Is it wrong that my daughter sleeps in the same bed as her father?

My daughter sleeps in bed with her dad til I go to bed then I move her to her bed or scoot in. She is 6 . I still have my twins who are 10 sometimes sleep in my room when hubs is at work. Hell I’ll have all five of my kids and my oldest is 17 . There is JUST not always BAD IN EVERYTHING SOMEONE DOES BC ITS DIFFERENT THAN WHAT U ARE USED TO. people need to stop shaming mom’s and dads or trying to turn everything ugly. Then when the parents don’t have any relationship or bond that’s weird too. It’s just a bunch of rifraf


It’s ok for now. She’s going to need her own bed at his place. I wouldn’t want her doing that past 10 yrs old.

That’s the dumbest thing i’ve read today!! He’s her dad !!! You trusted him enough to have sex with him in the first place and you chose to have a kid with him…


Is the house she lives in with you the one she was in before the divorce? It sounds to me like she is comfortable where she is at with you but maybe a bit scared or unsure at her dads. Is she the one asking to sleep with him? We are a co sleeping household so it doesn’t alarm me to read this. Try having a conversation with the three of you and see if you can figure out what’s going on and come to a solution that works for all of you.

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Jesus mother of god. You sound bitter as hell. Its okay that she sleeps with you sometimes but not her dad??? I slept next to my father sooo much even into adulthood. I want off this planet.

I slept with my father until i was probably about 12 years old. Then hes the one who kicked me out! LOL :laughing: There is nothing wrong with that. Its where she feels safe. The only thing wrong is thinking that there is something wrong with your daughter sleeping with her father.

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Over reacting! Maybe it’s a bonding thing for her. Maybe she misses her dad. It’s only weird if you make it weird. Unless she tells you she feels uncomfortable leave it be. My brother and his child’s mother have a 1 week on and 1 week off schedule. Their daughter is 11. And we made a beautiful comfy room for her at her dads (my brothers) and she refuses to sleep in her room and throws a fit at night because she wants to sleep with her dad. He’s tried everything to get her out of his bed. He is 6’6” and she’s 11 but she is 5’6” so even though it’s a California King they are tall people. But she cry’s every night she is with him if she can’t sleep with him. It’s something she misses I am sure. It’s her dad. It wouldn’t be odd if your 7 year old son slept with you. Don’t make it weird if she is Comfy sleeping with her dad.

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What’s the difference if y’all were married and she slept with y’all? If she’s comfortable with that you should be too

not concerning its her dad unless u are concerned about something

For everyone who doesn’t think there is any issue with her sleeping next to him all night take a read. Medical facts. Men get erections while sleeping regardless of who they are next to. Not to mention it can create a dependency or co dependency that isn’t healthy. It would be one thing to cuddle and fall asleep next her dad but she shouldn’t be in the bed with him all night. Whether he makes it sexual or not.