Is it right for a mother to be forced to go through the father’s wife in regards to the child? I have an ex-husband who has never been in our son’s life on the regular… instead, it was an on again off again type scene. Well, I’d cut him off for months, even years, every time he’d become the no reliable person he always proves himself to be. This time my son. Asked if he could see his dad, well I made contact, and he started seeing him… my problem is tonight I demanded/ really just asked for direct contact info for his father bc I don’t believe it’s right to have to go through dads wife in regards to my son. His dad’s wife stated, "she is part of the situation, so she has just as much right about mine and his son as his father does! That is the response I got when I told her I’d no longer go through her for my kid and that I would only do direct contact with his dad. She got mad and blocked me… Mind you, I do not have any phone numbers for any of them. This was all going through Facebook messenger. I do, however, have my son’s dad’s mom’s number but don’t feel I should have to go through her either. I had only gone through the new wife to be nice, but now that I’m taking a stand bc she is not my son’s mother nor has any rights to my son, I get told she has rights bc she is married to my ex/sons father… then blocked. Advice, please, am I in the wrong? Should dad be the one responsible for doing direct contact, or am I just blowing this out of proportion? What would your moms do in this situation? And how do I deal with an obviously immature mom? Should I do this to see if this child is my fiances? If he isn’t, we would have one more. Please know this isn’t to get rid of my stepson. We love him so much, but things just do not line up. I want to know, my man wants to know, but he doesn’t want to feel like the biggest idiot in the world for the past 13 years almost.