tell me that this is a joke.


A towel covers more than most bathing suits


Uhmmm no. Not normal.


I see nothing wrong with that.

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A bathing suit shows more than a towel PS. JS


Nope I see nothing wrong with it. If you were nude then maybe that would be weird but a towel covers what needs to be covered.

I think it just becomes another thing that we get used to doing…one day they are little and bust in on you every time you’re in the bathroom and then one day they’re like ughh mom no and they don’t want anything to do with you but we still just do our normal thing lol I don’t want them to see me naked but if they bust in on me thats their problem lol


A towel I think is fine but naked, no.


If youre in a towel that covers everything, hows that any different than a swim suit that covers less? Now, walking around naked without a towel would be uncomfortable for them Im sure. A towel though? I dont see what the issue would be?


My son is 30 and I always sleep and run around in the house with a t-shirt and panties. He doesn’t think anything about it. I would never go nude but a towel is fine.

You were in a towel. It’s not inappropriate. Bathing suits show less than a towel. Also, our bodies shouldn’t be shamed. There are entire families of nudists in the world. Their kids are completely normal and have a knowledge of the human body from birth. This takes out any experimental curiosities. Won’t be tempted to peep on someone because they know what human anatomy is.


A towel no problem naked there is a problem go and tell cyst you do this and see what happen this is disgussting

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Are you naked or in a towel not showing anything? Two different things.
They are technically men and I wouldn’t do that personally,the naked part. I either get dressed in the bathroom or I run to my room and get dressed without anyone seeing me. They aren’t babies anymore who don’t know anything about bodies yet.
If it’s in a towel, I don’t see too huge of a deal sometimes. They see people at the beach in towels and baccinis.

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Towel no big deal. If u are walking around butt ass naked I do think that’s weird

I think the question needs to be reworded. If you are in a towel I see no problem with it. If you are full blown naked walking around I assume that would make any child embarrassed.


I have 3 sons and would not walk around naked in front of them.

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It’s inappropriate and gross that you see nothing wrong with being naked around your grown children


No you shouldn’t walk around naked in front of your adult sons.

You are doing nothing wrong. You’re covered better than a towel then you are a bikini and also this is respect for both Don’t worry about it

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I see my mom in her towel all the time. I don’t care, I don’t even look🤷🏼‍♀️

A mother in a towel is the most common act. Whomever has an issue shas some really deeper issues with themselves…


I couldn’t imagine my father doing that when I was 17. I think it shows no boundaries on your part. You are the parent ! You are teaching them to do the same behavior you do to their children .

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Nude is fine, no hang ups

My boys havent seen me naked since they were about 3 yrs old and started asking questions. They definitely shouldn’t be seeing you naked as young men!


It’s fine if your boys’ names are Norman Bates and Christian Grey


Are you naked or in a towel? You said you’re naked and then it’s not like you’re walking around nude. There’s a HUGE difference in being in a towel while you’re getting ready for work and being naked in front of your grown ass children.

There isn’t anything wrong with natural body and it is not sexual unless one makes it so. If all parties involved are comfortable there is nothing wrong with nudity.


I have 4 sons (18, 16, 11, 4) and I run around in my bra and panties all the time.


I say get dressed in the bathroom!!!

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I have a ten yr old and no way would I allow him to see me naked

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Why…are these questions lately getting more ridiculous?? Or is it just me…

Lady ur wrong u shouldnt be naked around any teen boy :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: if your in a towel and they leave the room is one thing…my god


Yes. You’re weird!
Put some clothes on!!


I wouldn’t consider in a towel to be naked. I run around my house at times in towel infront of my 18 and 14 year old. If people think it is wrong maybe they are perverted.


Hell yes it is wrong

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there really no shame with the human body but in todays view this as wrong , but depends on were you live in the us there view is very conservative , in the uk and other countries they have nude beaches and have different views and its not viewed as sexual but saying that most people can not view the naked body with out thinking it as sexual

You have a towel round you so what’s the problem

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If your towel is around you and your not actually nude than there isn’t anything wrong. But if your full blown nude in front of them than there’s a issue.

Which one is it? In the beginning you stated you are naked around them and at the end you state you aren’t walking around naked. A towel is one thing, but at that age it’s inappropriate for you to be naked around them. Period.


My mom was always naked around my sister brother and I it wasn’t even a wired thought or anything that was our mom and that’s what we grew up knowing it wasn’t ever weird


You have a towel covers more then if you had a bathing suit on in front of them :rofl: as long as your not walking around In Your birthday suit your fine​:person_shrugging:


If you’re in a towel then no, nothing is wrong. Now if you were literally naked with all your bits showing then it might be an issue. They see more skin at the beach than you wrapped in a towel. I have two boys and they see me in a towel…who cares!


Being in a towel is different then being naked. My 4 boys sees me in my towel or gown All the time. But not naked just because they came from my body dont mean the need to see it.


Being wrapped up in a towel and transitioning to your room to get dressed is not wrong, but being completely naked in front of your children is inappropriate.


Wearing a towel is fine. That isn’t naked. If you’re actually naked and uncovered in front of them, without even a towel, that’s not ok.


I personally don’t see anything wrong with it oh, it’s a body. Everybody has one.

O.K. I definitely have a firm opinion on this. I had two female friends and both had 2 boys. One lady NEVER let her kids see her without being fully clothed. The Other was less worried about it. We were there one day and a P.G. movie was playing (all the boys were between the ages of 4 and 8. ) A very brief nude scene came on the movie and the two boys who had NEVER seem mama without clothes pointed and snickered, said disgusting things and acted like it was something taboo. The other two boys didn’t even bother to look up …after all it wasn’t something they hadn’t seen before. I decided right then and there allowing your child to see brief nudity was much better than keeping it as something Secret and naughty. If it’s treated as something completely normal then the children will act as though it is no big deal.

It’s only wrong if you are thinking sexually about it smh . I’m sure your sons don’t look at you sexually and I’m sure you aren’t sexualizing the ordeal smh . Get a grip people .


If you have a towel around you, you’re not naked. But even then unless your sons expressed that they didn’t feel comfortable with you doing that, I don’t see why people stick their noses in other people’s business.

You have a towel on so no id say not wrong if you just walking tits out then id say thats wrong and weird to do in front of anyone who’s not your SO

You know it’s inappropriate or you wouldn’t be asking…bam!


Being in a towel isn’t naked first off. Second if you are walking around completely nude, then imo it is weird and I guarantee teenage boys would still be embarrassed

Naked is way out of line. Towel on fine. Everybody does that but young men don’t need to see their mother naked. Now if they were two yrs old fine


Naked is one thing, wrapped in a towel is another. My eldest is 16, youngest is almost 7, 4 sons and they never see me naked. I do find it inappropriate even though you did carry them in your body, we all did this too.

It Is Not a BIG DEAL! Perverts make it a Big Deal!!! Tell them to piss ups stump! Dumb Wipes Anyway!

You do what you and you’re kids feel comfortable with. My kids used to sit on the toilet when I was taking a bath. Had some of our best conversations there…I would ask them if it bothers them… it’s your business.


I have two sons and I would not walk around naked.

Show us what you’re talking about lol

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Naked, yes. In a towel with the goods covered up, no

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You said “they have always seen me naked”. You have no clue how young teenage and older teenage boys think. Cover up Mom, you are influencing their tender mental ideas which could affect them later on.


Nothing wrong with it.

And grandchildren or whoever it mày be

I guess I have a different opinion than other people. I normalize human bodies with my child.


I don’t think a mommy or a mammaw should be doing that in from their children or grandchildren your children and grandchildren learn stuff quick enough without doing stuff like that your children may not pay you no mind but do you ever stop to think what they are wondering when they are away from you ? They may be saying what kind of a mother do I have Also they may even say if she can do this I can to I think you should have respect for yourself and your children

Front of children or grandchildren is what I meant

You do you! It’s just anatomy, stop sexualizing everything! Jeez my mother walked around naked, its apart of life, never grew up with any issues


I don’t even like seeing it in picture let on real life

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I would not want either one my children or grand children to see me wrapped in a towel to me naked is naked whether you in towel or not but your choice your body


What’s inappropriate is how you asked the question. Naked is not same as wearing a towel.


WRONG! My parents taught me modesty!

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It’s your kids your life who cares what people think


In other countries this is completely normal and nudity is not correlated with sex.